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Gain reduction meter (dB)
When lit, DC1A oers !entler,
less a!!ressive compression
characteristics "ith lon!er time
constants and less saturation
#utput !ain (dB)
$nput !ain (dB)
%nables a side&chain '() to keep
the lo"&end intact
Click to disable the stereo link
o the side&chain and compress
let and ri!ht channel separately
(stereo tracks only)
Alternative compression curve "ith
ne!ative ratios at more e*treme input
+ettin!s, Comes in handy, "hen more
a!!ressive, obvious, pumpin!
compression is desired
Klanghelm DC1A2
Klanghelm DC1A2
Code and G-$. /ony )ren0el
+pecial thanks to #li 1arkin (""",#li1arkin,co,uk), Cockos (""",cockos,com) or providin! the rame"ork (WD1&#1) used to build
DC1A2 and to the beta testers,
3+/ and 3+/4 are trademarks o +teinber! Media /echnolo!ies Gmb', Audio -nit is a trademark o Apple, $nc,
5/A+ and AA6 are trademarks o Avid, $nc,

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