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YEAR 2014
1. giant. 21. nephew
2. name 22. phrase
3. huge 23. orphan
4. beard 24. trophy
5. alone 25. bottle
6. village 26. dolphin
7. garden 27. whale
8.plants 28. viperfish
9. flood 29. eel 3 stingray
11. house 31. por!upine
12. friends 32. o!topus
13. gnome 33. teeth
14. green 34. mouth
15. !hildren 35. pla!es
16. healthy 36. sti!"
17. animlas 37. mammal
18. years 38. biggest
19. graph 39. pou!h
2. morph 4. #oli!eman
1. fire engine 6. than" you rules 7. food !aunter
3. traffi! warden 8. single file
4. )ebra !rossing 9. simple message
1. +he villagers lived with -rawny on a hill.
2. -rawny invited the villagers to his garden.
3. ben was a plasti! bottle.
4. & lorry too" -en to the fa!tory.
5. -elinda dran" the orange .ui!e.
6.+he muds"ipper is a fish.
7. +his is a blue whale.
8. /t is the biggest animal in the world.
9. +his is my father.
1. / am proud of my father.
+he viperfish has long teeth. +hey sti!" out of its mouth. +he viperfish !an
!hange its !olour from green to silver1 blue. /t has a long stoma!h and it !an
store a lot of food. +he viperfish !an live up to 5 years.
2n!e upon a time1 there lived a giant. $is name was -rawny. $e had a huge
.aw and a long beard. $e lived alone on a hill. +he villagers stayed in the
valley. +hey did not li"e him.-rawny helped the villagers during the flood.
+he villagers stayed in -rawny3s house during the flood.
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