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English:- diateza pasiva

- diateza active
Diateza reflexive este redata din intelesul unor verbe.
Ex: I wash my hand.
I cut my hair.
Diateza pasiva se formeaza cu:
TO BE + VB(3
Verbul ! "E se con#uga in functie de timpul verbului.
$a trecerea din diateza active la diateza pasiva
complementul direct va deveni subiect% iar subiectul va
deveni complement si se pune la sfarsitul propozitiei in
diateza pasiva dupa prepozitia "&.
Ex: '. (e watches the car.
he car is watched by him.
). I am writing a letter.
he letter is being written by me.
*. om was tal+ing to your cousin the other day.
&our cousin was being tal+ed to by om.
,. I had been ironing the s+irt when they came.
he s+irt had being ironed when they came.
-. .omebody told us he had left for /&.
0e were told that he had left for /y.
1. hey didn2t believe their friends.
heir friends were not believed by them.
3. 0e cannot forgive such a thing.
.uch a thing cannot be forgiven.

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