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BTEC 2012 Name: Nadim Hussain 10T

Unit 1 The Online World

Cloud Computing
Starter What is cloud computing?
Cloud computing is storing, managing and processing data on the internet
1. Name some well known hosting companies that provide cloud services.
icloud, dropbox, Facebook
Cloud storage is related to cloud computing and is where onl the hosting compan provides the storage,
access and retrieval !acilities.
". What are the bene!its o! cloud storage?
Benefit Reason / Description
$n the event o! catastrophic data loss, ou%ll have
backups o! all our original !iles so ou can restore
them with &ero downtime.
'ou can use storage space in the cloud !or a low
monthl !ee.
(. What are the concerns that evolve around cloud storage?
Concern Reason / Description
)ata securit
*verone is able to see all our data and it%s not
$dentit the!t
+his means that no data is secure over the
internet, including $) card details, bank
data !inancial records, or credit histor could
be stolen.
1 A.Siler
BTEC 2012 Name: Nadim Hussain 10T
Unit 1 The Online World
,. What does -ubi.uitous% mean?
/resent, appearing, or !ound everwhere
0. Write down a de!inition !or ubi.uitous computer sstems.
1bi.uitous computing 2ubicomp3 is an advanced computing concept where computing is made to appear
everwhere and anwhere. $n contrast to desktop computing, ubi.uitous computing can occur using an
device, in an location, and in an !ormat. 4 user interacts with the computer, which can exist in man
di!!erent !orms 5 laptop, tablets, terminals, phones, etc.
6. What are some examples o! ubi.uitous computing?
#F$) stands !or #adio Fre.uenc $denti!ication
6. What does #F$) do? 9ow does it work? 21se an example3
#F$) is the wireless non5contact use o! radio5!re.uenc electromagnetic !ields to trans!er data
Plenary What are some !uturistic examples o! ubi.uitous computing?
a. a car that can in!orm the owner when it needs servicing, book itsel! into the garage and
place orders !or an parts needed
b. a re!rigerator that can monitor its contents, compile an order as !ood is used and
add the items to the user%s online shopping account.
2 A.Siler

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