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Time: 1hr Force Max marks:38

1. Why do passengers tend to fall back when it starts suddenly? (2)

2. How does a boat move forward into the water when the boatman presses one end of the pole
against the ground? (2)
3. Why is it difficult for a fireman to hose, which ejects large amount of water at a high velocity?
4. Define balance and unbalance force. (4)
5. What is the usual name of force which cant produce the motion but only change in
shape? (1)
6. A body of mass 25 kg has a momentum of 125 kg m/s. calculate the velocity of the body.
7. Define 1N force. (2)
8. Explain the Newtons second law of motion. (3)
9. A car of mass 200 kg moving at 36 km/h is brought to rest after it covered a distance of
10 m. Find the retarding force acting on the car. (3)
10. The figure below show a velocity time graph for a scooterist having a total mass of
150 kg. From the graph calculate - a) The acceleration in first 4 seconds b) The
distance covered in the first 4 seconds. c) The force acting in the first 4 seconds.

11. How a karate player can break a pile of tiles with a single blow of his hand? (3)
12. Define force and its SI unit? (3)
13. A machine gun can fire 50 g bullets with a velocity of 150 m/s. A 60 kg stone is moving
towards the machine gun velocity of 10 m/s. How many bullets must be fired from the
gun to just stop the stone in its tracks? (5)

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