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PORTLAND TROPHY ANNUAL COMPETITION 20 Rules and Guidelines ‘This competition enables members and ther falls fo share their boating ‘experionces and win a prize in recognition of ther efforts. The aims to entertain ‘and enlighten members by sharing experiences with them. ‘The scope of the competion includes any activly connected wth sling or ‘motor-crising, Examples could be day tips, pursuit races, extended crises, trailer saling ournoys, restoration projects et. ‘The winner wil hold the Poriand Trophy for @ year and receive @ cash prize. A ‘worthy runner-up wil also recov a cash prize. Prizes will be presented atthe AGM in Novernber. ‘The eteria for enty are ‘8, The competion is open to all members of RINSA (Portland Branch) and their close families. The entry must have been composed by the entrant ‘and must be submitad tothe Branch Secretary inthe wo vars prior to the closing date of 31% October. The ently must describe a recent activity in which the entrant took a major part, for instance ae ekipper or crew. Eiri can be in any formate. essay, log, dlary. Paper, e-mail, CD ‘r DVD wil be accepted, but it assists the judges if entries ae at least available in electronic form and are Microsoft OTice-compatile. lustratios relating tothe text in the form of photos, sketches and chart ‘extracs etc are welcome. 4d, Entries are accepted on the understanding that they may be displayed or ckrculated among all branch members. Judging wil be by a judge or judges appointed bythe committee, The judges! ‘ecsion willbe nal and wil ake into account: Interest ganoratod and information provided , Enlertainment and amusement provided. ©& Quality and relevance of iltustrations. 4. Conciseness and overall presentation. ‘Although i is hoped that entries wl enlighten their readers, any information Acted upon would be entirely at the reader's sk.

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