Professional Semester I Growth Plan

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Professional Semester I Growth Plan

Name: Amber Mackintosh

Practicum Dates: November 3
, 2014 December 9
Teacher Associate:
University Consultant:
1. Goal: To improve on my classroom management skills and practicing my teacher
status. (KSA#7)

Rationale: I have always struggles with being aware of my body language and vocal
articulations. Teachers consistently have eyes on them, so being aware of ones
mannerisms is important. Mastering a teacher persona is a significant step in
professionalism and gaining respect; classroom management, then, should naturally begin
to fall into place

I will remind myself every day about being spatially aware on my body language.
I will greet students every day in high teacher status.
I will revisit my classroom management plan regularly throughout my practicum
I will incorporate my own listening strategies such as hit the deck and hands
on your hand if approved by Teacher Associate.
I will respect my Teacher Associates strategies that they have implemented
I will observe how my Teacher Associate presents themselves to their class and
their classroom management strategies.

Indicators of Success:
Feedback from my Teacher Associate and/or University Consultant
Students are responding to instructions
Respect and positive environment is built between all in the classroom
I learn three new skills and strategies for classroom management

Reflection: Ongoing

2. Goal: To incorporate activity and movement into mathematics. (KSA#5 and KSA#9)

Rationale: I believe that there is a large aura around mathematics being dull, and
difficult. I hope to continue to work towards changing this aura around mathematics
throughout my teaching career. I understand that everyone learns differently, and
traditional teaching of mathematics does not always work for every student. By
incorporating activity and movement into mathematics it has the potential of reaching
those students better than that of the traditional teaching method.

I will create engaging and exciting lesson plans for mathematics.
I will use at least three active teaching strategies I learn during seminars and apply
them in my practicum.
I will incorporate brain breaks into my lessons in mathematics.
I will observe my Teacher Associate and how they implement activity into their

Indicators of Success:
Students are engaged throughout my whole lesson.
Students reactions to mathematics after lessons.
I learnt three active strategies that work or do not work.
Students who start out with negative dispositions towards mathematics progress to
a more positive disposition.
All students confidence is evidently growing in mathematics.
Feedback from Teacher Associate and/or University Consultant

Reflection: Ongoing

3. Goal: To become more confident with teaching subjects outside of my major. (KSA#3
and KSA #4)

Rationale: Being a straight math major, I lack confidence in subjects outside of my
major, especially English and Social Studies. I understand that as a teacher I will have to
at some point in my career and even in my practicum this semester teach these subjects. I
would like to reach a point in my teaching career where I will not feel that my students
are suffering from my lack of experience and expertise with these subjects.

I will ask for feedback and help on my delivery of lessons and lesson plans for
these subjects from both my Teacher Associate and University Consultant.
I will ask my Teacher Associate if I can teach more lessons outside of my major.
I will request for criticism and critiques from my Teacher Associate.
I will do my researching in the subject areas before teaching the subject. I.E.
examine the program of studies, explore teaching resources and teaching
strategies that work particularly well with these subjects.

Indicators of Success:
Feedback from my Teacher Associate and University Consultant
I self-assess and I feel more confident at the end of my practicum.
Students engaged and responding in lessons outside my major.
I learn three successful teaching strategies in subjects outside my major.

Reflection: Ongoing
Timeline and Activities to be completed:
Week 1 Greet students in high
status; Discuss with TA
classroom management;
Take suggestions from TA
about their classroom;
Discuss if TA would be
okay with me
implementing my own
classroom management
strategies or stick to theirs;
Observe TA classroom
management and body
language while teaching.
Become comfortable with
doing research on
innovative activities in
mathematics; Express and
discuss the impact I would
like to make in mathematics
with TA; Create lesson
plans that engage students
in mathematics; Observe
TA implementation of
activity into all subjects;
Assess students
dispositions to mathematics.
Familiarize myself with
program of studies outside
my major; discuss with TA
my goal; request to teach
more outside my major;
construct lesson plans;
gather available resources.
Week 2 Revisit and recall
classroom management
plan produced before
practicum; Remind self
about teacher statuses;
Self-assess own body
language while teaching
and interacting in
classroom; Assess student
responses to classroom
management strategies and
Self-assess teaching
strategies; Teach lessons;
Incorporating personalized
methods and strategies to
engage different students in
mathematics; Assess
students responses to
different learning activities;
Incorporate TA and
University Consultant
feedback into teaching
Teach lessons; Incorporate
TA and University
Consultant feedback into
teaching practices; Self-
assess my teachings;
Assess student responses to
teachings; Manipulate and
change my teaching as
Week 3 Revisit and recall
classroom management
plan produced before
practicum; Remind self
about teacher statuses;
Assess classroom
environment being
produced by self; Self-
assess own body language
while teaching and
interacting in classroom;
Assess student responses
to classroom management
strategies and instructions.
Self-assess teaching
strategies; Teach lessons;
Incorporating personalized
methods and strategies to
engage different students in
mathematics; Assess
students responses to
different learning activities;
Assess students confidence
in mathematics; Incorporate
TA and University
Consultant feedback into
teaching practices;
Teach lessons; Incorporate
TA and University
Consultant feedback into
teaching practices; Self-
assess my teachings;
Assess student responses to
teachings; Manipulate and
change my teaching as
Week 4 Revisit and recall
classroom management
plan produced before
practicum; Remind self
about teacher statuses;
Self-assess own body
language while teaching
and interacting in
classroom; Assess student
responses to classroom
management strategies and
Self-assess teaching
strategies; Teach lessons;
Incorporating personalized
methods and strategies to
engage different students in
mathematics; Assess
students responses to
different learning activities;
Incorporate TA and
University Consultant
feedback into teaching
Teach lessons; Incorporate
TA and University
Consultant feedback into
teaching practices; Self-
assess my teachings;
Assess student responses to
teachings; Manipulate and
change my teaching as
Week 5 Revisit and recall
classroom management
plan produced before
practicum; Remind self
about teacher statuses;
Self-assess own body
language while teaching
and interacting in
classroom; Assess student
responses to classroom
management strategies and
Self-assess teaching
strategies; Teach lessons;
Incorporating personalized
methods and strategies to
engage different students in
mathematics; Assess
students responses to
different learning activities;
Incorporate TA and
University Consultant
feedback into teaching
Teach lessons; incorporate
TA and University
Consultant feedback into
teaching practices; Self-
assess my teachings;
Assess student responses to
teachings; Manipulate and
change my teaching as
Week 6 Reflect on new strategies
for classroom management
learnt from practicum;
Reflect on classroom
environment produced
during practicum; Take
feedback and continue to
apply suggestions in
further practicums and/or
teaching experiences.
Reflect on new strategies
and learning activities I
learnt from practicum;
Assess students confidence
in mathematics; Re-assess
students dispositions; Take
feedback and continue to
apply suggestions in further
practicums and/or teaching
Reflect on my progress in
my confidence and
delivery of lessons outside
of my major; Reflect on
new teaching strategies
learnt in subject material
outside my major; Take
feedback and continue to
apply suggestions in
further practicums and/or
teaching experiences.

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