Reflection 2

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Course Competency 2 of 8
2. Follow governmental regulations and professional standards as they apply to health, safety,
and nutrition.

In order to establish and maintain a level of quality the government has put forth
standards that regulate environments where children are cared for and taught.
In the case of health and safety there are certain building codes and space
requirements. Safety procedures and resources must be available. In the case of a fire, all
rooms must have a posted escape route and must regularly practice evacuating the building.
This also holds true with buses. There are emergency exits and government issued licensing is
required to drive a school bus. In the case of food preparation there are clear guidelines that
serve to prevent food borne illness and contamination. A certain standard of cleanliness must
be maintained in food preparation areas. Also, proper food storage and labeling is required.
In day care settings in order to receive food assistance centers must serve a standard of
meal with regulated portions and a required amount of nutrients and vitamins in each meal. I
find these guidelines to be extremely helpful as they provide a notion of what is healthy.
Schools and centers around the US are regulated daily by the government in an attempt
to ensure the safety and optimal health of students.

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