Practical Summary Statements

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Mentor Teacher Summary Statement: Mel conducted herself in a professional manner and always sought

guidance when she was unsure about anything. She sought guidance for assisting children with challenging
behaviours and developmental differences and showed great understanding and patience in this area. Mel was
very quick to build relationships with children across the age and ability spectrums, displaying a natural
aptitude for diversity and inclusive practices. She began her time here with exploratory play experiences for
children, knowing that would create a platform for dialogue with a number of children. Mel observed children
on a deep level, looking for their different ways of thinking and how they prefer to display that thinking. She
focused her experience particularly on persistence, acquiring tools and skills from various staff within the
centre. She also attained knowledge of how to document various ways for various reasons. Mel contributed to
the team, writing numerous learning stories and collecting work samples for the childrens learning journals.
Mel used appropriate Early Childhood language in all her written and verbal documentation as The Early
Years Learning Framework guides our curriculum. I was really pleased that Mel stuck to a topic so relevant
and important for Early Childhood Development. I hope she will be able to use what she knows now as a solid
foundation for her future learning and teaching.

Site Coordinator/Director/Principal Summary Statement:
Mel has a very quiet and gentle nature and began her time at the centre building a relationship with her mentor
teacher, observing routines, children and staff. Over her time at the centre her confidence grew and this was
evident in her day to day interactions with children, staff and families. She took all the opportunities offered to
her in her time at the centre to attend a special family night. Mel always conducted herself professionally and
asked questions, sought clarification, accepted feedback and reflected on her practice.
Mel was able to take on challenges offered. For example leading group time for children, managing childrens
behavior and planning form childrens interests and ideas. Building relationships with parents and carers was a
challenge and one she was aware of. Over time as her confidence grew she was able to develop strategies to
better support her to interact with families.
Mel focused strongly on developing her skills in observation and documentation of childrens learning. She
documented the days learning in the daily reflection book for children and families and wrote learning stories.
She developed a very close relationship with her mentor teacher and children and contributed to the staff team
in many ways. We wish her all the best for her future in the education of young children and see her desire to
continually improve her skills, abilities and practice.

University Liaison Summary Statement:

It was my pleasure to visit Melanie on two occasions during her placement at Goolwa. During these visits, I
was able to talk to Jill Griffen and Kate Baldwin, to discuss Melanie's plans and observations, and to see her
actively engaged with the children in her care.

From the start, Melanie demonstrated an eagerness to learn more about the children and their interests. She
responded to advice and encouragement from her mentors, collected resources and ideas, and planned relevant
leaning opportunities based on observations of the children. Writing objective, informative and professional
observations is not an easy task, but Mel demonstrated a relative strength in writing useful observations. She
also displayed a responsive and encouraging manner, and it was a delight to see her gently supporting children
and extending their play.

This was a strong performance.

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