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University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Phone: +92519047685
Fax: +92519047690
No.UETT/MED/2014/_______ Dated: 03-07-2014
Hope Certificate
It is certified that aaaaaaa, son of bbbbbbbb, Registration Number: 2010-
UET/ME-1xy, has appeared in final semester examination May, 2014 !he result
of final semester "#
semester$ %ill be announced in the month of &uly, 2014
'eeping in (ie% his pre(ious academic performance it is expected that he %ould
pass the final year examination in first di(ision
)fter the announcement of #
semester result, he %ill be a%arded %ith degree
Asst. Prof Zahid Suleman utt
Student Ser'ices ($!) *$% %a+ila.

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