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DSN: 226-7003/4 TELEPHONE: 226-7252/7234/7224
ATTENDANCE LINE: 01638-527003/4 OR 226-7003/4 BUS OFFICE: 01638-527013
FOG LINE: 226-3541 WEBSITE: http://www.felt-es.eu.dodea.edu/
FES Purpose Statement: Believe! Achieve! Succeed! Exceed!

Sept 1 Labor Day No School
Sept 2 First Day of School for Kindergarten
Sept 3 Koffee & Kleenex (Cafeteria)
Sept 11 Open House & Taco Dinner 1600-1730
Sept 17 Hedgehog Hangout School Store Starts
Sept 18/19 Picture Day
Sept 19 Family Movie Night @ 1800
Sept 26 CSI Day No School for Students
Sept 30 Last Day of PTO Membership Drive
Oct 10 DODEA Training Day Day for

Dear Feltwell Elementary School Stakeholders,
Welcome to Feltwell Elementary School,
home of the Hedgehogs! With our
Kindergartner's now here, we are off to an
excellent start this academic year!

After a very successful Accreditation last
spring our faculty and staff are looking forward to
another terrific year full of academic rigor and
fun highlighted by all of our students
participating again in our Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math (STEM) Program.

Feltwell Elementary School has a certified,
experienced and highly motivated faculty and
staff and we will again focus on the AdvanceED
Standards by which we are evaluated. These are:

>Maintaining and communicating a purpose and
direction that commit to high expectations;
>Governance and leadership that promotes and
supports student performance and school

>Teaching and assessing for learning;

>Providing resources and support systems to
ensure success for all students and;

>Using results to guide continuous improvement.

We believe in building strong partnerships
throughout the community in order to enhance
our student's educational experience and
academic achievement. We have a vibrant PTO
and many other great opportunities for
volunteering. We encourage all stakeholders to be
actively engaged at Feltwell Elementary School, so
please contact us if we can utilize your talents.

If you have any questions, comments or
concerns please let us know. Again Welcome to
Feltwell Elementary School and we look forward
to seeing you on September 11th at 1600 in the
Gymnasium for Open House.

Miles J. Shea

Provide your childs teacher with
a written copy of their after school plans.
Also, provide the teacher with a note
whenever there is a variation to the
regular routine.
As a security reminder, all visitors to the
school are required to check in at the Main office.
Ensure that your childs name is clearly
written on any item brought to school.
Inform our School Registrar, Mandy Perez, of
any changes to your home, duty, or cell phone
Whenever bringing your child to school after
the school day begins or if you are picking them up
early, please be sure to sign them in or out at the
Main office.
If you are picking your child up after school,
please arrange to meet them on the playground by the
wooden fence which is next to the parent parking lot.

The Feltwell Buss Office is located in
Building 58 at RAF Feltwell. If you require any
information regarding bus passes, pick-up and drop-
off times and locations, please contact their office at
226-7013. If your child misplaces their bus pass or if
you have had a change to your residence and need a
new pass, please contact their office for assistance.

MONDAY FRIDAY 0830-1400 and 1530-1630
NON-SCHOOL DAYS - 0800-1630

If you are new to our school or new to
England and your child will be eating hot lunches in
the Cafeteria this year, please provide the school with
your childs four-digit PIN number. PINs can be set
through the BX or Bxtra Customer Service Desk. In
addition, if you need to make a payment on your
childs account the AAFES Customer Service Desk
can help you with this as well. If you have any
questions regarding your childs lunch account,
please contact Ms. Cherry Taylor at 226-2500 or

AAFES provides a free or reduced lunch
program to service members who qualify. If you
would like an application to see if your family
qualifies, please contact the School Liaison Office at

If you would like to know what the Cafeteria
will be serving, please check out the AAFES website
for the lunch menu:

Menus may change due to availability.

Lunch prices:
Students Eligible for Free Meal No Charge
Students Eligible for Reduced Price - $0.40
Regular Price - $2.40
Lunch Plus additional Entre is $1.00

Lunch and Recess Schedule
Lunch Recess
K 1115-1140 1140-1205
1 1130-1155 1155-1220
2 1145-1210 1210-1235
3 1200-1225 1225-1250
4 1215-1240 1240-1305
5 1230-1250 1250-1315

The Bus Safety Office suggests the following
website as a resource for parents and teachers to use
with children to re-enforce road safety in the UK. For
updates on school delays and cancellations please
call 01638-523541.


Hi! My name is Ms. Ching and Im the new
STEM teacher at FES. I am very excited to support
your childs education in a creative way. One of my
goals this year is to help students become more aware
of the incredible innovations children are creating all
over the world. Another goal is to make a connection
from what theyre learning in STEM and seeing how
it leads to different professions. I would love to open
my classroom to guest speakers who are willing to
come and share their expertise in various STEM
related professions (computer programmers,
broadcasting, engineers, etc.). Please contact me at
ari.ching@eu.dodea.edu to discuss being a guest
presenter in the class.

There will be many STEM projects and
initiatives during the school year. Currently, 3-5

grade students are participating in a Global
Cardboard Arcade Challenge that will have a school
wide culminating event on Friday, 10 Oct. Please
send in used cardboard and rolls of tape (duct or
packing) if you can or are willing!! Below is a link to
a video of Caines Arcade. Caine was the 9 year old
boy whose imagination and creativity started this
global challenge.


Also, 4
and 5
grade students will learn all
about news broadcasting and video production and
create a bi-weekly news program for FES! Mr.
Knierim, Art teacher, and I are collaborating on this
journey with these grades.

Next month, I will start the monthly STEM
Challenge. This will include all students!
Again, I am super excited to foster students
imaginations, creativity and learning as the STEM

We are really excited about a new school year
and are looking forward to welcoming parents and
students to our annual Open House which is
scheduled for Thursday, September 11, beginning at
1600. We will meet in the Gym, located in building
124, for a general meeting and then parents and their
children can have a wonderful time visiting their

It is very important to have an emergency
plan for your child should there ever be an early
dismissal from school. In the event of severe weather,
students might be sent home early, and each
parent/student should have a plan for where the child
would go. Please inform their classroom teacher of
this plan.
Whenever bringing your child to school after
the school day begins or if you are picking them up
early, please be sure to sign them in or out at the
Main Office.
Please remember that if you are not following
our normal end of the day routine for your child,
send a note or call the Main Office BEFORE 1400 to
let us know about the change. If we dont have a
note, your child will follow their normal end of the
day routine.
If you are picking your child up after school,
please arrange to meet them on the playground by the
wooden fence which is next to the parent parking lot.
As a security reminder, all visitors to the
school are required to check in at the Main Office.
We attempt to keep our contact information
up to date throughout the school year. This
information is used by the nurse when she needs to
contact parents about a sick or injured child or in the
event of an emergency. Please take the time to
provide your current information to our registrar,
Mandy Perez, at amanda.perez@eu.dodea.edu.

September is an unusual month weather wise.
There can be frost on the ground in the morning and
warm temperatures by early afternoon. It can be dry
one moment and pouring rain the next. Please make
sure your child comes to school dressed for all types
of weather. Layered clothing allows your child to put
on and take off as the temperature warrants. Jackets
are still needed in the morning but may not be needed
by lunchtime. Rain resistant clothing is always
advised in England! It is also a good idea to pack a
change of clothing in your childs backpack just in
case clothing gets wet or muddy.

Whole-class Enrichment All students in
Grades Kindergarten through Five attend a forty-
minute lesson, weekly, for two quarters of the year.
Students participate in high-order thinking skill
activities and projects. One example of these lessons,
from each grade level: Kindergarten How Would
We Re-tell a Fairy Tale in our Own Words?; Grade
One Remote-a-Parent, What if We Could Control
our Parents?; Grade Two How Do We Classify
Animals?; Grade Three Which is the Best House
Pet?; Grade Four What Would We Discover if We
Took a Trip on the 30
Parallel, North?; Grade Five
How Big is a Million, Really?.

Small-group Enrichment Students in Grades
Kindergarten and Grade One attend forty-minute
language and/or math-extension lessons, weekly,
throughout the year. Students in Grades Four and
Five attend forty-minute math-extension lessons,
weekly, throughout the year. Children are selected
based on classroom performance and test scores.

Gifted Education Students in Grades Two
through Five, who have demonstrated eligibility for
gifted education services attend two-hour, high-order
thinking skill activity and project lessons, weekly
throughout the year. Students who have been
nominated for this program, are evaluated using:
anecdotal information from parents and teachers,
observations of performance in class, student
portfolios of completed assignments, parent and
teacher rating scales, grades and achievement and
abilities test scores. Each grade levels lessons are
based on themes: Grade Two Research and
Individualized Learning Projects; Grade Three
Archaeology; Grade Four Advertising; and
Grade Five Managing Money, Architectural
Drawing, and Individualized Learning Projects.

Any parents who would like to discuss these
programs, and might wish to nominate their children
for the Small-group Enrichment and/or Gifted
Education Classes, please contact Gary Lucas.

Feltwell Elementary is committed to
providing instructional
and enrichment
programs to meet the
needs of all students. At
Feltwell ES, we offer
ESL (English as a
Second Language)
services to assist in
academic instruction.

Please allow me to introduce myself as the
ESL (English as a Second Language) Teacher. My
name is Mrs. Cynthia L. Birch, and I have been
teaching ESL for the past two years.

I first began teaching in 2004. I earned my
B.A. in Elementary Education, and in 2011 I earned
my Master Degree in Curriculum and Instruction. I
am certified K-12 for English Language Learners,
Compensatory Reading Certified, and certified
general education for grades one through eighth. I
previously taught certification courses to teachers for
their certifications in ESL. I also have taught K-3
grades and 4

ESL allows students to become fully
proficient in all areas oral, listening, reading and
writing. I provide inclusion and/or pull-out services.
I work closely with the teachers to ensure appropriate
academic, skills and knowledge areas are being met.
I worked with some of your children last year,
and I will continue services as appropriate. I look
forward to my new students this year, too.

If you have any questions about the ESL
program, please contact me at
cynthia.birch@eu.dodea.edu or 01638527003 or
DSN 226-7003.

DoDEA has further information about the
ESL program located at

In addition here are the newly adopted
standards and proficiency levels for ESL students:

Standard 1 English language
learners communicate for social,
intercultural, and instructional purposes
within the school setting.
Standard 2 English language
learners communicate information, ideas, and
concepts necessary for academic success in
the area of language arts.
Standard 3 English language
learners communicate information, ideas, and
concepts necessary for academic success in
the area of mathematics.
Standard 4 English language
learners communicate information, ideas, and
concepts necessary for academic success in
the area of science.
Standard 5 English language
learners communicate information, ideas, and
concepts necessary for academic success in
the area of social studies.

Current ESL
Levels Description
Level 1-
Students initially have little to no
understanding of English.
Level 2-
Students can understand phrases and short
Level 3-
Students understand more complex speech
but still require repetition.
Level 4-
Students language skills are adequate for
most day-to-day communication needs.
Level 5-
Students can express themselves fluently
and spontaneously but are not necessarily
English proficient.
Level 6 Exited
Exited the ESL program after participating in
Level 7 -Waiver Parent declined ESL services and/or
Level 8 No
No ESL services required after initial

Drew Messier-Receptionist
Megan Thompson-Host Nation
Larry Knierim-Art Teacher
Meagan Kautz-Grade 1
Laura Masci-Foreign Language Elementary
Lisa Siftar-Grade 1
Ari-Ching-Science, Technology, Engineering
and Math(STEM)
Shannon Kewin-Physical Education
Brenda Kemp-Military Family Life
Kelsey Curran-Student Teacher
Kaitlyn Townsend-Student Teacher

Beth Jankowski-President
Bekah Young-Vice President
Jennifer Morris-Secretary
Faith Ramirez-Treasurer

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