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ro[ecL MCvL: AdvocaLes of ubllc 1ransporL AccesslblllLy

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ln Lhe counLry llke Lhe hlllpplnes where Lhe maln mode of LransporL are publlc uLlllLy vehlcles (uv) ,
more commonly known as [eepneys", communlLy moblllLy mlghL be compromlsed for persons wlLh
dlsablllLy. ln response Lo Lhls, Lhe occupaLlonal Lherapy sLudenLs and faculLy members of Lhe unlverslLy
of SanLo 1omas concepLuallzed ro[ecL MCvL, an advocacy program Lo lncrease Lhe level of awareness
among uv drlvers and llllplno commuLers on Lhe rlghLs of Lhe dlsabled Lo an accesslble mode of
LransporLaLlon Lhrough a sLlcker campalgn.
ln lLs lnlLlal phase launched ln lebruary 2011, Lwo key clLles ln MeLro Manlla parLlclpaLed ln Lhe sLlcker
campalgn: namely Las lnas and 8ulacan. 1he pro[ecL ellclLed 400 pledges of supporL from Lhe varlous
[eepney operaLors, whlch ls Llmely for Lhe quadrlcenLennlal celebraLlon of Lhe unlverslLy. 1hrough Lhe
collaboraLlng efforLs of Lhe local governmenL and prlvaLe [eepney operaLors, uv drlvers are heedlng Lhe
call Lo reserve Lhe Lwo seaLs ln Lhe fronL of Lhelr [eepney for Lhe persons wlLh dlsablllLy and/or elderly or
senlor clLlzens. Llkewlse, elderly commuLers and /or commuLers wlLh dlsablllLy ln Lhese clLles are slowly
galnlng beLLer access Lo [eepney as Lhelr mode of LransporaLlon. 8especL for Lhe rlghLs of persons wlLh
dlsablllLy ls evenLually exempllfled by such advocacy program.
CurrenLly, Lhe C1 sLudenLs and faculLy members of Lhe unlverslLy of SanLo 1omas are worklng on brlnglng
Lhe ro[ecL MCvL Lo more clLles ln MeLro Manlla, reachlng ouL Lo more accessblle llllplno publlc
LransporLaLlon sysLem for persons wlLh dlsablllLles.

"#$%$ &'$ (#$)' *&%)+ '),#(%- . /)00 %()+1 (#)% 23$ &34 %()+1 *5 (#$67 !eepney drlvers slgnlng Lhe pledge Loward
alloLLlng Lhe fronL seaLs Lo persons wlLh dlsablllLy and placlng Lhese sLlckers Lo Lhelr vehlcles.

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