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October 5, 2014

Tulsa, OK 74137
RE: Lawn Care Bid
Dear Customers,
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide you ith lan !are
servi!es for your property"
The pri!ing bid for this property is outlined on the next page" The !ost is based on bi#
eekly $%& times a year' moing, trimming, edging, and bloing don of all hard surfa!es"
(lus ) have it broken don by pa!kages, hi!h in!ludes other servi!es"
) !an offer a *all Clean#up this eek, hi!h involves pi!king up leaves+pe!an shells+broken
limbs, bloing off all debris from the hard servi!es in!luding your lands!ape beds and raking
the ro!ks $front and ba!k yard' for $40" ) ill have your lan looking great,
-gain, thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal" .e are e/!ited to establish
this ne business relationship" .e are looking forard to doing business ith you this year
and e are !onfident you ill be e/tremely pleased ith our servi!es"
1ern 2opson
1ern3s 4an!are and 0ervi!es
Tulsa, OK
(ri!es are based on bi#eekly lan servi!e $%& times a year'" :mail invoi!es ill be sent
Note: ;ou !an in!rease or de!rease the amount of times e servi!e your lan"
Standard Package - $75 a mont
>aking ? :very other eek
4eaf A (e!an 0hells >emoval
0pring A *all Clean#ups
Premi!m Package " $#5 a mont
:verything from 0tandard (a!kage
4ight Tree Trimming
$%timate Package " $&5 a mont
:verything from (remium (a!kage
77Composting+Top Dressing $1 time a year'
77*ertiliBing $% times a year'
77 (ri!es for mul!h, !ompost and fertiliBer are sold at e/a!t !ost from The Catural
Dardener" These produ!ts ill be invoi!ed separately" Note: Only organi! produ!ts are used"
Enless reFuested brand otherise" -dditional fertiliBer and !omposting available upon
Lea) Remo*a%
Spring + ,a%% C%ean!p-
Spring '!%cing

Ligt (ree (rimming

Compo-t.(op /re--ing
01 time a 2ear3

05 time- a 2ear3

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