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Reading 1

Zico Alaia Akbar Junior
Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan
Finding Topic: Words and Conversation
Mengetahui topik bacaan
Menyusun teks bacaan berdasarkan topik karangan masing-masing
Memisahkan kalimat bersarkan topic
Mengenali kata yang tidak termasuk dalam topik tertentu

Finding Topic Word
Joe wifes name is Ann. Joe and Ann has got three children, two daughters and
a son. Their daughters names are Alice and Lucy, and their sons name is
Fred. Fred and Lucy are not married. Alices husbands name is Harry. Harry
and Alice have got two children: a boy and a girl. Their daughters name is Pat
and their sons name is Eric.

Monitor, keyboard, mouse, speaker, webcam

Activity 1,2,3
Try not to open a dictionary. Guess the meaning.
Find the topic from list of words which is given.
Activity 4
Find a word which is not belong to a topic.
Activity 5
Group into 2 topics.
Activity 6
Choose a sentence belongs to either Princess Grace or Queen Elisabeth group/topic.
Activity 7
Group into 2 topics from sentences which is given and arrange the story.
Finding Topic Conversation
Mengetahui apa yang di bicarakan (who, where, what, why, how).
Menganalisis berdasarkan kata kunci.

A: give me the menu please.
B: here is, sir.
A:what would you like to drink?
B: Cola please.
Activity 1-7
Do the activity and underline the important words.


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