Worldwide Company Gets IT Upgrade From TeamLogic IT

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Case Study: Manufacturing Company

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0ne of oui clients is a 7S-yeai olu woiluwiue manufactuiing company with almost 1uu
employees many of whom woik fiom theii homes. The company hau a small inteinal IT
staff managing a self-uevelopeu computei infiastiuctuie that hau been in place foi a long
time, but was baseu on olu Niciosoft technology. They knew they neeueu to migiate theii
systems to cuiient opeiating enviionments anu new haiuwaie to ieliably suppoit theii
global opeiations anu sales effoits. Initially, they weie looking at an ERP system but knew
it woulu take a whole IT uepaitment to manage it successfully anu cost was a huge concein.

When TeamLogic IT was calleu in to help, oui team quickly iealizeu the company's olu
computeis anu seiveis weie capable of ciitical haiuwaie anu softwaie failuies that coulu
have been catastiophic foi the company. We helpeu them uesign anu implement an
upuateu system, staiting with just one 0.S. office location. 0nce final implementation anu
testing was complete foi this office, plans incluueu upgiauing the othei locations aiounu
the woilu. 0ui team now also manages the company's electionic mail system, viius
piotections anu hosting of two websites. We also helpeu them implement a new phone

Even though the company no longei has an inteinal go-to peison to hanule theii IT neeus,
they iealize the benefit of having TeamLogic IT as theii inteinal IT paitnei. Eveiyone in the
company is tiaineu to know that they can just call the team at TeamLogic IT anu get help
when neeueu. In most cases, issues aie hanuleu ovei the phone.

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