Outlinespecsguide Mf04!03!17 09

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Based on definitions from the AIA Handbook and the CSI Manual of Practice, an outline
specification is an itemized list, using brief, concise statements, of significant materials, systems,
and euipment and their criteria and le!els of uality" In Addition, any criteria ha!ing a special cost
impact #ould be indicated"
Categorize the outline by the appropriate CSI $i!ision, listing all $i!isions, e!en those that are not
being used, noting those that #ill not be used" Also, include Section numbers and titles follo#ing
the list of possible section numbers and titles found in the CSI Masterformat Master %ist"
Attached is an e&ample of an outline specification made up of sections from pre!ious pro'ects"
Please note that the materials, methods, and systems included here may not be appropriate for e!ery
pro'ect" (ote also, that some section names and numbers may be out of date" )he intention of this
e&ample is to pro!ide only a general style and content guide for the preparation of an outline
specification" )ailor each outline specification to the specific pro'ect"
*Pro'ect (ame+
*Park (ame and Pro'ect (umber ,PMIS (o" XXXXXX-+
.uide for /utline Specifications
/ctober 00, 1203
0 of 00
$I4ISI/( 215 67IS)I(. C/($I)I/(S

Section not used"
$I4ISI/( 285 C/(C96)6

288022 C/(C96)6
:se 3,222 psi concrete #ith a ma&imum slump of 3;" Contractor is responsible for pro!iding the
mi& design" :se .rade <2 reinforcing steel *epo&y coated #hen reuired+" Contractor is
responsible for all concrete testing *strength, slump, and air content+" Actual type and size of
footing and foundation system used #ill be based on soil borings" Slab on grade floors"
$I4ISI/( 235 MAS/(9=

231008 B9IC> MAS/(9=
Brick masonry o!er metal stud framing and solid masonry #here sho#n" Mortar AS)M C1?2"
231122 C/(C96)6 :(I) MAS/(9=
AS)M C@2, normal #eight, )ype I, concrete masonry units" Mortar AS)M C1?2" .rout AS)M
C3?<, 1222 psi" 9einforcing AS)M A<0A, .rade <2"
$I4ISI/( 2A5 M6)A%S

2A0122 S)9:C):9A% S)66% B .6(69A%
Structural steel frame *beams and columns+ and miscellaneous members to conform to AS)M
A@@1, A2 ksi" Bolts to conform to either AS)M A82? or A81A" Painting to consist of 0Bcoat of
rustBinhibiti!e primer"
$I4ISI/( 2<5 C//$, P%AS)ICS, D C/MP/SI)6S

2<0222 9/:.H CA9P6()9=
Cood furring, sheathing, and blocking for built in case#ork and nailers for the top of all roofB
framing membersE minimum AFGBinch thick structural grade ply#ood for roof sheathing"
.uide for /utline Specifications
/ctober 00, 1203
1 of 00
2<1222 HI(ISH CA9P6()9=
Cood !eneer finish case#ork, solid #ood andFor plastic laminate counters, in ACI premium
uality for the Information $esk, Sales Area, %ibrary, and Staff /ffice" Solid #ood standing and
running trim"
$I4ISI/( 2?5 )H69MA% A($ M/IS):96 P9/)6C)I/(

2?1022 B:I%$I(. I(S:%A)I/(
1B0F1Binch thick *9B00I+ e&truded polystyrene board perimeter insulation at foundations" 9B0@
batt insulation for e&terior #alls" 9B8G batt insulation in roofs"
2?1<22 4AP/9 96)A9$69S
3 mil thick polyethylene under slab on grade and on #alls #here indicated"
2?8022 SHI(.%6S
Mineral fiber cement roof shingles"
2?3022 M6)A% 9//HI(.
1Binch high standing seam, >ynar A22 finished .al!alume metal roofing"
2?<222 H%ASHI(. A($ SH66) M6)A%
.al!anized sheet metal, painted #here e&posed"
2??122 9//H ACC6SS/9I6S
Pro!ide continuous metal gra!ity ridge and fascia !entilators"
2?@122 J/I() S6A%A()S
:se silicone or polyurethane sealants in color to match ad'acent surfaces"
$I4ISI/( G5 /P6(I(.S
2G0022 M6)A% $//9S A($ H9AM6S
Hollo# metal doors and frames at toilets, mechanical rooms, and emergency e&its"
2G0322 C//$ $//9S
Pro!ide paneled oak and glass entrance doors #ith oak frames" /n interior, use oak #ood
!eneer solid core #ood doors #ith oak #ood frames"
2GA108 M6)A% C%A$ C//$ CI($/CS
Aluminum clad #ood custom #indo#s"
2G<122 :(I) S>=%I.H)S
Aluminum frame and laminated glass skylight"
.uide for /utline Specifications
/ctober 00, 1203
8 of 00
2G?222 HA9$CA96
%atch sets, hinges, stops, plates, pulls etc" in oil rubbed and o&idized satin bronze *BHMA <08
or :S02B+ finish" :se le!ers on all latch and lock sets, e&cept at ser!ice or utility areas use
spherical knobs" Master key all locks to the system in use at the park"
2GG222 .%AKI(.
Pro!ide 0Binch sealed insulated glass, made up of 0F3Binch thick clear float glass #ith e1 coating
on interior panes of South and 6ast #alls" Pro!ide heat mirror glass units on (orth #alls" :se
tempered glass #here reuired"
$I4ISI/( @5 HI(ISH6S
2@110< (/(BS)9:C):9A% M6)A% H9AMI(.
Metal stud #all and ceiling framing"
2@1@22 .=PS:M B/A9$
:se AFG; regular gypsum board on designated interior #alls and on all ceilings" AFG; #ater
resistant gypsum board in #et areas" :se cementitious glass mesh mortar units on #alls
designated to ha!e ceramic tile applied" :se )ype 7 gypsum board on partitions reuiring fire
2@8208 C69AMIC )I%6
Ceramic mosaic tile #alls and uarry tile floors in )oilets *Public and Staff+"
2@<A22 96SI%I6() H%//9I(.
Pro!ide resilient flooring in utility, storage, and mechanical spaces"
2@<G08 )I%6 CA9P6)I(.
Continuous filament, soil repellent, recycled material carpet tile #ith a pile #eight of not less
than 8< oz" per suare yard in /ffices, 6&hibits, Multipurpose 9oom, and %ibrary"
2@@022 PAI()I(.
6po&y coatings in toilet rooms, alkyd enamel semiBgloss paints on scheduled #alls and ceilings"
:se clear stain on interior and e&terior #ood trim" Ceilings painted #hite" Meet state !olatile
organic compound reuirements"
$I4ISI/( 025 SP6CIA%I)I6S
020322 SI.(A.6
Signs for selected rooms"
021008 )/I%6) C/MPA9)M6()S
Hloor mounted and o!erhead braced highBdensity solid polyethylene partitions #ith selfBclosing
doors #ith latches and coat hooks"
.uide for /utline Specifications
/ctober 00, 1203
3 of 00
021G08 )/I%6) ACC6SS/9I6S
Stainless steel *satin finish+ recessed accessories including soap dispensers, to#el dispensers,
#aste receptacles, toilet paper holders, grab bars, feminine napkin dispensers and disposals, and
framed glass mirrors"
023322 HI96 P9/)6C)I/( SP6CIA%)I6S
Manual e&tinguishing euipment located in accordance #ith (HPA 02"
02?A22 H%A.P/%6
Aluminum flagpole located near front entrance #alk"
$I4ISI/( 005 6L:IPM6()
001<222 :(I) >I)CH6(S
:nit kitchen in Staff /ffice"
$I4ISI/( 015 H:9(ISHI(.S
011022 CI($/C B%I($S
4ertical blinds in %ibrary and Multipurpose 9oom"
01A<A0 %IB9A9= H:9(I):96
Hree standing shel!ing units, study carrels, armchairs, and task lights"
01A@0< S=S)6MS H:9(I):96
Hreestanding component systems furniture in offices"
01<122 P/9)AB%6 A:$I6(C6 S6A)I(.
StackableFganging chairs and folding tables in Multipurpose 9oom, color and fabric as selected"
01@888 )9ASH A($ %I))69 96C6P)/9S
Steel receptacle #ith top to pre!ent rain from entering trash bin, including plastic
trash bin
$I4ISI/( 085 SP6CIA% C/(S)9:C)I/(

088322 HAB9ICA)6$ 6(.I(6696$ S)9:C):96S
Pro!ide a preBengineered single span rigid frame metal building including primary and
secondary structural framing, metal roofing and e&terior #all co!ering, doors, #indo#s,
insulation, and miscellaneous metal building components and accessories necessary for a
complete metal building"
.uide for /utline Specifications
/ctober 00, 1203
A of 00
$I4ISI/( 035 C/(46=I(. 6L:IPM6()
Section not used"
$I4ISI/( 105 HI96 S:PP96SSI/(
100822 HI96 S:PP96SSI/( SP9I(>%69 S=S)6MS
$esign, furnish, install, and test automatic #et pipe fire sprinkler and standpipe systems for
the entire building, including attics, cra#l spaces, and concealed spaces in accordance #ith
(HPA 08"
$I4ISI/( 115 P%:MBI(.
112A22 C/MM/( C/9> 96S:%)S H/9 P%:MBI(.
Materials and methods common to all sections including pipe and euipment identification,
seismic restraint systems, pipe hangers and anchors, euipment dri!es, etc"
112?22 P%:MBI(. I(S:%A)I/(
Pipe, euipment insulation
110022 HACI%I)= CA)69 $IS)9IB:)I/(
Ser!ice #eight cast iron #aste, !ent, and sanitary se#er systemsE )ype % copper domestic
cold and hot #ater supply systemsE and all related euipment accessories and appurtenances"
110018 $/M6S)IC CA)69 P:MPS
Pumping euipment for domestic hot #ater"
113122 C/MM69CIA% P%:MBI(. HI7):96S
%o#Bflo# type plumbing fi&tures and related trim, fittings, and !al!es meeting A$A
reuirements" :se plumbing fi&tures and fittings in accordance #ith (PS guidelines as
Cater Closets B 0"< gallons per flush *ma&+
:rinals B Caterless
Sho#erheads B 1"A gpm *ma&+ at G2 psi
>itchen Haucet B 1"1 gpm *ma&+ at <2 psi
%a!atory Haucet *Public+ B 2"A gpm *ma&+ at <2 psi
%a!atory Haucet *Pri!ate+ B 1"1 gpm *ma&+ at <2 psi
CallBhung #ater closets in the public restrooms" 6lectronic sensor operated flush !al!es and
faucets in toilets" HreezeBproof drinking fountains located on the e&terior of the building #ith
operating mechanisms accessible from the interior of the building" 6lectric tankBtype #ater
heaters located near pointsBofBuse"
.uide for /utline Specifications
/ctober 00, 1203
< of 00
$I4ISI/( 185 H6A)I(., 6()I%A)I(., A($ AI9 C/($I)I/(I(.
182?08 $:C) I(S:%A)I/(
6&ternal fiberglass blanket type thermal insulation #ith fiberBscrimBkraft facing and internal
duct acoustical insulation for all supply and outside air ducts, plenums, and return air ducts
passing through ambient air or unconditioned spaces"
181008 H=$9/(IC PIPI(.
Complete and operable hydronic heating system using )ype % copper piping"
18A122 H6A)I(. B/I%69S
Modular, high efficiency, closedBcombustion condensing type gasBfired boilers, flue gas
!ents, and !ent terminations" A%1@B3C stainless steel flue gas !ents #ith side#all !ent
18<222 C6()9A% C//%I(. 6L:IPM6()
Pro!ide packaged air conditioning euipment #ith indoor condensing units #ith centrifugal
fans, suitable for ducted connections to e&terior #all lou!ers" Pro!ide coatings and fasteners
suitable for pro!iding longe!ity in a coastal en!ironment" Pro!ide !entilation air during all
occupied hours"
188022 H4AC $:C)S A($ CASI(.S
$uct#ork and appurtenances in connection #ith H4AC" SpiralB#ound round duct#ork in
e&posed ceiling areasE rectangular duct#ork in concealed locations such as the mechanical
euipment room, chases, or abo!e finished ceilings"
188822 AI9 $:C) ACC6SS/9I6S
$uct accessories such as automatic control dampers, manual control dampers, balancing
dampers, fire dampers, turning !anes, fle&ible duct connections, etc" Pro!ide hea!yBduty
t#oBposition dampers immediately behind all air inlet and outlet lou!ers to close off the
lou!ers openings in a hurricane e!ent"
188?08 $IHH:S69S, 96.IS)69S, A($ .9I%%S
9egisters, grilles, and diffusers in heating, !entilating, and air conditioning systems"
182A@8 )6S)I(., A$J:S)I(., A($ BA%A(CI(. /H H4AC S=S)6MS
Pro!ide testing apparatus and instruments, and perform all procedures to test, ad'ust, and
balance the !arious air, fluid, mechanical, and electrical systems associated #ith the heating,
!entilating, and air conditioning systems to optimum performance"
$I4ISI/( 1A5 I()69.9A)6$ A:)/MA)I/(
.uide for /utline Specifications
/ctober 00, 1203
? of 00
1AA222 I()6.9A)6$ A:)/MA)I/( HACI%I)= C/()9/%S
Building automation and control system for clerestory #indo#s, H4AC, and lighting"
1AAA22 I()6.9A)6$ A:)/MA)I/( C/()9/% /H H4AC
Pro!ide complete electricalFelectronic systems of automatic temperature control for the
heating, !entilating, and airBconditioning systems in con'unction #ith the building
automation system"
$I4ISI/( 1<5 6%6C)9ICA%
1<2A22 C/MM/( C/9> 96S:%)S H/9 6%6C)9ICA%
A" Conduit And Hittings5 9igid steel or intermediate metal conduits" :se compression type
conduit fittings, but in trade sizes 8Binch and larger setscre# type connectors #ill be
permitted" Chere setscre# type connectors are installed, indi!idual ground #ires must be
installed along #ith the circuit conductors"
B" Ciring5 All copper <22B!olt, type )HC insulation e&cept that all #iring running
underground or in areas susceptible to moisture shall be rubber insulated type 9HC" Cire
sizes smaller than M< AC. solid, sizes M< and larger stranded" Ciring $e!ices5 9eceptacles
01AB!olt, 12Bampere specification grade comparable to Hubbell Cat" MA1<1, or appro!ed
eual, single phase, 8B#ire, grounding type e&cept as noted other#ise" Snap s#itches 01AB
!olt, 0ABampere specification grade, silent type" Metal de!ice plates"
1<1222 6%6C)9ICA% $IS)9IB:)I/(
9un the ne# 012F12G !olt, 8Bphase 3B#ire <2 hertz ser!ice to the high side of the transformer
located on the east side of the 4isitor Center and Museum" %ocate electrical euipment ser!ing
site utilities in the electrical euipment room" %ocate transformer on concrete pad behind a
safety barrier"
1<1322 SCI)CHB/A9$S A($ PA(6%B/A9$S
BoltBon type panelboards #ith ratings e&ceeding the connected loads and a!ailable fault current
in accordance #ith applicable sections of the (ational 6lectric Code" Protect branch circuits
ser!ing e&terior receptacles or circuits located in toilets, damp, or #et locations #ith ground
fault circuit interrupters"
1<3022 HACI%I)= %I.H)(I(. P9/)6C)I/(
Pro!ide lightning protection in accordance #ith %ightning Protection Institute Standard %PI
0?A, #ith concealed copper conductors including protection of trees ad'acent to 4isitor Center
and Museum"
1<A022 I()69I/9 %I.H)I(.
In compliance #ith I6S, dimmable luminaires on light track in e&hibit areas, indirect luminaires
in %obby, co!e lighting in Multipurpose 9oom, task lighting in office areas, flush fluorescent in
mechanical rooms and toilets, and both task and flush fluorescent in the %ibrary" :se energy
efficient compact fluorescent and )BA fluorescent lamps #here possible"
1<A<22 67)69I/9 %I.H)I(.
.uide for /utline Specifications
/ctober 00, 1203
G of 00
MetalBhalide building security and parking lot lighting #ith high cutoff luminaires to minimize
light pollution and glare"
$I4ISI/( 1?5 C/MM:(ICA)I/(S
1?2A22 C/MM/( C/9> 96S:%)S H/9 C/MM:(ICA)I/(S
6&isting o!erhead telephone lines #ill be relocated underground by the telephone company,
using the same path and trench as the underBground po#er" Pro!ide an empty conduit system for
the installation of telephone #iring and euipment by the telephone company" System to consist
of all cabinets, pull and 'unction bo&es, bullets, slee!es, fittings, etc" to form a complete
telephone system" 6&tend telephone conduit out to pro'ect limit and cap for e&tension by
)elephone Company"
$I4ISI/( 1G5 6%6C)9/(ICS SAH)6= A($ S6C:9I)=
10G8022 HI96 $6)6C)I/( A($ A%A9M
Super!ised, nonBcoded, shuntBtrip, nonBinterfering fire conduit, #ire, control panels, cabinets,
pull stations, automatic fire and smoke detection de!ices, etc", for an operating fire alarm and
smoke detection system"
$I4ISI/( 805 6A9)HC/9>
800322 C%6A9I(., .9:BBI(., S6%6C)I46 )HI((I(. A($ )966 96M/4A%
Clear and grub stumps and undergro#th" )hin undergro#th and remo!e trees as directed"
$ispose of debris"
801108 SI)6 A($ 9/A$CA= 67CA4A)I/( A($ .9A$I(.
Strip, stockpile and place topsoil" 6&ca!ate road#ay, embankment, backfill, compact backfill,
and place imported borro#" Compact subgrade and do finish grading"
80180< S)9:C):96 67CA4A)I/(
.eneral Site Preparation B Proof roll entire building site after clearing, grubbing, and stripping"
6&ca!ate for foundation and concrete slabBonBgrade" After placement of foundation, backfill and
compact e&ca!ated area utilizing original soil" $ensity testing #ill be the responsibility of the
801888 )96(CHI(. A($ BAC>HI%%
Pro!ide trenching and backfilling for utilities
808?0< 9IP9AP
Hurnish and place stone riprap for embankment protection and ends of storm drains"
$I4ISI/( 815 67)69I/9 IMP9/46M6()S
812A0@ 6(.I(669I(. HAB9IC
.uide for /utline Specifications
/ctober 00, 1203
@ of 00
Hurnish and place engineering fabric, landscape fabric, and filter fabric on the subgrade of
roads, parking lots, riprap, underdrains, do#nspouts"
810<08 C/(C96)6 C:9BS A($ .:))69S
Concrete and curbs in selected color"
810108 BI):MI(/:S P9IM6 C/A) A($ )AC> C/A)
)reat aggregate base course and e&isting asphalt surfaces #ith bituminous material" Include
blotting material if reuired"
81010< ASPHA%) PA4I(.
Construct one or more bituminous surface courses, placed on a prepared base including all
pa!ement transitions and curbs #here reuired"
81018< BI):MI(/:S S6A% C/A)
Apply bituminous material as a seal coat to a prepared surface"
81@108"0G H=$9/ S66$I(., H69)I%IKI(., A($ M:%CHI(.
Seed, fertilize, and mulch landscaped areas, road#ay shoulders, and steep slopes"
81@118 S/$$I(.
Sod la#n areas"
$I4ISI/( 885 :)%I)I6S
880022 CA)69 $IS)9IB:)I/( PIPI(.
Pro!ide a #ater system including all accessories and piping from the #ell to the storage tank
and then throughout the pro'ect" Include fire hydrants, road crossings, and connections to fire
protection sprinkler systems"
888008 S6CA.6 PIPI(.
Pro!ide a gra!ity fed se#age treatment system including accessories, road crossings, and
leaching fields"
883108 PIP6 C:%469)S
Install ne# pipe cul!erts, and end sections"
883308 C/(C96)6 $9/P I(%6)S A($ CA)CH BASI(S
Construct concrete drop inlets and catch basins #ith metal grates"
883<0@ :($69$9AI(S
Install underdrains, pipe, granular filter material, and synthetic fabric"
$I4ISI/( 835 )9A(SP/9)A)I/(
.uide for /utline Specifications
/ctober 00, 1203
02 of 00
Section not used"
$I4ISI/( 8A5 CA)69CA= A($ MA9I(6 C/(S)9:C)I/(
Section not used"
$I4ISI/( 325 P9/C6SS I()6.9A)I/(
Section not used"
$I4ISI/( 305 MA)69IA% P9/C6SSI(. A($ HA($%I(. 6L:IPM6()
Section not used"
$I4ISI/( 315 P9/C6SS H6A)I(., C//%I(., A($ $9=I(. 6L:IPM6()
Section not used"
$I4ISI/( 385 P9/C6SS .AS A($ %IL:I$ HA($%I(., P:9IHICA)I/(, A($ S)/9A.6
Section not used"
$I4ISI/( 335 P/%%:)I/( C/()9/% 6L:IPM6()
Section not used"
$I4ISI/( 3A5 I($:S)9= N SP6CIHIC MA(:HAC):9I(. 6L:IPM6()
Section not used"
$I4ISI/( 3G5 6%6C)9ICA% P/C69 .6(69A)I/(
Section not used"
6nd of /utline Specifications
.uide for /utline Specifications
/ctober 00, 1203
00 of 00

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