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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 6

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. learn to identify context clues.
b. appreciate the important of context clues.
c. use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Vocabulary Enhancement
Lesson: Context Clues
aterials: !ower!oint" !ro#ector" Laptop$%et book" !ictures
&eferences: English for All Times &eading '
!urificacion C. (alingit
" Revie#
Ask the class about the pre)ious lesson.
*hat they learn in the pre)ious lesson.
Ask the students if they really understand the past lesson+
$. Motivation
,ntroduce the game -.uess the *ord/ game by gi)ing a sample.
!lay the -.uess the *ord/ game.
Let the students guess the word.
Ask someone from the class to guess the word.
. "ctivities
0i)ide the class into two groups.
Each group will follow the instruction gi)en in the acti)ity.
The teacher will check the work of each group.
D. "bstraction
!roceed to the next lesson which is Vocabulary Enhancement.
Ask the learners about their ideas in Vocabulary Enhancement.
,ntroduce the meaning of Vocabulary Enhancement.
,ntroduce the Vocabulary in Context or Context Clues.
0iscuss the context clues and its type.
E. "%%lication
The teacher let the students read the 1uestion on the screen and let them answer
each number.
I&. "ssessment
The students will answer the gi)en statement by finding the words using
)ocabulary in context.
&. "ssignment
.i)e an example for each type of context clues:
&ewording the word.
.i)ing its 2ynonym.
.i)ing its Antonym.
.i)ing 0etails about it.
!repared by:
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