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Child: E***a DOB: DD/MM/YYYY

Family Context:
E***a comes from a Mongolian, Vietnamese, and Aboriginal background but is mainly
influenced by her Vietnamese background at home. This is due to the fact that She lives with
her mother who is Vietnamese and she is an only child. Her mother is a beautician and a hair
dresser and works long hours to support her family. E***a spends a lot of time with her
neighbour as they are child minded together in the afternoons. Her mothers first language is
Vietnamese and she is taking English speaking courses to help E***a in literacy activities

E***a interacts well with
all the boys and girls and
generally mixes around
with those who are
participating in
something that interests
her. She works quite well
with S***h and
A******n and sometimes
takes on a leadership
role. She also values time
to herself and
participates in many
solitary play experiences.
What does this mean for future

E***a feels confident in the learning
environment and so she is able to
make the most out of each day. When
planning activities ensure that there
are experiences reflecting on social
play as well as solitary play. Also
consider her strong interest in dance
and her culture and used this for
planning. Tasks relating to dramatic
play, fitness and movement would be
very suitable for E***a.
E***a enjoys reading and literacy and
so educators should provide her with
a range of diverse texts which she can
explore and gain meaning from. Tasks
based on dramatic play should allow
opportunities of role playing different
characters including stereotypical
male and female roles so that she can
explore these situations and build
her own views and identity from this.
Role play is also important for helping
children overcome confusion, or
frightening views on certain character
such as doctors or dentists.
E***a loves to dance and
dress up in Vietnamese
cultural clothing.
she also enjoys reading,
singing, and outdoor
environments where she
can participate in fitness.
Dramatic play relating to
roles of adults is also
appealing to E***a.

Critical points of learning:
E***a is able to identify
letters and numbers on
charts. She can also identify
different symbols and
animals and shows great
categorisation skills. She is
exploring gender roles and
stereotypes to do with play
experiences and colours such
as pink for girls and blue for
Early Childhood Context:

E***a has settled into the centre quite confidently as she has only been enrolled for
a few months. She has built secure relationships with staff and children in the
preschool room and feels confident to explore and participate in shared activities.

E***a has great
rhythmical movement
and shows strength in
literacy and reading.
E***a has developed a
strong physical wellbeing
as she is quite active and
enjoys fitness.

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