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To Whom It May Concern

This is to certify that Mr. Zulqarnain Ejaz S/O Mr. Ejaz Ahme has !or"e as Technical Trainer
#Trainin$ Em%loyees on Our Soft!are& Su$$estin$ 'rocess Im%ro(ements& Wor"in$ on Clou
)ase Em%loyee Trac"in$ Soft!are* an +ecruiter #Outsourcin$ 'otential Caniates Online an
Inter(ie!in$ Caniates* for +elocation Ser(ices ,lo)al #Canaa*& for One -ear #from A%ril
./01 to A%ril ./02*.
3urin$ this tenure of his !or" Mr. Zulqarnain remaine in(ol(e in his !or" eicate. We
foun him %retty acti(e in !hate(er tas" !e ha(e %ro(ie him. 4e is a confient %erson. 4e is
%rofessionally soun& har5!or"in$ an a e(ote staff. 4e has the moti(ation to ta"e initiati(e
tas"s an !e are $ratifie that he ha )een hel%ful in the a(ancement of our or$anization.
We !ish him success in his career.
Si$natory Authority

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