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2014 Teachers Guide | | University of Zaragoza 1/2
Learning outcomes
that define the
University of Zaragoza
Administration and
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The student subjects to overcome this, should demonstrate the
following results ...
1 Use appropriate computer terms related to the use of technology in the workplace
2 critically Compare similar tools
3 Build quality digital documents efficiently integrating textual, numerical, graphic ...
information from various sources. It is able to provide accurate, accessible and
understandable reports, and share the results according to policies and legal and
organizational procedures
4 Use tools to support oral and written communication
5 Perform complex queries to an information system
6 Use safely computer networks, particularly the Internet
7 Make a safe and responsible use of ICT, being aware of the importance of ensuring
the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data
8 Collect, post and present information through a computer network
9 Understand the importance and impact basic purpose of a software audit in a
company or organization
10 is able to use communication technologies to develop and maintain relationships
with individuals, businesses and organizations, regardless of their geographical location
11 Use information technology and communication to (in the present or in the future
during the course of their work) efficient search of information needed to carry out their
Brief presentation of the subject
ICT in business is a subject that should serve the student as an aid to the efficient
management of information and communication in its formative stages as during their
working life.
The student will identify the characteristics required hardware, software and computer
Course Gui de
Basic Information
Context and skills
Activities and resources
27343 - The Tic's in the business
19.5.2014 Teachers Guide | | University of Zaragoza 2/2
networks that need or need to use. Will work tools commonly used in current use in several
perspectives: how to use them to improve their professional efficiency, how they can
influence business relationships, which must be taken into account to make a safe, ethical
and legal use of computer data ... In particular , among others, will deepen the use of
spreadsheet, word processing and data management as basic tools to aid their professional
development; will work the multimedia potential of existing applications; will learn tools to
help you in project planning; know how to publish and share content on the web; develop
skills to work collaboratively ...
Ultimately, the student will acquire skills on how to: design and develop digital documentary
support, work collaboratively and share information, keep updated numerical data, perform
calculations and graphs, create multimedia presentations to support an argument, exchange
information between different tools ...
Moreover, acquire knowledge and habits led to a safe, ethical and legal use of computer data.
Facul ty of Economi cs and Busi ness, Facul ty of Busi ness and Publ i c- School of Soci al and Human Sci ences Management

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