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Table of contents

Particulars Page
Chapter # 1 : Introduction
1.1: Abstract 1
1.2: Origin Of The Report
1.3: Scope Of The Study
1.4: Objective Of The Study
1.5: Methodology Of The Study
1.6: Area Of Study
1.7: Limitations Of The Study
1.8: Report Preview
Chapter # 2 : Profile Of SIBL
2.1: Introduction
2.2: Historical Background Of SIBL
2.3: Formation Of Social Islami Bank
2.3.1: Formation
2.3.2: Network Of The Branches
2.3.3: Capital Structure
2.4: Vision Of SIBL
2.5: Mission Of SIBL
2.6: Strategic Objectives
2.7: Operational Goals
2.8: Commitments
2.9: SIBL Brand Values
2.10: Functions Of SIBL
2.10.1: Management Hierarchy
2.10.2: The Ownership Pattern
2.10.3: Human Resource Development
2.10.4: Foreign Correspondents Of Sibl
2.10.5: Formal Sector Banking Program
2.10.6: Voluntary Sector Banking Program
2.10.7: Non-Formal Sector Banking Program
2.10.8: Corporate Social Responsibility Of The Bank
2.10.9: Division Of SIBL
2.10.10: Product And Service Of SIBL
2.10.11: Rural Credit Program
2.11: Operating Performance
Chapter # 3: Bank Operation
A. Formal Sector
3.1: General Banking Area
3.1.1: Account Opening Section Deposits Accepted By SIBL Profit Paid To Depositors
3.1.2: Bills And Clearing Section

3.1.3: Remittance Of Funds
3.1.4: Cash Section
3.1.5: Locker Service
3.1.6: Closing Of An Account
3.2: Foreign Exchange Banking Area
3.2.1: Foreign Exchange Import Export
3.2.2: Documents Used In Foreign Trade Relating To Bills
3.2.3: Financial Assistance Provided By The Banks
3.2.4: Foreign Remittance
3.3: Investment Banking Area
3.3.1: Product Of Investment
3.3.2: Classification Of Investment
B. Non-Formal Sector
C. Voluntary Sector
Chapter# 4: Financial Performance & SWOT Analysis of SIBL
4.1: Capital
4.2: Liquidity
4.3: Deposits
4.4: Investment
4.5: Investment Income
4.6: Foreign Exchange Business
4.7: Growth In Net Profit
4.8: SWOT Analysis Of SIBL
Chapter # 5: Findings & Recommendation
5.1: Findings
5.2: Recommendations
5.3: Conclusion
5.4: Bibliography

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