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Literacy Education Colloquium:

Literacy in a Multimodal World

ueparLmenL of
Learnlng and 1eachlng
Saturday, October 11, 2014
9:00 am-12:00 pm
UTSA Downtown Campus

Betty Merchant, Ph.D.

Mari Cortez, Ph.D.
Department Chair

Janis Harmon, Ph.D.
Miriam Martinez, Ph.D.
Rosalind Horowitz, Ph.D.


8:30 am - 9:00 am Registration & Refreshments BV 1.338

9:00 am - 9:05 am Welcome & Introduction Aula Canaria
(BV 1.328)
Welcome & Introduction of Keynote: Dennis Davis

9:05 am - 9:55 am Keynote: Roxanne Henkin and UTSA
Graduate Students
Putting Nonfiction Text, about Civil Rights, to
Work in the ELA Classroom
Aula Canaria
(BV 1.328)

10:05 am - 10:50 am Breakout Session 1
(Choose One)

11:00 am - 11:45 am

Breakout Session 2
(Choose One)


11:50 am - 12:00 pm

Closing & Door Prizes

Aula Canaria
(BV 1.328)


adleLs, Weeblys and Symbaloo, Ch My!

ln Lhls openlng sesslon, we hlghllghL our efforLs Lo lncorporaLe mulLlllLeracles and
mulLlmodal dlglLal llLeracles lnLo our classrooms. 1hls Lechnologlcal showcase wlll also help
you organlze your dlglLal Lools. Llke uoroLhy and her frlends ln Cz, pulllng back Lhe curLaln
wlll reveal how approachable Lechnology can really be.

resenLers: ur. 8oxanne Penkln
8ebecca SLorLz
Caleb Pood
vlcLorla ool
kaLrlna Slmmons
kelll 8lpperL
1homas orLer
8ebecca alomo

lease log onLo Lhls Weebly llnk: hLLp://

Cr, use Lhls C8 code Lo llnk lmmedlaLely Lo Lhe Weebly slLe.

(10:05 am - 10:50 am)

Wiiting as a Life Skill: Non-acauemic Applications of an In-school Piactice lS 1.328
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This session piesents the iesults of a stuuy that exploies the post-high school lives anu liteiacies of a gioup of
stuuent poets who attenueu an alteinative high school wheie they embiaceu wiiting as a life skill. The ieseaich
takes a longituuinal appioach anu exploies paiticipants' memoiies of the poetiy class that they iepoiteu as
having a positive impact on theii lives anu the connections they maue between theii expeiiences of theii poetiy
class anu theii liteiacy piactices in eaily auulthoou.
Collaboiative Composing in Nultimoual Spaces lS 3.320
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Paiticipants will exploie two multimoual spaces anu two collaboiative composing stiategies in this hanus on
leaining session. This session is geaieu towaiu seconuaiy level leaineis, but can be auapteu to all ages anu levels
of leaineis.
QR Coue Inspiieu Wiiting lS 3.328
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This session exploies what QR coues aie, wheie to finu them, anu how to use them to enhance stuuent wiiting.
Theie will be a uemonstiation of the way in which QR coues weie linkeu to wiiting piompts in one classioom.
Auuitional iueas foi the use of QR Coues in Reauing anu Wiiting will be shaieu.
Reauing the visual Text in Pictuiebook: An 0iiginal Nultimoual Expeiience foi Chiluien lS 3.330
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Coloi is a paiticulaily poweiful tool that illustiatois use to communicate meanings. This hanus-on session will
exploie ways in which shifts in coloi contiibute to the uevelopment of naiiatives in pictuiebooks.
Nultiple Text Compiehension lS 1.312
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Reaueis must be able to uo moie than unueistanu anu leain fiom single texts. They neeu to be able to foim
integiateu unueistanuings acioss multiple texts anu moues. This session pioviues a conceptual oveiview of
inteitextual integiation anu the iole of ciitical ieauing in leaining acioss multiple texts. Paiticipants will leain a
ieseaich-baseu fiamewoik foi planning lessons on multiple uocument compiehension that can be auapteu
acioss the elementaiy anu miuule giaues in ELA anu the content aieas.
Bigital Stoiy Telling lS 3.412
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This piesentation intiouuces the use of uigital stoiytelling as a tool foi classioom piojects, activities, anu
leaining. Leain to cieate shoit uigital movies foi science, math, social stuuies, oi foi highlighting stuuent family

(11:00 am - 11:45 am)

vocabulaiy voucasts: A Nultimoual Appioach foi Inteinalizing Woiu Neanings lS 3.412
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This session will focus on the use of vocabulaiy voucasts as a tool foi helping stuuents uevelop ueepei unueistanuings
of the meaning anu application of vocabulaiy woius. Paiticipants will be pioviueu an oppoitunity to exploie vaiious
uigital tools that can be useu to help stuuents uevelop vocabulaiy voucasts in the classioom.
Thinglink: Bow I 0iganizeu Nyself anu Ny Stuuents lS 3.320
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Thinglink is a gieat web-baseu tool foi piesentation. It allows you to have one home site foi a piesentation anu
quickly move to sites oi uocuments you want foi a lesson. Foi stuuents it is a useful multimoual tool that allows them
to show what they know with visuals, links to web sites anu uocuments they have founu oi cieateu.
Pictoiial Bevices in Pictuiebooks: The Role of visual Ait in the "Lanuscape of Knowing" lS 3.328
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The puipose of this session is to inciease teachei unueistanuing of pictuiebooks as a means of builuing chiluien's
visual liteiacy anu suppoiting theii authoiship. Auuience membeis will exploie the pictoiial uevices founu in stuuent
woik anu publisheu pictuie books.
Nulti-Noues of Neaning in Fables: Stiuctuies foi Chiluien's Speaking, Wiiting, anu
Chaiactei Bevelopment
lS 3.330
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1hls sesslon uses mulLl-modallLles -fable sLorybooks, fable vldeo presenLaLlons, and fable <"(,)8 in speech anu wiiting-- to
uemonstiate how chaiactei uevelopment is cieateu thiough these moualities. Paiticipants will exploie a iange of
cognitive stiuctuies anu moues of meaning conveyeu thiough fable piesentations. Paiticipants will have an
oppoitunity, in gioups, to constiuct stoiies baseu on these moualities, using fable stoiy stiuctuies anu animals.
Cuiation in the viitual Woilu - The Livebinuei Expeiience lS 3.336
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Livebinueis, fiee anu easy to use viitual notebooks, pioviues an inteiactive platfoim foi multi-meuia
file cuiation. Leain how you can collect anu oiganize instiuctional mateiial foi builuing lesson plans,
units of stuuy, Webquests, bookmaiking websites, anu moie.

This is Bow We Bo.The Symbaloo lS 1.328
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0iganization: quick, easy, anu fieethat's what teacheis love to uo. Come leain how easy it is to
incoipoiate into youi own classioom, anu even begin to set youis up foi use in class on Nonuay.


!"##$% !'($%) *+,!, ls an AsslsLanL rofessor of LlLeracy LducaLlon. Pls
research and Leachlng lnLeresLs focus on readlng comprehenslon, llLeracy
developmenL, and Leacher preparaLlon ln culLurally and llngulsLlcally dlverse

-'#$% .'/01#) *+,!, ls currenLly a rofessor of LlLeracy LducaLlon and serves
as Lhe AssoclaLe uean for undergraduaLe SLudenL Success ln Lhe College of
LducaLlon and Puman uevelopmenL. Per research lnLeresLs lnclude young
adulL llLeraLure, upper elemenLary and mlddle school llLerary programs wlLh a
focus on vocabulary lnsLrucLlon, and llLeracy supporL for hlgh school sLudenLs
who sLruggle wlLh readlng.

213'##" ."#4$#) 56,!, ls a rofessor of Larly Chlldhood and LlemenLary
LducaLlon and LlLeracy LducaLlon ln lL1 aL u1SA. She ls also Lhe ulrecLor of 1he
San AnLonlo WrlLlng ro[ecL. ur. Penkln's research lnLeresLs lnclude
mulLlllLeracles and mulLlmodal dlglLal llLeracles, confronLlng bullylng Lhrough
llLeracy, crlLlcal llLeracy for soclal [usLlce, wrlLlng process and lnsLrucLlon, and
ln-servlce sLaff developmenL ln llLeracy.

21%'7$#6 .1/18$9:) *+,!, ls a rofessor of LlLerary LducaLlon. She Leaches
courses LhaL address readlng and wrlLlng developmenL ln elemenLary and
secondary classrooms across Lhe conLenL areas. Per publlcaLlons address Lhe
role of dlscusslon ln exposlLory LexL comprehenslon, llsLenlng and readlng
comprehenslon, LexL sLrucLure, readlng hablLs of adolescenL voraclous readers
on Lhe u.S.-Mexlcan border, and Lhe use of volce ln adolescenL argumenLaLlon
ln wrlLlng by bl-naLlonal and blllngual populaLlons.

;1<'# ='##$#<) *+,!, ls an AsslsLanL rofessor of LlLeracy LducaLlon ln Lhe
ueparLmenL of lnLerdlsclpllnary Learnlng and 1eachlng. Per research lnLeresL ls
adolescenL llLeracy, parLlcularly soclo-culLural perspecLlves on wrlLlng

=$/$'0 ='/9$#":) *+,!, ls a rofessor of LlLeracy LducaLlon. Per research and
publlcaLlons focus on Lhe naLure of chlldren's llLerary meanlng-maklng,
chlldren's responses Lo llLeraLure, and chlldren's undersLandlng of varlous
llLerary genres and formaLs. She has also conducLed research on lnsLrucLlonal
lnLervenLlons LhaL lmpacL chlldren's responses and on classroom llbrarles.

=$%9> ?'$71/%) *+,!, ls a rofessor of LlLeracy LducaLlon ln lL1 aL u1SA. Per
scholarly pursulLs cenLer on Lhe areas of (a) llLeracy Lools found ln elemenLary
classrooms, (b) Lhe professlonal developmenL of readlng Leachers and llLeracy
coaches, (c) local and lnLernaLlonal readlng program developmenL, and (d)
readlng research meLhodologles.


The University of Texas at San Antonio
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249

College of Education and Human Development
(210) 458-4370

Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching
(210) 458-5969

Dr. Miriam Martinez
(210) 458-5971

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