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Alzheimers diseas

Patient Name: Naema Address: 25-Iqbal town Lhr
Age: 67 yrs Height: 5 6
Gender: Female Race: Asian
Weight: 145lbs Known Allergies: None

Chief complaint:
Naema is a house wife lying on bed with confused face. She has problem in remembering
things, operating household machine, paying bills, money counting etc. Also she feels
difficulty in remembering the way of her house.

History of Present Illness:
She becomes depressive and did not behave normally. She also felt difficulty in speech
and repeats her questions.

Past medical History:
Moderate Pneumonia 15yrs before.She has moderate asthma and use salbutamol
inhaler occasionally.
Moderate Hypertension but not used medicine regularly. Occasionally use
Propyphenazone and herbel remedies.

Family History:
Her Mother had unsound mind but her father died at age 70 without any known disease.

Social History:
Tobacco use: Never
Caffeine use: 4 cup of tea daily.

Review of Symptoms:
Patient has confused talk, mild impairment in daily life activities and loss of short term

Physical Exam:
General: Febrile with Temp 99C
CVS: BP 160/100, HR 82/min.
Resp. Sys: Moderate wheezing sound with RR 28/min,
CNS: reflexes and pricking sensation are normal in body extremities.
Mental Status: Impaired judgment skills, does not know about her dress.
Carnial Nerves: Intact.

Laboratory Diagnostics Test:
CBC: Hb 10.8g/dl, WBC 10,500cu/mm3, ESR 55mm/h
Thyroid hormone: T3 162ug/dl, T4 8.0ug/dl (Normal)
Vitamin B12: 380pg/mL (Normal)
Serum Electrolytes: Sodium 136mmol/L, Potassium 4.6mmol/L,
Chloride 98mmol/L, Bicarbonate 23 mmol/L
Chest X-Ray:
X-Ray reveals no deformity.
CT scan:
Shows atrophy of brain.
Brochitis with dementia
Mild Alzheimers disease.

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