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Ocean Thematic Unit

March 20, 2014
I. Instructional Objectives:
Math: After the lesson on subtraction, students will produce answers for the
problems on the worksheet with 80% accuracy. (CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.C.5)
Science: After the lesson on animal habitats, students will identify which animals
belong near the ocean with 80% accuracy. (GLE 0107.5.1)
Social Studies: After the lesson on oceans, students will identify the oceans location
on a map with 80% accuracy. (GLE 1.3.02)
Language Arts: After the lesson on fish, students will explain in writing all of the
environmental factors of fish with 80% accuracy. (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.3)
Art: After the lesson on murals, students will create a classroom mural illustrating
ocean life with 80% accuracy. (GLE 5.1.1)
Reading: After reading the book How Deep is the Sea?, students will compare and
contrast the experiences of characters in the story with 80% accuracy. (CCSS.ELA-
A. Label the Learning: Today boys and girls, we will read the book How Deep is the
B. Relate to Students Frame of Reference: Raise your hands and tell me what comes to
mind when you think about animals that live in the ocean.
C. Relate to Prior and Future Learning: Yesterday, we talked about land animals, and
tomorrow, we will talk about insects.
D. Involve Every Student: The students will discuss their favorite ocean animals.
I. Instruction:
A. This is a New Learning.
B. Skill: After reading the book How Deep is the Sea?, the student will compare and
contrast the experiences of characters in the story with 80% accuracy.
o Relevance and Importance: The skill is to compare and contrast which is a
lifelong skill.
o Examples and Non-Examples: Examples would be correct responses, and
non-examples would be incorrect responses.
o Provide Participation in Learning the Skill: The students will participate in
class discussion.
o Appropriate Practice: The students will complete worksheets and have a
o Apply Skill: The students will take a test.
II. Monitor: I will use a KWL chart to monitor students understanding. I will ask what the
students know about water animals and want to know about water animals before reading
the book. Then, after reading the book, I will place what we learned in the chart.
III. Teaching Strategies:
o The teacher will ask about favorite water animal. (Teacher Centered Inquiry) (Pre-reading)
o The students will share favorite water animals. (Student-Centered Response)
o Teacher will read the story (Teacher- Centered Lecture) (Reading)
o The students will participate in classroom discussion comparing and contrasting the
characters from the story. (Student-Centered Chart and Discussion) (Responding)
o Students will learn new vocabulary from the text. (Exploring)
o Students will create a chart comparing land animals to water animals. (Applying)
INTASC Standards:
1. Teacher Centered Inquiry (INTASC Principle 1,6,7,8)
2. Student Centered Response (INTASC Principle 1,6)
3. Teacher Centered Lecture (INTASC Principle 1,2,6,7,9)
4. Student Centered Chart and Discussion (INTASC Principle 4,5)

IV. Description of Organization of Student Learning: During the reading of the story, students
will be sitting in a circle on the floor. After reading the story, students will go back to their
desks and remain there for the remainder of the lesson.
V. Adaption to Diverse Students: Ben has ADHD. He will sit in the front of the class in order to
better pay attention and have fewer distractions. Also, when worksheets needed to be
handed out, I will allow Ben to do this in order to release some energy in a helpful manner.
VI. Lesson Evaluations:
o Students will be asked to tell what they learned in class that day as an example of informal
o Students will receive an exit ticket that they must complete before leaving the classroom.
o Students will take a summative test at the end of the Ocean unit.

VII. Conclusion: Can someone tell me what we talked about today in class?
VIII. Student Practice/Review: Students will receive and identify vocabulary words from the
IX. Media and Materials Used:
o How Deep is the Sea?: Will be read in class.
o Smart Board: Used to project the Venn diagram of comparisons and contrasts found in the
o Word Wall: Shows the vocabulary words found in the story.
X. Option: If extra practice is needed, students will be paired into groups and use the Internet
to research specific water animals. As a class, the groups will debate which animals are most
alike and most different.
XI. Reflection: After teaching the lesson, I will record my reflection here.

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