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9 -Lit e r TDI Engine

w it h Pum p I nje ct ion
(Pum pe Dse )
De sign a nd Funct ion
Se lf -St udy Progra m
Course N um be r 8 4 1 3 0 3
Volksw agen of A m erica, Inc.
Service Training
Printed in U .S.A .
Printed 10/2003
C ourse N um ber 841303
2003 Volksw agen of A m erica, Inc.
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in this m anual is based on the latest
inform ation available at the tim e of printing
and is subject to the copyright and other
intellectual property rights of Volksw agen of
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Table of Contents
The Self-Study Program provides you w ith inform ation
regarding designs and functions.
The Self-Study Program is not a Repair Manual.
For m aintenance and repair w ork, alw ays refer to the
current technical literature.
1.9-Liter TD I Engine w ith Pum p Injection System
Engine Mechanics ..................................................................2
D evelopm ent of the 1.9-Liter TD I Engine w ith Pum p
Injection System , Technical D ata 1.9-Liter TD I Engine
w ith Pum p Injection System , Trapezoidal Piston and
C onnecting R od, Toothed B elt D rive
Fuel Supply................................................................................8
Fuel Supply System O verview , Fuel Pum p,
D istributor Pipe, Fuel C ooling System
Pump Injection System..........................................................15
Pum p/Injectors, D esign, Injection C ycle
Engine Management...............................................................28
1.9-Liter TD I Engine ED C 16 System O verview ,
Sensors, A ctuators
Glow Plug System..................................................................53
G low Plug System
Functional Diagram.................................................................54
ED C 16 Functional D iagram for 1.9-Liter TD I Engine
Self-D iagnosis, Pum p/Injector A djustm ent, Special Tools
Knowledge Assessment.........................................................61
1.9-Liter TDI Engine with
Pump Injection System
The dem ands on the m odern diesel engine
for increased perform ance and fuel
econom y, and reduced exhaust em issions
and noise levels are grow ing constantly.
G ood fuel and air m ixture preparation is a
key factor in m eeting these requirem ents.
This calls for efficient injection system s that
produce high injection pressures to ensure
that the fuel is w ell atom ized. It is also
necessary to precisely control the start of
fuel injection and the injection quantity.
The pum p injection system m eets
these requirem ents.
In 1905, R udolf D iesel cam e up w ith the
idea of a pum p/injector, com bining the
injection pum p and injector in one unit
in order to dispense w ith high-pressure
lines and achieve high injection pressures.
A t the tim e, how ever, he did not have
the technical m eans to put his idea
into practice.
D iesel engines w ith m echanically controlled
pum p injection system s have been in use
in ships and trucks since the 1950s.
In association w ith B osch, Volksw agen has
succeeded in developing a diesel engine
w ith a solenoid valve controlled pum p
injection system suitable for use in
passenger cars.
The 1.9-liter TD I engine w ith the new pum p
injection system m eets the stringent
dem ands for im proved perform ance and
cleaner em issions.
W ith continuing advances like this one,
R udolf D iesels vision of sm oke- and
odor-free exhaust gasesm ay one day
becom e a reality.
Engine Mechanics
Development of the
1.9-Liter TDI Engine with
Pump Injection System
The new 100 bhp (74 kW ) 1.9-liter TD I
engine w ith pum p injection system w as
developed from the existing 109 bhp (81
kW ) 1.9-liter TD I engine w ith a distributor
injection pum p and no interm ediate shaft.
The pum p injection system com prises the
only significant difference betw een the
tw o engines.
This Self-Study Program concerns
the design and function of the new pum p
injection system , and the m odifications
to the fuel system , engine m anagem ent
system , and engine m echanical
com ponents to accom m odate the system .
A diesel engine w ith the pum p injection
system has the follow ing advantages over
an engine w ith a distributor injection pum p:
Low com bustion noise.
Low fuel consum ption.
C lean em issions.
H igh efficiency.
These advantages are attributable to:
The high injection pressures of up to
27,846 psi (192,000 kPa / 1,920 bar).
Precise control of the injection cycle.
The pre-injection phase.
Speed (rpm)
Engine Mechanics
Technical Data
1.9-Liter TDI Engine with
Pump Injection System
Engine code
Four-cylinder in-line engine w ith tw o
valves per cylinder
115.7 cu in (1,896 cm
3.13 in (79.5 m m )
3.76 in (95.5 m m )
Compression ratio
19.0 : 1
Maximum power output
100 bhp (74 kW ) @ 4000 rpm
Maximum torque
177 lbs-ft (240 N m ) @ 1800 to 2400 rpm
Engine management
ED C 16
Firing sequence
Emission Control
B in 10 EPA Federal Em issions C oncept,
O B D II, catalytic converter, w ater-cooled
EG R system
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
lbs-ft N m
221 300
184 250
148 200
111 150
74 100
37 50
hp kW
121 90
101 75
80 60
60 45
40 30
20 15
Engine Mechanics
Trapezoidal Piston
and Connecting Rod
To accom m odate the higher com bustion
pressures in the 1.9-liter TD I engine w ith
pum p injection system than are
encountered in the base engine, the piston
hub and the connecting rod eye are
trapezoidal in shape.
Engine Mechanics
This distributes the com bustion forces over
a larger area and relieves the load on the
piston pin and connecting rod.
In com parison w ith the conventional
parallelogram -shaped link betw een the
piston and connecting rod, the trapezoidal
connecting rod eye and piston hub have a
larger contact surface area at the piston pin
ow ing to their shape.
C om bustion Force
C ontact Surface
Force Distribution in a Parallelogram-Shaped
Piston and Connecting Rod
Force Distribution in a Trapezoidal Piston
and Connecting Rod
C om bustion Force
C ontact Surface
Toothed Belt Drive
H igh pum p forces are required to generate
high injection pressures of up to 27,846 psi
(192,000 kPa / 1,920 bar).
These forces subject the com ponents of
the toothed belt drive to high loads.
To relieve the load on the toothed belt,
several m odifications have been m ade.
A vibration absorber integrated in the
cam shaft gear reduces vibration in
the toothed belt drive.
The toothed belt is about 0.20 inch
(5 m m ) w ider than the toothed belt used
in the base engine. H igher forces can be
transm itted by the larger surface area.
A hydraulic tensioner keeps the
toothed belt evenly tensioned in
different load states.
Som e of the teeth on the crankshaft
tim ing belt gear have a larger gap
clearance to reduce toothed belt w ear.
G ap
C learance
To relieve the load on the toothed belt
during the injection cycle, the crankshaft
tim ing belt gear has tw o pairs of teeth w ith
a larger gap clearance than the other teeth.
Engine Mechanics
D uring the injection cycle, the high
pum ping forces exert a heavy load on the
toothed belt.
The cam shaft tim ing belt gear is slow ed
dow n by the pum ping forces. A t the sam e
tim e, the com bustion process speeds up
the crankshaft tim ing belt gear. The toothed
belt is stretched and the pitch is tem porarily
increased as a result.
B ecause of the engine firing order, this
stretching process occurs at regular
intervals and the sam e teeth on the tim ing
belt gear are in m esh w ith the toothed belt
every tim e.
Non-uniform tooth gap clearance
O n the 1.9-liter TD I engine w ith pum p
injection system , the crankshaft tim ing belt
gear teeth have a larger gap clearance at
these points to com pensate for the change
in belt tooth pitch and thus reduce toothed
belt w ear.
D eceleration Force
A cceleration Force
Engine Mechanics
Fuel Supply
Fuel Supply System Overview
A m echanical fuel pum p sucks the fuel out
of the fuel tank through the fuel filter and
pum ps it along the supply line in the
cylinder head to the pum p/injectors.
Fuel C ooler C ools the returning fuel
to prevent excessively hot fuel from
being routed back to the fuel tank.
The fuel that is not required for injection is
returned to the fuel tank via the return line
in the cylinder head, a fuel tem perature
sensor, and a fuel cooler.
N on-R eturn Valve Prevents fuel
from the fuel pum p flow ing back into
the fuel tank w hile the engine is not
running. It has an opening pressure
of 2.9 psi (20 kPa / 0.2 bar).
Fuel Filter Protects the injection
system against contam ination and
w ear caused by particles and w ater.
Fuel Tem perature Sensor G 81
D eterm ines the tem perature of the
fuel in the fuel return line and sends a
corresponding signal to the D iesel D irect
Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248.
Fuel Tank
Fuel Supply
Fuel R eturn Line Pressure
Lim iting Valve Keeps the
pressure in the fuel return line
at 14.5 psi (100 kPa / 1 bar).
This m aintains a force
equilibrium at the pum p/
injector solenoid valve needle.
Strainer C ollects vapor bubbles in the
fuel supply line. These vapor bubbles are
then separated through the restrictor
into the return line.
Fuel Supply Line Pressure Lim iting Valve
R egulates the fuel pressure in the fuel supply line.
The valve opens w hen the fuel pressure exceeds
109 psi (750 kPa / 7.5 bar). Fuel is routed back to
the suction side of the fuel pum p.
Fuel Pum p R otor Pum ps the fuel from
the fuel tank through the fuel filter and
the fuel supply line in the cylinder head
to the pum p/injectors.
R estrictor Located betw een the
fuel supply line and the fuel return
line. Vapor bubbles in the fuel supply
line are separated through the
restrictor into the fuel return line.
Pressure Lim iting Valve B ypass
If there is air in the fuel system ,
for exam ple w hen the fuel tank
is em pty, the pressure lim iting
valve rem ains closed. The air is
expelled from the system by the
fuel flow ing into the tank.
C ylinder H ead
There is a fitting on the fuel
pum p for connecting pressure
gauge VA S 5187 to check the
fuel pressure in the supply line.
Please refer to the R epair M anual
for instructions.
Fuel Supply
Fuel Pump
The fuel pum p is located directly behind
the vacuum pum p at the cylinder head.
It m oves the fuel from the fuel tank to the
pum p/injectors.
B oth pum ps are driven jointly by the
cam shaft. They are collectively know n as
a tandem pum p.
Fuel R eturn Line
Pressure G auge
C onnection Fitting
Fuel Pum p
Vacuum Pum p
Fuel Supply Line
Fuel Supply
The fuel pum p is a blocking vane-cell pum p.
The blocking vanes are pressed against the
pum p rotor by spring pressure. This design
enables the fuel pum p to deliver fuel even
at low engine speeds.
The fuel ducting system w ithin the pum p
is designed so that the rotor alw ays
rem ains w etted w ith fuel, even if the tank
has been run dry. This m akes autom atic
prim ing possible.
B locking Vanes
R estrictor
C onnection for
Fuel Supply Line
Fuel Supply Line
Pressure Lim iting Valve
To Fuel Supply Line
in C ylinder H ead
C onnection for
Fuel R eturn Line
Fuel R eturn
Line Pressure
Lim iting Valve
R otor
From Fuel
R eturn Line in
C ylinder H ead
The fuel pum p operates by taking fuel in as
the pum p cham ber volum e increases and
pushing the fuel out under pressure as the
cham ber volum e is reduced.
The fuel is draw n into tw o cham bers and
pum ped out from tw o cham bers. The
intake and delivery cham bers are separated
from one another by the spring-loaded
blocking vanes and the pum p rotor lobes.
Fuel draw n into cham ber 1 is pushed out at
cham ber 2. Fuel draw n into cham ber 3 is
pushed out at cham ber 4.
The rotation of the rotor increases the
volum e of cham ber 1 w hile the volum e of
cham ber 4 is sim ultaneously reduced.
Fuel is pushed out of cham ber 4 to the
fuel supply line in the cylinder head.
Fuel Supply
The rotation of the rotor increases the
volum e in cham ber 3 as it reduces the
volum e in cham ber 2. Fuel draw n in at
cham ber 1 is forced out of cham ber 2 to
the fuel supply line in the cylinder head.
SSP209/052 R otor
C ham ber 4 C ham ber 3
C ham ber 2
C ham ber 1
C ham ber 1
R otor
C ham ber 4
C ham ber 3
C ham ber 2
Fuel Supply
Distributor Pipe
A distributor pipe is integrated in the fuel
supply line in the cylinder head. It distributes
the fuel evenly to the pum p/injectors at a
uniform tem perature.
In the supply line, the fuel m oves through
the center of the distributor pipe tow ard
cylinder 1 at the far end.
The fuel also m oves through the cross
holes in the distributor pipe and enters the
annular gap betw een the distributor pipe
and the cylinder head w all.
This fuel m ixes w ith the hot unused fuel
that has been forced back into the supply
line by the pum p/injectors.
This results in a uniform tem perature
of the fuel in the supply line running to
all cylinders.
A ll pum p/injectors are supplied w ith
the sam e fuel m ass, and the engine
runs sm oothly.
C ylinder H ead
A nnular G ap
C ross H oles
C ylinder 4 C ylinder 3 C ylinder 2 C ylinder 1
D istributor Pipe
C ross H oles
M ixing Fuel in
A nnular G ap
Fuel to Pum p/Injector
Fuel from
Pum p/Injector
Fuel Supply
Fuel Cooling Circuit
The heated fuel returning from the pum p/
injectors flow s through the fuel cooler and
its heat transfers to the coolant in the fuel
cooling circuit that also flow s through the
fuel cooler.
The auxiliary w ater cooler reduces the
tem perature of the coolant in the fuel
cooling circuit by dissipating the heat in
the coolant to the am bient air.
Pum p for Fuel C ooler V166 is an electric
recirculation pum p. It circulates the coolant
in the fuel cooling circuit through the
auxiliary w ater cooler and the fuel cooler. It
is sw itched on by the D iesel D irect Fuel
Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248 via
the R elay for Pum p, Fuel C ooling J445 at
a fuel tem perature of 158F (70C ).
The fuel cooling circuit is largely separate
from the engine cooling circuit. This is
necessary because the tem perature of the
coolant in the engine cooling circuit is too
high to cool dow n the fuel w hen the engine
is at operating tem perature.
The fuel cooling circuit is connected to the
engine cooling circuit near the expansion
tank. This enables replenishm ent of the
coolant for fuel cooling at the coolant
expansion tank. It also allow s
com pensation for changes in volum e due
to tem perature fluctuation.
The fuel cooling circuit is connected so that
the hotter engine cooling circuit does not
have a detrim ental effect on its ability to
cool the fuel.
Fuel Pum p
Pum p for
Fuel C ooler
Fuel C ooler
A uxiliary
W ater
C ooler
C ooling
C ircuit
Fuel Tank
C oolant
Tem perature
Sensor G 81
Fuel Cooling System
The high pressure generated by the pum p/
injectors heats up the unused fuel so m uch
that it m ust be cooled before it gets back to
the fuel tank.
A fuel cooler is located on the fuel filter.
It cools the returning fuel and thus prevents
excessively hot fuel from entering the fuel
tank and possibly dam aging the Sender for
Fuel G auge G .
Pump Injection System
A pum p/injector is, as the nam e im plies, a
pressure-generating pum p com bined w ith a
solenoid valve control unit (Valves for Pum p/
Injectors, C ylinders 1 through 4, N 240,
N 241, N 242, and N 243) and an injector.
Each cylinder of the engine has its ow n
pum p/injector.
This m eans that there is no longer any
need for a high-pressure line or a distributor
injection pum p.
Just like a conventional system w ith a
distributor injection pum p and separate
injectors, the new pum p injection
system m ust:
G enerate the high injection
pressures required.
Inject fuel into the cylinders in the correct
quantity and at the correct point in tim e.
Solenoid Valve C ontrol U nit
G enerating
Pum p
Pump Injection System
The pum p/injectors are installed directly in
the cylinder head.
They are attached to the cylinder head by
individual clam ping blocks.
It is im portant to ensure that
the pum p/injectors are positioned
correctly w hen they are installed.
R efer to the R epair M anual
for instructions.
If the pum p/injectors are not installed
perpendicular to the cylinder head, the
fasteners could loosen. The pum p/injectors
or the cylinder head could be dam aged as
a result.
C lam ping
B lock
Pump Injection System
R oller-Type
R ocker A rm
O -R ing
O -R ing
O -R ing
H eat-
C ylinder H ead
Injector N eedle
Injector N eedle
D am ping Elem ent
Injector Spring
Fuel Supply Line
R etraction
Fuel R eturn Line
H igh-Pressure
C ham ber
Pum p/Injector
Solenoid Valve
Valve N eedle
Injection C am
Piston Spring
Pum p Piston
B all Pin
Pump Injection System
Drive Mechanism
The cam shaft has four additional cam s for
driving the pum p/injectors.
They activate the pum p/injector pum p
pistons w ith roller-type rocker arm s.
Valve C am
Injection C am
(H idden by
R ocker A rm R oller)
R oller-Type
R ocker A rm
Pump Injection System
The gradual slope of the cam trailing edge
allow s the pum p piston to m ove up
relatively slow ly and evenly. Fuel flow s into
the pum p/injector high-pressure cham ber
free of air bubbles.
The injection cam has a steep leading edge
and a gradual slope to the trailing edge.
A s a result of the steep leading edge, the
pum p piston is pushed dow n at high
velocity. A high injection pressure is
attained quickly.
Pum p
Injection C am
R oller-Type
R ocker A rm
Pum p
Injection C am
R oller-Type
R ocker A rm
Pump Injection System
Mixture Formation and
Combustion Requirements
G ood m ixture form ation is a vital factor to
ensure efficient com bustion.
A ccordingly, fuel m ust be injected in the
correct quantity at the right tim e and at high
pressure. Even m inim al deviations can lead
to higher levels of pollutant em issions, noisy
com bustion, or high fuel consum ption.
A short firing delay is im portant for the
com bustion sequence of a diesel engine.
The firing delay is the period betw een the
start of fuel injection and the start of
pressure rise in the com bustion cham ber.
If a large fuel quantity is injected during this
period, the pressure w ill rise suddenly and
cause loud com bustion noise.
Pre-injection phase
To soften the com bustion process, a sm all
am ount of fuel is injected at a low pressure
before the start of the m ain injection phase.
This is the pre-injection phase. C om bustion
of this sm all quantity of fuel causes the
pressure and tem perature in the
com bustion cham ber to rise.
This m eets the requirem ents for quick
ignition of the m ain injection quantity, thus
reducing the firing delay.
The pre-injection phase and the injection
intervalbetw een the pre-injection phase
and the m ain injection phase produce a
gradual rise in pressure w ithin the
com bustion cham ber, not a sudden
pressure buildup.
The effects of this are low com bustion
noise levels and low er nitrogen
oxide em issions.
Main injection phase
The key requirem ent for the m ain injection
phase is the form ation of a good m ixture.
The aim is to burn the fuel com pletely
if possible.
The high injection pressure finely atom izes
the fuel so that the fuel and air can m ix w ell
w ith one another.
C om plete com bustion reduces pollutant
em issions and ensures high engine
End of injection
A t the end of the injection process, it
is im portant that the injection pressure
drops quickly and the injector needle
closes quickly.
This prevents fuel at a low injection
pressure and w ith a large droplet diam eter
from entering the com bustion cham ber.
Fuel does not com bust com pletely under
such conditions, giving rise to higher
pollutant em issions.
Injection curve
The injection curve of the pum p injection
system largely m atches the engine
dem ands, w ith low pressures during the
pre-injection phase, follow ed by an
injection interval,then a rise in pressure
during the m ain injection phase. The
injection cycle ends abruptly.
SSP209/101 SSP209/100
Tim e
Engine D em and Pum p/Injector
Pump Injection System
Injection Cycle
High-Pressure Chamber Fills
D uring the filling phase, the pum p piston
m oves upw ard under the force of the
piston spring and thus increases the
volum e of the high-pressure cham ber.
The pum p/injector solenoid valve is
not activated.
The solenoid valve needle is in its
resting position.
The path is open from the fuel supply line
to the high-pressure cham ber.
The fuel pressure in the supply line
causes the fuel to flow into the
high-pressure cham ber.
Valve N eedle
Fuel Supply Line
Piston Spring
H igh-Pressure
C ham ber
Injector N eedle
Fuel R eturn Line
Pum p/Injector
Solenoid Valve
Pum p Piston
Injection C am
R oller-Type
R ocker A rm
Pump Injection System
Pre-Injection Phase Starts
The injection cam pushes the pum p
piston dow n via the roller-type rocker arm .
This displaces som e of the fuel from the
high-pressure cham ber back into the fuel
supply line.
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 initiates the injection
cycle by activating the pum p/injector
solenoid valve.
The solenoid valve needle is pressed into
the valve seat and closes the path from
the high-pressure cham ber to the fuel
supply line.
This initiates a pressure build-up in the
high-pressure cham ber.
A t 2,611 psi (18,000 kPa / 180 bar), the
pressure is greater than the force of the
injector spring.
The injector needle is lifted from its seat
and the pre-injection cycle starts.
R oller-Type
R ocker A rm
R etraction Piston
Injection C am
Injector Spring
Injector N eedle
Valve N eedle
Pum p/Injector
Solenoid Valve
Fuel R eturn Line
Fuel Supply Line
H igh-Pressure
C ham ber
Piston Spring
Pum p Piston
Pump Injection System
Injector needle damping
D uring the pre-injection phase, the stroke
of the injector needle is dam pened by a
hydraulic cushion. A s a result, it is possible
to m eter the injection quantity exactly.
A s soon as the dam ping piston plunges into
the bore in the injector housing, the fuel
above the injector needle can only be
displaced into the injector spring cham ber
through a leakage gap.
This creates a hydraulic cushion w hich
lim its the injector needle stroke during the
pre-injection phase.
In the first third of the total stroke, the
injector needle is opened undam ped.
The pre-injection quantity is injected into
the com bustion cham ber.
D am ping
H ydraulic
C ushion
Leakage G ap
H ousing
C ham ber
U ndam ped
H ousing
C ham ber
Pump Injection System
Pre-Injection Phase Ends
The pre-injection phase ends im m ediately
after the injector needle opens.
The rising pressure causes the retraction
piston to m ove dow nw ard, thus increasing
the volum e of the high-pressure cham ber.
The pressure drops m om entarily as a
result, and the injector needle closes.
This ends the pre-injection phase.
The dow nw ard m ovem ent of the retraction
piston pre-loads the injector spring to a
greater extent.
To re-open the injector needle during the
subsequent m ain injection phase, the fuel
pressure m ust be greater than during the
pre-injection phase.
R oller-Type
R ocker A rm
R etraction Piston
Injection C am
Injector Spring
Injector N eedle
Valve N eedle
Pum p/Injector
Solenoid Valve
Fuel R eturn Line
Fuel Supply Line
H igh-Pressure
C ham ber
Piston Spring
Pum p Piston
Pump Injection System
Main Injection Phase Starts
The pressure in the high-pressure
cham ber rises again shortly after the
injector needle closes.
The pum p/injector solenoid valve
rem ains closed and the pum p piston
m oves dow nw ard.
A t approxim ately 4,351 psi (30,000 kPa /
300 bar), the fuel pressure is greater
than the force exerted by the pre-loaded
injector spring.
The injector needle is again lifted from
its seat and the m ain injection quantity
is injected.
The pressure rises to betw een 27,121 psi
(187,000 kPa / 1,870 bar) and 27,846 psi
(192,000 kPa / 1,920 bar) because m ore
fuel is displaced in the high-pressure
cham ber than can escape through the
nozzle holes.
M axim um fuel pressure is achieved at
m axim um engine output. This occurs at a
high engine speed w hen a large quantity of
fuel is being injected.
R oller-Type
R ocker A rm
R etraction Piston
Injection C am
Injector Spring
Injector N eedle
Valve N eedle
Fuel Supply Line
H igh-Pressure
C ham ber
Piston Spring
Pum p Piston
Pum p/Injector
Solenoid Valve
Fuel R eturn Line
Pump Injection System
Main Injection Phase Ends
The injection cycle ends w hen the D iesel
D irect Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol M odule
J248 stops activating the pum p/injector
solenoid valve.
The solenoid valve spring opens the solenoid
valve needle, and the fuel displaced by the
pum p piston can enter the fuel supply line.
The pressure drops.
The injector needle closes and the injector
spring presses the bypass piston into its
starting position.
This ends the m ain injection phase.
R oller-Type
R ocker A rm
Injection C am
Injector Spring
Injector N eedle
Valve N eedle
Pum p/Injector
Solenoid Valve
Fuel R eturn Line
Fuel Supply Line
Piston Spring
Pum p Piston
R etraction Piston
Valve N eedle
Pump/Injector Fuel Return
The fuel return line in the pum p/injector has
the follow ing functions:
C ool the pum p/injector by flushing
fuel from the fuel supply line through
the pum p/injector ducts into the fuel
return line.
D ischarge leaking fuel at the
pum p piston.
Separate vapor bubbles from the
pum p/injector fuel supply line through
the restrictors in the fuel return line.
Pump Injection System
Fuel Supply Line
Leaking Fuel
Pum p Piston
R estrictors
Fuel R eturn Line
Engine Management
1.9-Liter TDI Engine EDC 16
System Overview
D iesel D irect
Fuel Injection
Engine C ontrol
M odule J248
C onnector
(D iagnosis
C onnection)
A B S C ontrol M odule
w ith ED L/A SR /ESP J104
D rivetrain
C A N D ata B us
B arom etric
Sensor F96
A dditional Signals
R oad Speed Signal
A ir C onditioner C om pressor R eady
C C S Sw itch
Three-Phase A C G enerator Term inal D F
Fuel Tem perature Sensor G 81
B rake Light Sw itch F
B rake Pedal Sw itch F47
C lutch Vacuum Vent Valve Sw itch F36
M anifold A bsolute Pressure Sensor G 71
Intake A ir Tem perature Sensor G 72
Engine C oolant Tem perature Sensor G 62
Throttle Position Sensor G 79
Kick D ow n Sw itch F8
C losed Throttle Position Sw itch F60
C am shaft Position Sensor G 40
Engine Speed Sensor G 28
M ass A ir Flow Sensor G 70
Engine Management
A dditional Signals
C oolant A uxiliary H eater
Engine Speed
C ooling Fan R un-O n
A ir C onditioner C om pressor C ut-O ff
Fuel C onsum ption Signal
R elay for Pum p, Fuel C ooling J445
Pum p for Fuel C ooler V166
C hange-O ver Valve for Intake M anifold Flap N 239
W astegate B ypass R egulator Valve N 75
EG R Vacuum R egulator Solenoid Valve N 18
G low Plug Indicator Light K29
Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 1 N 240
Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 2 N 241
Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 3 N 242
Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 4 N 243
G low Plugs Q 6
G low Plug R elay J52
Transm ission
C ontrol M odule
Camshaft Position Sensor G40
The C am shaft Position Sensor G 40 is a
H all-effect sensor.
It is attached to the toothed-belt guard
below the cam shaft gear.
It scans seven teeth on the cam shaft sensor
w heel attached to the cam shaft gear.
Signal application
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 uses the signal that
the C am shaft Position Sensor G 40
generates to determ ine the relative
positions of the pistons in the cylinders
w hen starting the engine.
Effects of signal failure
In the event of C am shaft Position Sensor
G 40 signal failure, the D iesel D irect Fuel
Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248 uses
the signal that the Engine Speed Sensor
G 28 generates.
Electrical circuit
G 40 C am shaft Position Sensor
J248 D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule
J317 Pow er Supply (Term inal 30, B +) R elay
Engine Management
C am shaft
Sensor W heel
C am shaft Position
Sensor G 40
J 248
J 317
Engine Management
Cylinder recognition when
starting the engine
W hen starting the engine, the D iesel D irect
Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248
m ust determ ine w hich cylinder is in the
com pression stroke in order to activate the
correct pum p/injector valve. To achieve this,
it evaluates the signal generated by the
C am shaft Position Sensor G 40, w hich
scans the teeth of the cam shaft sensor
w heel to determ ine the cam shaft position.
Camshaft sensor wheel
Since the cam shaft executes one
360-degree revolution per w orking cycle,
there is a tooth for each individual cylinder
on the sensor w heel. These teeth are
spaced 90 degrees apart.
To differentiate betw een cylinders, the
sensor w heel has an additional tooth w ith
different spacing for each of cylinders
1, 2, and 3.
SSP209/094 C ylinder 2
C ylinder 1
C ylinder 3
C ylinder 4
Engine Management
Each tim e a tooth passes the C am shaft
Position Sensor G 40, a H all-effect voltage
is induced and transm itted to the D iesel
D irect Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol
M odule J248.
B ecause the teeth are spaced at different
distances apart, the induced voltage occurs
at different tim e intervals.
From this, the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection
Engine C ontrol M odule J248 determ ines
the relative positions of the cylinders and
uses this inform ation to control the
solenoid valves for pum p/injectors.
R efer to Q uick-Start Function(page 34).
Signal Pattern, Camshaft Position Sensor G40
90 90 90
C ylinder 1 C ylinder 3 C ylinder 4 C ylinder 2 C ylinder 1
Engine Management
Engine Speed Sensor G28
The Engine Speed Sensor G 28 is an
inductive sensor. It is attached to the
cylinder block.
J 248
Engine speed sensor wheel
The Engine Speed Sensor G 28 scans a
60-2-2 sensor w heel attached to the
crankshaft. This m eans that the sensor
w heel has 56 teeth w ith tw o gaps the w idth
of tw o teeth each on its circum ference.
These gaps are 180 degrees apart and
serve as reference points for determ ining
the crankshaft position.
Signal application
The signal generated by the Engine Speed
Sensor G 28 provides both the engine speed
and the exact position of the crankshaft.
The injection point and the injection quantity
are calculated using this inform ation.
Effects of signal failure
If the signal of the Engine Speed Sensor
G 28 fails, the engine is sw itched off.
Electrical circuit
G 28 Engine Speed Sensor
J248 D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule
Engine Management
Quick-Start Function
To allow the engine to be started quickly,
the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 evaluates the signals
generated by the C am shaft Position Sensor
G 40 and the Engine Speed Sensor G 28.
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 uses the signal that
the C am shaft Position Sensor G 40
generates to determ ine the relative
positions of the pistons in the cylinders
w hen starting the engine.
B ecause there are tw o gaps on the
crankshaft sensor w heel, the D iesel D irect
Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248
receives a usable reference signal from the
Engine Speed Sensor G 28 after only half a
turn of the crankshaft.
C ylinder 1 C ylinder 3 C ylinder 4 C ylinder 2
B y interpreting the signals from these tw o
sensors, the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection
Engine C ontrol M odule J248 determ ines
the position of the crankshaft in relation to
the cam shaft and thus the positions of the
pistons in the cylinders at an early stage.
W ith this inform ation, it can activate the
correct solenoid valve at the proper tim e to
initiate the injection cycle in the next
cylinder to reach the com pression stage.
The quick-start function enables an early
engine start because synchronization w ith
the first cylinder is not required.
Signal G enerated
by Engine Speed
Sensor G 28
G enerated by
C am shaft Position
Sensor G 40
O ne C rankshaft R otation
O ne C am shaft R evolution
Signal Pattern, Camshaft Position Sensor G40
and Engine Speed Sensor G28
Engine Management
Fuel Temperature Sensor G81
The Fuel Tem perature Sensor G 81 is
located in the fuel return line betw een the
fuel pum p and the fuel cooler. It determ ines
the current tem perature of the fuel at
that point.
The Fuel Tem perature Sensor G 81 has a
negative tem perature coefficient. The
sensor resistance decreases w ith
increasing fuel tem perature.
Signal application
The signal generated by the Fuel
Tem perature Sensor G 81 is used by
the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 to determ ine
the fuel tem perature.
This signal is needed to calculate the
start of injection point and the injection
quantity so that allow ance can be m ade
for the density of the fuel at different
tem peratures.
This signal is also used to determ ine
the tim ing for sw itching on the fuel
cooling pum p.
Effects of signal failure
In the event of Fuel Tem perature Sensor
G 81 signal failure, the D iesel D irect Fuel
Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248
calculates a substitute value from the signal
generated by Engine C oolant Tem perature
Sensor G 62.
Electrical circuit
G 81 Fuel Tem perature Sensor
J248 D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule
J 248
Mass Air Flow Sensor G70
The M ass A ir Flow Sensor G 70 w ith reverse
flow recognition is located in the intake pipe.
It determ ines the intake air m ass.
The opening and closing actions of the
valve produce reverse flow s in the induced
air m ass in the intake pipe.
The M ass A ir Flow Sensor G 70
recognizes and m akes allow ance for the
returning air m ass in the signal it sends
to the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248.
The air m ass is accurately m easured.
Signal application
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 uses the m easured
values from the M ass A ir Flow Sensor G 70
to calculate the injection quantity and the
exhaust gas recirculation rate.
Effects of signal failure
If the signal from the M ass A ir Flow Sensor
G 70 fails, the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection
Engine C ontrol M odule J248 uses a fixed
substitute value.
Engine Management
Engine Management
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor G62
The Engine C oolant Tem perature Sensor
G 62 is located at the coolant connection on
the cylinder head. It sends inform ation
about the current coolant tem perature to
the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248.
Signal application
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 uses the coolant
tem perature as a correction value for
calculating the injection quantity.
Effects of signal failure
If the signal from Engine C oolant
Tem perature Sensor G 62 fails, the D iesel
D irect Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol M odule
J248 uses the signal generated by the Fuel
Tem perature Sensor G 81 to calculate the
injection quantity.
Accelerator Pedal Sensors
The accelerator pedal sensors are integrated
into a single housing and connected to the
pedal by m echanical linkage.
Throttle Position Sensor G 79
Kick D ow n Sw itch F8
C losed Throttle Position Sw itch F60
Signal application
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 can recognize the
position of the accelerator pedal from
this signal.
In vehicles w ith an autom atic transm ission,
the Kick D ow n Sw itch F8 indicates to the
D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol
M odule J248 w hen the driver w ants
to accelerate.
Effects of signal failure
W ithout the signal from Throttle Position
Sensor G 79, the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection
Engine C ontrol M odule J248 is unable to
recognize the accelerator pedal position.
The engine w ill only run at an increased
idling speed.
Engine Management
Engine Management
Intake Manifold Sensors
The intake m anifold sensors are integrated
into a single m odule and installed in the
intake pipe.
M anifold A bsolute Pressure Sensor G 71
Intake A ir Tem perature Sensor G 72
Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor G71
Signal application
The M anifold A bsolute Pressure Sensor
G 71 supplies a signal that is required to
check the charge pressure (boost
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 com pares the actual
m easured value w ith the setpoint from the
charge pressure m ap.
If the actual value deviates from the
setpoint, the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection
Engine C ontrol M odule J248 adjusts the
charge pressure via the W astegate B ypass
R egulator Valve N 75.
Effects of signal failure
The charge pressure can no longer
be regulated.
Engine perform ance drops.
Intake Air Temperature Sensor G72
Signal application
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 requires the signal
generated by the Intake A ir Tem perature
Sensor G 72 as a correction value for
com puting the charge pressure.
It can then m ake allow ance for the effect
of tem perature on the density of the
charge air.
Effects of signal failure
If the Intake A ir Tem perature Sensor G 72
signal fails, the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection
Engine C ontrol M odule J248 uses a
fixed substitute value to calculate the
charge pressure.
This can result in a drop in
engine perform ance.
Engine Management
Barometric Pressure Sensor F96
The B arom etric Pressure Sensor F96 is
located inside the D iesel D irect Fuel
Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248.
Signal application
The B arom etric Pressure Sensor F96
sends the current am bient air pressure to
the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248.
This value is dependent on the vehicles
geographical altitude.
W ith this signal the D iesel D irect Fuel
Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248
can carry out an altitude correction for
charge pressure control and exhaust
gas recirculation.
Effects of signal failure
B lack sm oke occurs at altitude.
Clutch Vacuum Vent Valve Switch F36
The C lutch Vacuum Vent Valve Sw itch F36
is located at the foot controls on vehicles
w ith m anual transm issions.
Signal application
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 determ ines from
this signal w hether the clutch is engaged
or disengaged.
W hen the clutch is engaged, injection
quantity is reduced briefly to prevent
engine shudder w hen shifting gears.
Effects of signal failure
If the signal from the C lutch Vacuum Vent
Valve Sw itch F36 fails, engine shudder can
occur w hen shifting gears.
B arom etric Pressure Sensor F96
Engine Management
Brake Pedal Sensors
The brake pedal sensors are integrated
into a single m odule that is m ounted on the
brake pedal bracket.
B rake Light Sw itch F
B rake Pedal Sw itch F47
Signal application
B oth sw itches supply the D iesel D irect
Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248
w ith the brake activatedsignal.
The engine speed is regulated w hen the
brake is activated for safety reasons,
since the Throttle Position Sensor G 79
could be defective.
Effects of signal failure
If one of the tw o sw itches fails, D iesel
D irect Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol M odule
J248 reduces the fuel quantity.
Engine perform ance drops.
Engine Management
Cruise control switch
The signal generated by the cruise control
sw itch tells the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection
Engine C ontrol M odule J248 that the cruise
control system has been activated.
Three-phase AC generator terminal DF
The signal supplied by generator term inal
D F indicates the load state of the three-
phase A C generator to the D iesel D irect
Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248.
D epending on available capacity, the D iesel
D irect Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol M odule
J248 can sw itch on one, tw o, or three G low
Plugs (C oolant) Q 7 of the coolant auxiliary
heater via the R elay for Preheating C oolant,
Low H eat O utput J359 and the R elay for
Preheating C oolant, H igh H eat O utput J360.
CAN data bus
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248, the A B S C ontrol
M odule w ith ED L/A SR /ESP J104, and the
Transm ission C ontrol M odule J217
interchange inform ation along a
C A N data bus.
Additional Input Signals
Road speed signal
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 receives the road
speed signal from the vehicle speed sensor.
This signal is used to calculate various
functions, including cooling fan run-on
and engine shudder dam ping w hen
shifting gears.
It is also used to check the cruise control
system for proper functioning.
Air conditioner compressor ready
The air conditioner sw itch sends D iesel
D irect Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol M odule
J248 a signal indicating that the air
conditioner com pressor w ill shortly be
sw itched on.
This enables the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection
Engine C ontrol M odule J248 to increase
the engine idle speed before the air
conditioner com pressor is sw itched on to
prevent a sharp drop in engine speed w hen
the com pressor starts up.
Engine Management
Pump/Injector Solenoid Valves
The 1.9-liter TD I engine w ith the new pum p
injection system uses four pum p/injector
solenoid valves:
Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 1 N 240
Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 2 N 241
Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 3 N 242
Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 4 N 243
The pum p/injector solenoid valves are
attached to their pum p/injectors w ith a
cap nut.
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 regulates the start of
injection points and injection quantities of
the pum p/injectors by activating their
solenoid valves at the appropriate tim es.
Start of injection point
A s soon as the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection
Engine C ontrol M odule J248 activates a
pum p/injector solenoid valve, the m agnetic
coil presses the solenoid valve needle
dow n into the valve seat and closes off the
path from the fuel supply line to the high-
pressure cham ber of the pum p/injector.
The injection cycle then begins.
Injection quantity
The injection quantity is determ ined by the
length of tim e that the solenoid valve is
Fuel is injected into the com bustion
cham ber as long as the pum p/injector
solenoid valve is closed.
Effects of failure
If a pum p/injector solenoid valve fails, the
engine w ill not run sm oothly and
perform ance w ill be reduced.
The pum p/injector solenoid valve has a dual
safety function.
If the valve stays open, pressure cannot
build up in the pum p/injector.
If the valve stays closed, the high-pressure
cham ber of the pum p/injector can no longer
be filled.
In either case, no fuel is injected into
the cylinders.
Electrical circuit
J248 D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule
N 240 Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 1
N 241 Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 2
N 242 Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 3
N 243 Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 4
Engine Management
N240 N241 N242 N243
J 248
Engine Management
Pump/injector solenoid valve monitoring
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 m onitors the electrical
current that actuates the solenoid valves at
the pum p/injectors.
This provides feedback to the D iesel
D irect Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol M odule
J248 of the actual point in tim e w hen
injection begins.
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 uses this feedback to
regulate the beginning of injection periods
(B IP) during subsequent com bustion
cycles and to detect m alfunctions of the
pum p/injector solenoid valves.
Start of injection is initiated w hen the
pum p/injector solenoid valve is actuated.
A ctuating current applied to a pum p/injector
solenoid valve creates a m agnetic field.
A s the applied current intensity increases,
the valve closes; the m agnetic coil presses
the solenoid valve needle into its valve
seat. This closes off the path from the
fuel supply line to the pum p/injector
high-pressure cham ber and the injection
period begins.
A s the solenoid valve needle contacts its
valve seat, the distinctive signature of an
alternately dropping and rising current flow
is detected by the D iesel D irect Fuel
Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248. This
point is called the beginning of injection
period (B IP). It indicates the com plete
closure of the pum p/injector solenoid valve
and the starting point of fuel delivery.
Start of injection is the point
in tim e w hen the actuating
current to the pum p/injector
solenoid valve is initiated.
Beginning of injection
period (BIP) is the point in tim e
w hen the solenoid valve needle
contacts the valve seat.
W ith the solenoid valve closed, a holding
current is m aintained at a constant level by
the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 to keep it closed. O nce
the required tim e period for fuel delivery has
elapsed, the actuating current is sw itched
off and the solenoid valve opens.
Current Pattern - Pump/Injector Solenoid Valve
B eginning of
Injection Period
(B IP) (Valve
C loses)
Tim e



End of
A ctuation
Start of
A ctuation
(Start of
C urrent
C ontrol
Lim it
H olding
C urrent
Engine Management
The actual m om ent at w hich the pum p/
injector solenoid valve closes (B IP) is used
by the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 to calculate the point
of actuation for the next injection period.
If the actual B IP deviates from the m apped
details stored in the D iesel D irect Fuel
Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248, it w ill
correct the point of valve actuation (start of
injection) for the next com bustion cycle.
To detect pum p/injector solenoid valve
faults, the D iesel D irect Fuel Injection
Engine C ontrol M odule J248 evaluates the
B IP position from the current flow pattern.
If there are no faults, B IP w ill be w ithin the
control lim it. If this is not the case, the
valve is faulty.
Effects of failure
If a fault is detected at the solenoid valve,
start of injection is determ ined based on
fixed values from the control m ap.
R egulation is no longer possible and
perform ance is im paired.
If there is air inside the pum p/injector, the
solenoid valve needle has a low resistance
w hen it closes. The valve closes quickly
and the B IP is earlier than expected.
In this case, the self-diagnosis indicates the
follow ing fault m essage:
B IP below control lim it
Engine Management
Change-Over Valve for
Intake Manifold Flap N239
The C hange-O ver Valve for Intake
M anifold Flap N 239 is located in the
engine com partm ent, in the vicinity of
the M ass A ir Flow Sensor G 70.
It sw itches the vacuum for actuating the
intake m anifold flap in the intake pipe.
This stops the engine shuddering w hen
the ignition is turned off.
D iesel engines have a high
com pression ratio.
The engine shudders w hen the ignition is
turned off because of the high com pression
pressure of the induced air.
The intake m anifold flap interrupts the air
supply w hen the engine is turned off. Little
air is com pressed and the engine runs
softly to a halt.
If the engine is turned off, the D iesel D irect
Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248
sends a signal to the C hange-O ver Valve for
Intake M anifold Flap N 239, w hich then
sw itches the vacuum for the vacuum m otor.
The vacuum m otor closes the intake
m anifold flap.
0 I
Engine Management
Effects of failure
If the C hange-O ver Valve for Intake
M anifold Flap N 239 fails, the intake
m anifold flap stays open.
The tendency of the engine to shudder
w hen sw itched off w ill increase.
Electrical circuit
J217 Transm ission C ontrol M odule
J248 D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule
N 239 C hange-O ver Valve for Intake
M anifold Flap
S Fuse
J 317
J 248
Engine Management
Relay for Pump, Fuel Cooling J 445
The R elay for Pum p, Fuel C ooling J445 is
located on the engine control m odule
m ounting bracket.
It is activated by the D iesel D irect Fuel
Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248 at a
fuel tem perature of 158F (70C ) and
sw itches the w orking current for the Pum p
for Fuel C ooler V166.
Effects of failure
If the R elay for Pum p, Fuel C ooling J445
fails, the heated fuel flow ing back from
the pum p/injectors to the fuel tank w ill not
be cooled.
The fuel tank and the Sender for
Fuel G age G can be dam aged.
Electrical circuit
J248 D iesel D irect Fuel Injection
Engine C ontrol M odule
J317 Pow er Supply (Term inal 30, B + ) R elay
J445 R elay for Pum p, Fuel C ooling
S Fuse
V166 Pum p for Fuel C ooler
The O utput C heck D iagnosis
function in the self-diagnosis can
be used to check w hether the
R elay for Pum p, Fuel C ooling
J445 has been activated by the
D iesel D irect Fuel Injection
Engine C ontrol M odule J248.
J 445
J 248
J 317
Engine Management
Wastegate Bypass Regulator Valve N75
The engine has a variable turbine geom etry
for optim ally adapting the charge pressure
to the actual driving conditions.
To regulate the charge pressure, the
vacuum in the vacuum unit for turbocharger
vane adjustm ent is set depending on the
pulse duty factor.
The W astegate B ypass R egulator Valve
N 75 is activated by the D iesel D irect Fuel
Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248.
Effects of failure
If the W astegate B ypass R egulator Valve
N 75 fails, the vacuum unit reverts to
atm ospheric pressure.
A s a result, charge pressure is low er and
engine perform ance is im paired.
Engine Management
EGR Vacuum Regulator
Solenoid Valve N18
The EG R Vacuum R egulator Solenoid
Valve N 18 enables the exhaust gas
recirculation system to m ix a portion of
the exhaust gases w ith the fresh air
supplied to the engine.
This low ers the com bustion tem perature
and reduces the form ation of oxides of
To control the quantity of exhaust gases
returned for com bustion, the D iesel D irect
Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248
activates the EG R Vacuum R egulator
Solenoid Valve N 18 w ith duty cycles based
on internal control m aps.
Effects of failure
Engine perform ance is low er and exhaust
gas recirculation is not assured.
Glow Plug Indicator Light K29
The G low Plug Indicator Light K29 is
located in the instrum ent cluster.
It has the follow ing tasks:
It signals to the driver that the pre-
starting glow phase is in progress. In this
case, it is lit continuously.
If a com ponent w ith self-diagnostic
capability becom es faulty, the w arning
lam p flashes.
Effects of failure
The G low Plug Indicator Light K29 com es
on and does not flash.
A fault m essage is stored to the
fault m em ory.
Additional Output Signals
Engine Management
Engine speed
This signal provides inform ation on
engine speed for the tachom eter in the
instrum ent cluster.
Cooling fan run-on
The run-on period of the cooling fan is
controlled according to a characteristic
curve stored in the D iesel D irect Fuel
Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248.
It is calculated from the current coolant
tem perature and the load state of the
engine during the previous driving cycle.
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 uses this signal to
activate the cooling fan relay.
Air conditioner compressor cut-off
To reduce engine load, the D iesel D irect
Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol M odule J248
sw itches the air conditioner com pressor off
under the follow ing conditions:
A fter every starting cycle (for
approxim ately six seconds).
D uring rapid acceleration from low
engine speeds.
A t coolant tem peratures in excess of
248F (120C ).
In the em ergency running program .
Fuel consumption signal
This signal provides inform ation on fuel
consum ption for the m ultifunctional display
in the instrum ent cluster.
Coolant auxiliary heater
Thanks to its high efficiency, the 1.9-liter
TD I engine w ith pum p injection system
develops so little heat that sufficient heat
output m ay not be available in
certain circum stances.
In countries w ith cold clim ates, an electrical
auxiliary heater is used to heat the coolant
at low tem peratures.
The coolant auxiliary heater is com prised of
three G low Plugs (C oolant) Q 7. They are
installed to the coolant connection on the
cylinder head.
The D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule J248 uses the coolant
auxiliary heater signal to activate the relays
for low and high heat output.
Either one, tw o, or all three G low Plugs
(C oolant) Q 7 are sw itched on depending on
the available capacity of the three-phase
A C generator.
Glow Plug System
Glow Plug System
The glow plug system m akes it easier
to start the engine at low outside
tem peratures. It is activated by the
D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol
M odule J248 at coolant tem peratures
below 48F (9C ).
The G low Plug R elay J52 is activated by the
D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine C ontrol
M odule J248. The G low Plug R elay J52
then sw itches on the w orking current for
the G low Plugs Q 6.
The glow process is divided into tw o
phases, the glow period and the extended
glow period.
Glow Period
The glow plugs are activated w hen the
ignition is sw itched on and outside
tem perature is below 48F (9C ). The G low
Plug Indicator Light K29 w ill light up.
O nce the glow plug period has elapsed, the
G low Plug Indicator Light K29 w ill go out
and the engine can be started.
Extended Glow Period
The extended glow period takes place
w henever the engine is started, regardless
of w hether or not it is preceded by a glow
This reduces com bustion noise, im proves
idling quality and reduces hydrocarbon
em ission.
The extended glow phase lasts no m ore
than four m inutes and is interrupted w hen
the engine speed rises above 2500 rpm .
Glow Plug System Overview
Engine C oolant
Tem perature
Sensor G 62
G low Plug
Light K29
G low Plug
R elay J52
G low Plugs Q 6
D iesel D irect Fuel Injection
Engine C ontrol M odule J248
Engine Speed
Sensor G 28
Functional Diagram
EDC 16 Functional Diagram
for 1.9-Liter TDI Engine
E45 C ruise C ontrol Sw itch
F B rake Light Sw itch
F8 Kick D ow n Sw itch
F36 C lutch Vacuum Vent Valve Sw itch
F47 B rake Pedal Sw itch
F60 C losed Throttle Position Sw itch
G 28 Engine Speed Sensor
G 40 C am shaft Position Sensor
G 62 Engine C oolant Tem perature Sensor
G 70 M ass A ir Flow Sensor
G 71 M anifold A bsolute Pressure Sensor
G 72 Intake A ir Tem perature Sensor
G 79 Throttle Position Sensor
G 81 Fuel Tem perature Sensor
J52 G low Plug R elay
J248 D iesel D irect Fuel Injection Engine
C ontrol M odule
J317 Pow er Supply (Term inal 30, B + ) R elay
J359 R elay for Preheating C oolant, Low
H eat O utput
J360 R elay for Preheating C oolant, H igh
H eat O utput
J445 R elay for Pum p, Fuel C ooling
N 18 EG R Vacuum R egulator Solenoid Valve
N 75 W astegate B ypass R egulator Valve
N 239 C hange-O ver Valve for Intake M anifold Flap
N 240 Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 1
N 241 Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 2
N 242 Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 3
N 243 Valve for Pum p/Injector, C ylinder 4
Q 6 G low Plugs (Engine)
Q 7 G low Plugs (C oolant)
S Fuse
V166 Pum p for Fuel C ooler
Additional Signals
A B rake Lights
B Fuel C onsum ption Signal
C Engine Speed Signal
D A ir C onditioner C om pressor C ut-O ff
E A ir C onditioner C om pressor R eadiness
F R oad Speed Signal
G C ruise C ontrol Sw itch Voltage Supply
H C ooling Fan R un-O n
K D iagnosis and Im m obilizer W ire
L G low Period C ontrol
M D rivetrain C A N D ata B us (Low )
N D rivetrain C A N D ata B us (H igh)
O Three-Phase A C G enerator Term inal D F
Color Coding
Input Signal
O utput Signal
G round
C A N D ata B us
B i-directional
Functional Diagram
31 31
J 317
N239 N75 N18
Q7 Q7
J 360
F60/F8 G79
F F47
J 52
N240 N241 N242 N243
J 445
J 359
in out
J 248
The follow ing functions can be read out
using the Vehicle D iagnosis, Test and
Inform ation System VA S 5051:
01 Interrogate control unit version
02 Interrogate fault m em ory
03 A ctuator diagnosis
04 B asic adjustm ent
05 Erase fault m em ory
06 End of output
07 Encode control unit
08 R ead m easured value block
Function 02 Interrogate fault memory
The color coded com ponents are
stored to the fault m em ory by the
self-diagnosis function.
N 240, N 241,
N 242, N 244 F96
Q 6
N 75
N 239
N 18
G 81
G 62
G 79
G 40
G 28
G 70 J52
G 71
G 72
Pump/Injector Adjustment
A fter installing a pum p/injector, the
m inim um clearance betw een the base of
the high-pressure cham ber and the pum p
piston m ust be adjusted at the pum p/
injector adjusting screw .
This adjustm ent prevents the pum p piston
from knocking against the base of the high-
pressure cham ber due to heat expansion.
For a com plete description of
this adjustm ent procedure,
refer to the R epair M anual.
H igh-Pressure
C ham ber
M inim um
C learance
Pum p Piston
B all Pin
A djusting Screw
Injection C am
R oller-Type
R ocker A rm
Special Tools
Marking Plate
T 10008
H olds the hydraulic toothed belt tensioner
in place w hen installing and rem oving the
toothed belt.
Crankshaft Sealing Ring
Assembly Fixture
T 10053
G uide sleeve and com pression sleeve for
installing the crankshaft sealing ring.
Camshaft Gear Puller
T 10052
C am shaft gear rem oval from the tapered
end of the cam shaft.
Camshaft Gear Counter-Holder
T 10051
C am shaft gear installation.
Crankshaft Stop
T 10050
H olds the crankshaft in place at
the crankshaft gear w hen adjusting
the port tim ing.
Socket Insert
T 10054
Pum p/injector clam ping block fastener
Pressure Gauge
VA S 5187
Fuel pressure m easurem ent at the supply
line to the fuel pum p.
T 10059
This shackle is used to rem ove and install
the engine in the Passat. The engine is
m oved into position using this shackle in
com bination w ith lifting gear 2024A .
Pump/Injector Puller
T 10055
Pum p/injector rem oval from the
cylinder head.
Pump/Injector O-Ring Assembly Sleeves
T 10056
O -ring installation on the pum p/injectors.
Knowledge Assessment
A n on-line Know ledge A ssessm ent (exam ) is available for this Self-Study Program .
The Know ledge A ssessm ent m ay or m ay not be required for C ertification.
You can find this Know ledge A ssessm ent at:
From the vw w H om epage, do the follow ing:
C lick on the C ertification tab
Type the course num ber in the Search box
C lick G o!and w ait until the screen refreshes
C lick Startto begin the A ssessm ent
For A ssistance, please call:
Certification Program Headquarters
1 877 CU4 CERT
(1 877 284 2378)
(8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST)
O r, E-M ail:
Volksw agen of A m erica, Inc.
3800 H am lin R oad
A uburn H ills, M I 48326
Printed in U .S.A .
O ctober 2003

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