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Szobafoglals :

- Good evening. Can I help you?

- Yes please. Could I have a room for .. nights? I would like a room for . nights.
- Ce!tainly. "o you #ant a single room or a double? What kind of room #ould you li$e ?
- % double& please. 'y #ife #ill be he!e soon.
- (ould you li$e !oo) with a shower or a bath?
- % sho#e!. *o# )u+h is the !oo)?
- ,-. fo! the !oo) including breakfast.
- (ould you li$e half board or full board ?
- *alf boa!d& please.
- (ould you li$e an evening )eal?
- /o than$s. 0ust b!ea$fast. Can I pay by credit card?
- Yes of +ou!se. (e ta$e 1isa and %++ess. Could you sign the register please?
- Yes& su!e. "o you need )y passpo!t too?
- /o. 0ust a signatu!e. "o you have any luggage?
- Yes& #e have t#o suit+ases.
- *e!es you! $ey. You! !oo) nu)be! is 23.. Have a nice stay.
- 4han$ you.

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