511whoamisbaik Updated For Eportfolio

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Ny name is Stanley Baik anu I giauuateu fiom Cal State Noithiiuge in 2uu7 as a seconuaiy
math majoi. I am cuiiently in my 7
yeai of teaching miuule school math in Azusa, CA anu I
enjoy being in the teaching piofession. The ieason I went into teaching was because of my
expeiience with chiluien anu youth ministiy uuiing my college yeais. I iealizeu how
impoitant the iole of teachei coulu play in shaping a chilu's life in a positive way. By taking
the Masteis of Educational Technology (EDTC) piogiam at Azusa Pacific University (APU), I
have learned how to infuse moie technology into my classioom anu make a ueepei impact
on my stuuents.
In the classioom, I like to shaie my tiaveling expeiiences with my stuuents to show them that
vaiious math concepts can be applieu to the outsiue woilu. Neasuiement & geometiy can be
ieauily useu in ieal life applications like builuing a home.
The pictuie above is a past tiip with fiienus uoing volunteei woik builuing a home foi a
family in Nexico.
Ny peisonal passion has been seiving at an oiphanage in Tijuana, Nexico. The pictuie
above was from a past tiip wheie a few of my fellow teacheis fiom Azusa, CA weie able to
spenu some time with the oiphans. Beie is a link to view a viueo of the oiphanage. Nexico
0iphanage viueo.

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