Literature Unit 2014 1

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Topic or Theme: Fairy Tales Year level: 2/3/

The Li!era!"re S!ra#$ o% A&ARA: involves teaching the understanding, appreciating, responding to, analysing and creating of literature.
Teachi#' &o#!e(!: Clarendon Primary School is a small school with just 75 students enrolled this year. Due to the small size it is
close knit school with a friendly community of staff. Clarendon Primary School romotes a safe! caring! organised! and motivating
learning environment for its students. "here are five main rules#
1. $istening# listen to and follow staff instructions.
%. Safety# &ehave safely and hel others feel safe.
'. (esect# treat others with resect.
). Proerty# care for your own and others roerty.
5. *nvironment# maintain and develo our environment.
Clarendon Primary School also has a strong anti+&ullying olicy. "hese school values are uheld &y all of the staff! including my
mentor teacher! who model correct &ehaviour and language to students. Students are aware that if they &reach any of these olicies
that there are conse,uences for their actions.
-ardening and agricultural teaching has &een a major asect of Clarendon Primary School since the early 1.//0s. During the 1.'/0s
the school won numerous ale icking cometitions. "oday the school has its own vegeta&le garden and chook house which the
children and staff maintain throughout the year. "he vegeta&les and her&s grown in the garden are then used during cooking lessons
in the schools kitchen. *ach class has one garden1kitchen lesson each week.
Clarendon Primary School consists of a grade (111% class! a %1'1) class! and a 51217 class. 3y class is the %1'1) class which has a
total of %2 students with a diverse range of learning skills. "here are ten year %s! eleven year 's! and five year )s. 4hile there are a
coule of students who like to try and ush the &oundaries there are no major &ehavioural issues.
56"*# 7 do not have access to a Smart&oard.
E(pla#a!io# or )"s!i%ica!io# o% !he Theme or Topic: "here are several reasons as to why 7 chose 8airy "ales as the theme for my
literature unit. "hese include#
8airy tales are a fantastic way of stimulating children0s creativity and imagination. 8airy tales are fa&ulous made u lands full of
mythical creatures and heroes and villains. Children are not restricted to writing non+fiction9 this is something that aeals to
young children! the a&ility to escae into a wondrous world of make &elief.
"he study of fairy tales allows for the develoment of numerous language skills! including# voca&ulary! sound and letter
knowledge! selling! grammar! te:t structure and organisation.
8airy tales romote good morals &y heling the children to understand the difference &etween right and wrong! this is usually
through the actions of the characters and the result of these actions. 8or e:amle! there is always a hay ending for the ;good0
characters! whereas! the ;evil0 characters run into some form of misfortune.
8airy tales often hel to reare students for the us and downs of real life. 8or e:amle! in Cinderella her mother dies and her
father remarries. "he loss of a arent is a difficult toic and unfortunately there will &e students who have e:erienced such
hardshis. <owever! Cinderella had a hay ending and this knowledge should &e of comfort to children going through a
difficult eriod in their lives.
*EE+LY TI,ETA-LE: 7ndicate teaching times for (eading Prose! (eading Poetry and Creative 4riting
Time ,o#$ay T"es$ay *e$#es$ay Th"rs$ay Fri$ay
/o( ac!ivi!ies
Rea$i#' 0rose
123 mi#s4
/o( ac!ivi!ies
Rea$i#' 0oe!ry
123 mi#s4
/o( ac!ivi!ies
&rea!ive *ri!i#'
123 mi#s4
Free .ri!i#'/spelli#'/.or$
/o( ac!ivi!ies
Recess Time
L"#ch Time
ENGLISH LITERATURE UNIT: Rea$i#' a#$ 7ie.i#' 0rose
Topic: Se!!i#' Year level: 2/3/

Discuss the characters and settings of different te:ts and e:lore how language is used to resent these features in different ways =>C*$"15.1?
7dentify language that can &e used for areciating te:ts and the ,ualities of eole and things =>C*$>1)2%?
Discuss how language is used to descri&e the settings in te:ts! and e:lore how the settings shae the events and influence the mood of the narrative
@nderstand that successful cooeration with others deends on shared use of social conventions! including turn+taking atterns! and forms of address that vary
according to the degree of formality in social situations =>C*$>1)72?
Discuss te:ts in which characters! events and settings are ortrayed in different ways! and seculate on the authors0 reasons =>C*$"15.)?
$isten to and contri&ute to conversations and discussions to share information and ideas and negotiate in colla&orative situations =>C*$A1272?
@nderstand that the meaning of sentences can &e enriched through the use of noun grous1hrases and ver& grous1hrases and reositional hrases
STU5ENT 6UT&6,ES: =4hat you want the students to learn1achieve over the 2 weeks B must relate to >C>(> and to the toic. and cover rose and
oetry! &oth reading and writing and ossi&ly viewing.?
Students should#
@nderstand what setting is and why it is imortant to a narrative
Ce a&le to identify the settings of a te:t
Ce a&le to descri&e the setting of an image
@nderstand that setting influences what haens in a story
4ork colla&oratively and individually to fulfil lesson tasks
$isten and contri&ute aroriately to class and grou discussions
4rite 4ays =Chater 88 ? + $eslie 4ing Dan
Study "e:ts
STU5Y TE9TS: =Detailed lists re,uired! "7"$* and >@"<6(?

The Flower of Love B 8rom the 6:ford "reasury of 8airy "ales &y -eraldine
3cCaughrean and Sohy 4illiams
Aladdin B 8rom the 4orld of 8airy "ales# Cinderella and >laddin &y Carron
Hansel and Gretel + 8rom the 6:ford "reasury of 8airy "ales &y -eraldine
3cCaughrean and Sohy 4illiams
Little Red Riding Hood + retold &y "rina Schart <yman
Snow White + 8rom the 6:ford "reasury of 8airy "ales &y -eraldine
3cCaughrean and Sohy 4illiams
Little Red Riding Hood B retold &y "rina Schart <yman
The Sleeping Beauty B retold &y "rina Schart <yman
Rumpelstiltskin + Paul 6. Eelinsky
inderella B (uth Sanderson
Hansel and Gretel B Daco& and 4ilhelm -rimm
Three Little !igs B "he Cook Comany
Snow White B "he Cook Comany
World of Fairy Tales" inderella and Aladdin B Carron Crown
World of Fairy Tales" Beauty and the Beast and #a$k and the Beanstalk B
Carron Crown
%llustrated Grimm&s Fairy Tales B (uth and Crocklehurst and -illian Doherty
Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm B retold &y 5eil Phili
'(ford Treasury of Fairy Tales B -eraldine 3cCaughrean and Sohy 4illiams
STU5ENT ASSESS,ENT: ="his includes &oth formative assessment lans and 3@S" include a secific summative assessment?
Forma!ive Assessme#!:
Class discussions and o&servations B as a class we will &e discussing the asect of setting in narrative writing. Students will often &e re,uired to take art
in ver&al activities! as well as &eing encouraged to share their knowledge1ideas with the class. 6&servation of these discussions and student inut will
allow for formative assessment to identify the students whose understanding of the toic is on track and the students who may need further suort.
>necdotal records of o&servations1class activities B in this unit of work there are class! grou! and individual activities which will &e used for formative
assessment. >necdotal records will &e used to note students who are not working on task! disengaged from grou activities! or are having difficulty
understanding a task or toic understanding. "hese anecdotal records will hel to identify the students who understand the toic and tasks and the
students who may re,uire e:tra suort.
(eading resonse journals B at the end of each lesson students will comlete their reading resonse journal which will give insight into students who have
grased the concet of the lesson and those who have not.
S"mma!ive Assessme#!:
(eading comrehension B the summative assessment task for this unit is a reading comrehension activity &ased on the fairy tale ;Snow 4hite0.
Students will &e assessed on their a&ility to identify the setting in a narrative and to ull together what they have learnt a&out setting to answer the
,uestions relating to the te:t.
During and at the end of this unit of work a num&er of reflective ,uestions will &e considered. "hese include#
+ 4ere the students interested in the toic and engaged in class discussion and tasksF
+ 4ere the student outcomes metF
+ 4ere the tasks aroriate for the year levelF
+ <ow did the students resond to the toicF =look at reading resonse journals?
+ 4hat worked wellF
+ 4hat did not work wellF
7 feel that reflecting on this unit of work throughout its duration is just as imortant as at its conclusion. 7f something is not working or needs revision it can &e
imlemented straight away rather than waiting until the end of the unit. "herefore! assessment of the unit will take lace during and at the end of the toic.
During and at the end of the unit self reflection will &e used in the form of the following ,uestions#
+ Did the students resond well to the toic and learning activities
+ 4ere the students outcomes metF
+ 4hat worked wellF
+ <ow did the students resond to the toicF =look at reading resonse journals?
+ 4hat could 7 imrove ne:t lesson1what could 7 imrove ne:t time 7 do this unitF
+ Did 7 manage time wellF
+ 4ere my &ehaviour management strategies effectiveF
+ Did 7 give each child e,ual oortunity for learning and successF
Lesso# Foc"s a#$ Ac!ivi!y Reso"rces !o /e "se$
General apa)ilities
ross*$urri$ulum !riorities
&"rric"l"m I#!e'ra!io#
Lesso# <: I#!ro$"c!io#
7ntroduce students to fairy tales and the asects of narrative writing# lot! setting!
character! time! genre! theme! language and structure. "ell students that for this unit of
work we are going to &e focusing on setting through the use of fairy tales. >sk students if
they know what setting is and &rainstorm the different tyes of setting! use the
white&oard to create a mind ma. @sing a show of hands conduct a class vote on
whether they think setting is a? imortant or &? unimortant in narrative writing.
(ead the edited manuscrit of the fairy tale ;"he 8lower of $ove0. Do not show any
ictures from the story. >sk the students to close their eyes while listening to the story
and focus on imagining it. "hen ask them to oen their eyes and draw where the witch
lives as they were imagining it.
Students comare their ictures with eers. >mongst ta&le grous hold &rief discussion
a&out what students notice a&out their drawings &efore sharing these ideas as a class.
Discuss# What do they noti$e a)out their pi$tures+ Why do you think it is that they are
all very different+ Students are introduced to their reading resonse journal and are
given time to answer the following romts9 ;what is settingF0 and ;do you think setting is
imortant to a storyF 4hy1why notF0
"he 8lower of $ove =edited
to omit any words used to
descri&e setting?
*gg timer
(eading resonse journals
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities
Lesso# 2
(eca on revious lesson. (ead ;"he 8lower of $ove0 again! this time including all of the
words used to descri&e the witch0s castle. >sk the students to close their eyes!
imagining the story with their minds. 6nce again ask them to draw where the witch lives!
&ut this time using the information given a&out the setting.
Cring students down onto the floor with their ictures from today and yesterday. Discuss#
What is different a)out the settings the drawn today+ Why is it that the settings drawn
today have more in $ommon than the settings drawn in the previous lesson+ What does
this mean+
Conduct another class vote on the imortance of setting. >sk the students who changed
their vote what made them change their mind. Students then comlete their reading
resonse journal for the lesson9 romt ;what have you learnt a&out setting so farF0
;"he 8lower of $ove0 + from
the 6:ford "reasury of
8airy "ales &y -eraldine
3cCaughrean and Sohy
(eading resonse journals
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities
Lesso# 3
(eca on revious lesson. >sk students if they can think of &ooks that do not always
use language to descri&e setting. ,is$uss" What a)out pi$ture )ooks+ Why might
illustrations )e used to show setting rather than language+
(ead the fairy tale ;>laddin0 making sure to omit any words used to descri&e the setting.
Show the ictures to the class. Discuss# How do we know where the story is set+ How
do we know when a setting $hanges+ What are some of the )enefits of having
Divide students into grous of ' or ). "hey are to choose one setting from >laddin and
think a&out what words and hrases they would use to descri&e the setting if there were
no illustrations to give the reader visual images of the story and setting. "hey need to
write these words and hrases onto &utcher0s aer. "hen e:lain how to use a
thesaurus! the students will then use a thesaurus to find synonyms for the words that
they have listed and create a mind ma.
Call the students down onto the floor and one grou at a time will resent their mind ma
and share some of the new! descritive words that they have learnt. Students then
comlete their reading resonse journal9 romt ;why do writers use descritive
languageF0 and ;what else could &e used to show settingF 4hy might this &e usedF0
;>laddin0 + from the 4orld of
8airy "ales# Cinderella and
>laddin &y Carron Crown
Cutcher0s aer
(eading resonse journals
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities

(ead the fairy tale ;<ansel and -retel0. Divide Students into airs. Provide each air
with an image of the candy house setting and a searate age with a list of descritive
words. Some of the words fit the descrition and some of the words do not! dictionaries
will &e rovided if they need to check what a word means. -ive a &rief demonstration of
how to use a dictionary. @sing &utchers aer they need to stick down the image and
write down the correct descritive words. "hen using a different coloured marker they
need to write down other words and hrases that could &e used to descri&e the setting.
Students regrou on the floor. >s a class go through which were the correct descritive
words from the sheet. "hen each grou has a turn to share the descritive words1hrases
that their grou came u with.
Students then comlete their reading resonse journal9 romt ;what is one thing you did
well in this lessonF 4hat is one thing you could imrove inF0
;<ansel and -retel0 + from
the 6:ford "reasury of
8airy "ales &y -eraldine
3cCaughrean and Sohy
Candy house icture
Sheet of descritive words
Cutcher0s aer
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities
(eading resonse journals
Lesso# 2
(ead $ittle (ed (iding <ood. Discuss# ,oes setting influen$e what happens in a story+
>sk students to consider what might have haened if $ittle (ed (iding <ood went to
visit her grandma in a nursing home instead of the woods. Discuss# Would she have
gotten there safely+ Would the evil $hara$ter )e in the form of something other than a
>sk students to go &ack to their desks and individually comlete a comrehension sheet
on $ittle (ed (iding <ood. "he comrehension ,uestions will &e# What are the main
settings of Little Red Riding Hood+ How is the setting important to the storyline+ %f the
setting was different how would the storyline )e different+ %f you were Little Red Riding
Hood would you )e worried entering the woods+ Why-why not+ (egrou on the floor
and discuss student0s answers1thoughts.
Students then comlete their reading resonse journal9 romt ;what are two of the most
imortant things that you have learnt this lessonF0
;$ittle (ed (iding <ood0 +
retold &y "rina Schart
Comrehension sheet
(eading resonse journals
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities
Lesso# ?: &o#cl"$i#' Ac!ivi!ies
7ntroduce final assessment task. (ead Snow 4hite to the students without showing
them any images. Provide students with the handout consisting of a assage from Snow
white and some comrehensive ,uestions. "hey are to highlight any words or hrases
used to descri&e setting. 7n their *nglish &ooks they are to answer the ,uestions
attached to the &ottom of the handout# %s the setting of Snow White similar or different to
the other fairy tales we have looked at so far+ How+ Why do you think a forest was one
of the main settings in the story+ How did you feel as a reader when Snow White was
sent into the forest .eg/ were you s$ared0 happy0 or worried+1/
Students then comlete their final entry for their reading resonse journal9 romt 2what
is one thing you en3oyed in this topi$+ Why+ What is one thing you did not en3oy in this
topi$+ Why+&
;Snow 4hite0
<andout with assage and
*nglish &ooks
(eading resonse journals
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities
Li!era!"re S!ra#$: Rea$i#' a#$ 7ie.i#' 0rose Year level: 2/3/
U#i! Topic: Fairy Tale Se!!i#'s Lesso# <
Lesso# Aim:
"hat students will know how to#
7dentify asects of different tyes of literary te:ts that entertain! and give reasons for ersonal references =>C*$"15./?
Lesso# 6"!come:
"hat the students will#
Hnow that fairy tales are a form of narrative writing
Hnow that setting is just one asect that makes u a narrative
@nderstand what setting is
Discuss the imortance of setting within a narrative
Re%ere#ces a#$ Reso"rces:
;"he 8lower of $ove0=edited? + from the 6:ford "reasury of 8airy "ales &y -eraldine 3cCaughrean and Sohy 4illiams
4rite 4ays B $eslie 4ing Dan ChaterF
S!"$e#! Assessme#!:
Contri&ution to class discussion
Iote in class oll
Drawing of setting
Student0s resonse to reading resonse journal ,uestions# ;what is settingF0 and ;do you think setting is imortant to a storyF 4hy1why notF0
Sel% Assessme#!:
4ere the students engaged in the lessonF
Did the students achieve the desired outcomesF
4hat worked wellF
4hat did not work wellF <ow could this &e imroved for ne:t timeF
Timeli#e Teachi#' 0roce$"re 0repara!io# or Reso"rces !o /e "se$
<3 mi#s
2 mi#s
23 mi#s
2 mi#s
<3 mi#s
7ntroduce students to fairy tales and the different asects of narrative writing that are used in fairy tales#
lot! character! time! genre! theme! language! and structure =omit setting for now?. 4rite these u on the
white &oard as headings. >sk students if they know what these different asects are and &riefly go
through the definition of each one! write the definition &elow each heading on the white &oard.
>sk Jcan you tell me what asect is missing from this listFK 7nform students that for this unit of work we
are going to &e focusing on the asect setting and looking secifically at the settings used in fairy tales.
Discuss# What is setting+ What are some e(amples of setting+ @sing a show of hands conduct a class
vote on whether they think setting is a? imortant or &? unimortant in narrative writing. >sk volunteers to
share what they voted for and why.
2@ GUI5E5 5IS&67ERY =working in the EPD with e:amles1information1e:licit teaching?
"ell the children that you are going to read them a fairy tale and that they need to listen closely with their
eyes closed. Aou want them to concentrate on imagining the story in their head and the setting in which
the story is unfolding. (ead the reared manuscrit of the fairy tale ;"he 8lower of $ove0 =the fairy tale
has &een adated slightly so that no words or sentences used to descri&e the witch0s castle are resent?.
Do not show the students any ictures from the story. 6nce you have finished reading ask the students
to oen their eyes. "hey are then to draw in their *nglish &ooks where they imagined the evil witch to
live. *:lain that there is no right or wrong way to draw the setting! &ut it must &e how they imagined it.
"ell students that they will have e:actly %/ minutes to comlete their drawings! use an egg timer.
3@ E90L6RATI6N =grou L individual?
6nce the students have finished their drawings ask one ta&le at a time to stand u and show the rest of
the class the ictures of their settings. "he students are then given several minutes to discuss their
drawings in ta&le grous. >sk students to discuss what they notice a&out their ictures and do they have
any similarities or differencesF
@ &6N&LUSI6N =reflect1anticiate?
Call the students down onto the floor. >sk the grous to share what they noticed a&out their ictures and
whether they had any similarities or differences. Discuss# Why do you think it is that they are all very
different+ Discuss how the lack of descritive language to give us a visual image of the setting has
resulted in many different interretations of what the setting looks like.
*hi!e /oar$ a#$ mar;ers
E$i!e$ ma#"scrip! o% AThe o%
E#'lish /oo;sC pe#cilsC a#$ e'' !imer
Students are introduced to their reading resonse journal which they are to comlete at the end of each
lesson. "his lessons ,uestions are ;what is settingF0 and ;do you think setting is imortant to a storyF
4hy1why notF. Students are to comlete these ,uestions in their reading resonse journals.
Rea$i#' respo#se Do"r#als
Topic: Se!!i#' i# Fairy Tales Year level: 2/3/

AI,: >C*$" =aroriate num&er? Coy and aste the words
Year 2
7dentify language that can &e used for areciating te:ts and the ,ualities of eole and things =>C*$>1)2%?
Create short imaginative! informative and ersuasive te:ts using growing knowledge of te:t structures and language features for familiar and some less familiar
audiences! selecting rint and multimodal elements aroriate to the audience and urose =>C*$A1271?
Year 3
@nderstand that successful cooeration with others deends on shared use of social conventions! including turn+taking atterns! and forms of address that vary
according to the degree of formality in social situations =>C*$>1)72?
$isten to and contri&ute to conversations and discussions to share information and ideas and negotiate in colla&orative situations =>C*$A1272?
Year 4
@nderstand that the meaning of sentences can &e enriched through the use of noun grous1hrases and ver& grous1hrases and reositional
hrases =>C*$>1).'?
Create literary te:ts that e:lore students0 own e:eriences and imagining =>C*$"12/7?
Plan! draft and u&lish imaginative! informative and ersuasive te:ts containing key information and suorting details for a widening range of audiences!
demonstrating increasing control over te:t structures and language features =>C*$A12.)?
STU5ENT 6UT&6,ES: =4hat you want the students to learn over the 2 weeks B must &e related &oth to >C>(> and to the toic.?
Students should#
@nderstand how language can &e used to enhance the different asects of narrative! articularly setting
Ce a&le to transform a &asic sentence into a more descritive and sohisticated sentence
Create their own setting and use rich! unctual language to descri&e it
Draft! edit! and u&lish their final work
4ork colla&oratively and individually to fulfil lesson tasks
$isten and contri&ute aroriately to class and grou discussions
4rite 4ays =Chater 88 ? + $eslie 4ing Dan
Study "e:ts
STU5ENT ASSESS,ENT: ="his includes &oth formative assessment lans and 3@S" include a secific summative assessment?
Forma!ive Assessme#!: =e.g.?
Class discussions and o&servations B as a class we will &e discussing the asect of setting in narrative writing. Students will often &e re,uired to take art
in ver&al activities! as well as &eing encouraged to share their knowledge1ideas with the class. 6&servation of these discussions and student inut will
allow for formative assessment to identify the students whose understanding of the toic is on track and the students who may need further suort.
>necdotal records of o&servations1class activities B in this unit of work there are class! grou! and individual activities which will &e used for formative
assessment. >necdotal records will &e used to note students who are not working on task! disengaged from grou activities! or are having difficulty
understanding a task or toic understanding. "hese anecdotal records will hel to identify the students who understand the toic and tasks and the
students who may re,uire e:tra suort.
4riting drafts B students need to roduce a draft coy of their summative assessment so that it may &e reviewed &efore u&lication.
S"mma!ive Assessme#!:
Pu&lication B for their summative iece of word students are to design their own setting for a fairy tale they hyothetically star in. 6nce they have
designed and illustrated their setting they need to descri&e their setting using descritive language! creating a clear visual image of the setting for the
reader. "heir descrition will &e tyed u and rinted. "his will &e ut onto a oster along with the design1illustration of their setting.
During and at the end of this unit of work a num&er of reflective ,uestions will &e considered. "hese include#
+ 4ere the students interested in the toic and therefore engaged in class discussion and tasksF
+ 4ere the student outcomes metF
+ 4ere the tasks aroriate for the year levelF
+ <ow did the students resond to the toicF
+ 4hat worked wellF
+ 4hat did not work wellF
7 feel that reflecting on this unit of work throughout its duration is just as imortant as at its conclusion. 7f something is not working or needs revision it can &e
imlemented straight away rather than waiting until the end of the unit. "herefore! assessment of the unit will take lace during and at the end of the toic.
During and at the end of the unit self reflection will &e used in the form of the following ,uestions#
+ Did the students resond well to the toic and learning activities
+ 4ere the students outcomes metF
+ 4hat worked wellF
+ <ow did the students resond to the toicF
+ 4hat could 7 imrove ne:t lesson1what could 7 imrove ne:t time 7 do this unitF
+ Did 7 manage time wellF
+ 4ere my &ehaviour management strategies effectiveF
+ Did 7 give each child e,ual oortunity for learning and successF
Lesso# Foc"s a#$ Ac!ivi!y Reso"rces !o /e "se$
General apa)ilities
ross*$urri$ulum !riorities
&"rric"l"m I#!e'ra!io#
Lesso# <: I#!ro$"c!io#
7nform students that this creative writing unit is going to focus on setting! the same
narrative element that we are studying in viewing1rose. (eca on what setting is and
what it is used for.
Discuss the use of descritive language and what constitutes descritive language. >s a
class analyse a ainting of a scene in Snow 4hite deicting the cottage in the woods.
>sk students what words they would use to descri&e this setting. Crainstorm their
answers on the white &oard. >sk the students to form a circle. "he first student needs to
ick a word from the white&oard and ut this into a descritive sentence. *ach student
has a turn! the same word may &e chosen &ut they must use the word in a different
Discuss# Why would we use des$riptive language to des$ri)e setting+
Snow 4hite ainting
4hite &oard
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities
Lesso# 2
(eca on revious lesson. Show the students another image from Snow 4hite! this time
the haunted forest. Divide students into grous of ' or ) and ask them to list all the
different things that make u the setting. "hey then need to write down five different
sentences that could &e used to descri&e the setting. "hey should use descritive and
colourful language.
(egrou as a class and each grou is to share their favourite sentence.
Snow 4hite image
*nglish &ooks
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities
Lesso# 3
(eca on revious lesson. >sk students if they remem&er the candy house in <ansel
and -retel! show a icture from the &ook if they need reminding. >s a class discuss#
How $ould we des$ri)e the $andy house using really des$riptive language+
>sk students to imagine that the house in <ansel and -retel could &e made of any tye
of food that they like. Divide students into airs and ask them to design their own <ansel
and -retel house! &ut changing what tye of food it is made from. 6nce they have
drawn and coloured in their design they need to write a rich aragrah descri&ing their
house! what does it look like! smell like! feel like etc.
;<ansel and -retel0 + 8rom
the 6:ford "reasury of
8airy "ales &y -eraldine
3cCaughrean and Sohy
Cutcher0s aer
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities
(egrou students on the floor with their design and descritive aragrah. Students
then share their design and aragrah with the class.

(eca on revious lesson. Students are divided into grous of ' or ). *ach grou will
&e given a section of the fairy tale ;Cinderella0 which they are to rewrite in a different
setting. "he students are not allowed to discuss with other grous what they are doing.
6nce students have finished rewriting the individual sections of the story they will &e
ulled together and read as a whole class.
Discuss# How did $hanging the setting $hange the original story+
;Cinderella0 story divided
into sections
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities
Lesso# 2
(eca on revious lesson. Students will &e given a assage from ;Snow 4hite0. "he
words! hrases! and sentences! used to descri&e the setting were rewritten very
&asically. "he students need to relace the &asic! non+descritive words relating to
setting with vivid and rich sentences and hrases! they will &e working individually. "hey
will rewrite their version of the assage in their *nglish &ooks. "hey need to focus on
using descritive language that hels to form a visual image in the readers mind.
Snow 4hite assage
*nglish &ooks
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities
Lesso# ?: &o#cl"$i#' Ac!ivi!ies
"his is the final lesson for creative writing. "ell students that they are going to create
their own setting for a fairytale in which they will &e one of the characters. "hey have to
design1illustrate their setting. "hey are allowed to look at the class li&rary of fairy tales
for ideas &ut they cannot coy the setting e:actly. "hen they have to write a draft
descrition of their setting. "ell student that they need to make their settings as
descritive and vivid as they can.
6nce they have finished their draft iece of writing and had it checked they can use the
class latos to tye u their good coy. "his will &e stuck onto a iece of oster aer
with their design1illustration of their setting. "he osters will then &e hung around the
*nglish &ooks
Poster aer
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities
+ 7nformation and
Li!era!"re S!ra#$: &rea!ive *ri!i#' Year level: 2/3/
U#i! Topic: Se!!i#' i# Fairy Tales Lesso# <
Lesso# Aim:
"hat students will know how to#
7dentify language that can &e used for areciating te:ts and the ,ualities of eole and things =>C*$>1)2%?
@nderstand that successful cooeration with others deends on shared use of social conventions! including turn+taking atterns! and forms of address that vary
according to the degree of formality in social situations =>C*$>1)72?
Lesso# 6"!come:
"hat the students will#
@nderstand what constitutes descritive language and why it is used in narrative writing
Ce a&le to transform a single word into a descritive sentence
$isten to and articiate in classroom discussion
Re%ere#ces a#$ Reso"rces:
7mage of ainting of the cottage in the forest in Snow 4hite
Small s,uares of aer with a word
4rite 4ays B $eslie 4ing Dan ChaterF
S!"$e#! Assessme#!:
Contri&ution to class discussion
>ctivity where they use a word from the white &oard to create a descritive sentence
Sel% Assessme#!:
4ere the students engaged in the lessonF
Did the students achieve the desired outcomesF
4hat worked wellF
4hat did not work wellF <ow could this &e imroved for ne:t timeF
Timeli#e Teachi#' 0roce$"re 0repara!io# or Reso"rces !o /e "se$
<3 mi#s
<3 mi#s
22 mi#s
7nform students that for the creative writing unit we are going to focus on setting! which is the narrative
element that we are studying in viewing1rose. >sk students Jwho can remem&er what setting isFK and
Jwhy 7 setting imortant to a narrativeFK Create a mind ma on the white &oard of student resonses
and add in any missing details.
%. GUI5E5 5IS&67ERY =working in the EPD with e:amles1information1e:licit teaching?
"ell students that they are going to learn how to write really descritive and vivid settings. Discuss#
What is des$riptive language+ Why would we use des$riptive language+ How does using des$riptive
language improve the 4uality of a story+ What things might we use to des$ri)e setting .eg/ time0 era0
lo$ation0 o)3e$ts0 noise0 si5e0 temperature0 $olours et$1
'. E90L6RATI6N =grou L individual?
Show students the ainting of Snow 4hite walking towards the dwarf0s cottage in the woods. >sk
students what words they would use to descri&e this setting. 4rite their resonses onto the white &oard.
"hen ask the students to form a circle. "ell the students that we are going to go around the circle one at
a time and try to make the most descritive sentence they ossi&ly can from one of the words on the
white &oard. 8or e:amle! 7 am going to ick the word ;flowers0 and 7 am going to make the sentence ;the
&eautiful little ink flowers swayed in the light &reezeK. "hen it will &e the ne:t students turn. "hey can
ick a word from the white &oard that has already &een used &ut they must ut it in a comletely different
sentence. -o around the circle until each student has had a turn.
Start the ne:t activity. >sk the students to ,uietly line u and ick a iece aer out of the hat that 7 am
holding. "hen they are to return to where they were sitting in the circle. 6n their iece of aer will &e a
word. "ell the students that while this activity is similar to the last activity it is a little &it different. 4e are
going to create a story as a class using the words that we have ulled out of the hat. 6ne student will go
first in creating a really descritive sentence9 it must use the word that they ulled out of the hat. "he
ne:t student will share their sentence using their word! &ut the story must flow even if it is a little sillyM
"hey can use conjunctions to link their sentences if they choose. -o around the circle until each student
has had a turn.
*hi!e /oar$ a#$ mar;ers
0ri#! o% pai#!i#'
Small sE"ares o% paper .i!h a .or$
2 mi#s ). &6N&LUSI6N =reflect1anticiate?
>s a class reflect on what was learnt in this lesson. Discuss# What is des$riptive language+ Why do we
use des$riptive language+ How $an we improve the settings of a story+
Topic: Fairy Tales Year level: 2/3/

AI,: >C*$" =aroriate num&er? Coy and aste the words
7dentify! reroduce and e:eriment with rhythmic! sound and word atterns in oems! chants! rhymes and songs =>C*$"15.%?
Discuss the nature and effects of some language devices used to enhance meaning and shae the reader0s reaction! including rhythm and onomatooeia in
oetry and rose =>C*$"12//?
$isten to and contri&ute to conversations and discussions to share information and ideas and negotiate in colla&orative situations =>C*$A1272?
@nderstand! interret and e:eriment with a range of devices and deli&erate word lay in oetry and other literary te:ts! for e:amle nonsense words!
soonerisms! neologisms and uns =>C*$"12/2?
STU5ENT 6UT&6,ES: =4hat you want the students to learn over the 2 weeks B must &e related &oth to >C>(> and to the toic.?
Students should#
Hnow that there are different tyes of oetry! of which narrative oems are one
Hnow that some! &ut not all! oems rhyme and have rhythm
Hnow how to identify a narrative oem
@nderstand that word endings do not necessarily have to look the same to rhyme! &ut they must sound the same
@nderstand that writers use language devices to enhance meaning and shae the reader0s reaction
@nderstand what onomatooeia is and how to use it effectively
4ork colla&oratively and individually to fulfil lesson tasks
$isten and contri&ute aroriately to class and grou discussions
Draft! edit! and u&lish their final work
Study "e:ts
Aou "u&e video ;6nomatooeia0 &y 3indy Caeur
4rite 4ays B $eslie 4ing Dan ChaterF
STU5Y TE9T1S4: =Detailed list re,uired! "7"$* and >@"<6(?

Snow White and the Seven ,warfs B (oald Dahl
Snow White =shae oem? +
Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf B (oald Dahl
6odern inderella B Desiree Cradford
inderella B (oald Dahl
The Three Little !igs B (oald Dahl
The Roald ,ahl Treasury B (oald Dalh
inderella B (oald Dahl
The Three Little !igs B (oald Dahl
Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf B (oald Dahl
Snow White and the Seven ,warfs 7 (oald Dahl
56"*# "he class li&rary used for reading1viewing rose and creative writing will
&e used in lessons four and five in which students will use a familiar fairytale to
transform into a narrative oem for their lay.
Forma!ive Assessme#!: =e.g.?
Class discussions and o&servations B as a class we will &e discussing oetry. Students will often &e re,uired to take art in ver&al activities! as well as
&eing encouraged to share their knowledge1ideas with the class. 6&servation of these discussions and student inut will allow for formative assessment
to identify the students whose understanding of the toic is on track and the students who may need further suort.
>necdotal records of o&servations1class activities B in this unit of work there are class! grou! and individual activities which will &e used for formative
assessment. >necdotal records will &e used to note students who are not working on task! disengaged from grou activities! or are having difficulty
understanding a task or toic understanding. "hese anecdotal records will hel to identify the students who understand the toic and tasks and the
students who may re,uire e:tra suort.
Particiation in grou lay
4riting drafts B students need to roduce a draft coy of their summative assessment so that it may &e reviewed &efore u&lication.
S"mma!ive Assessme#!:
Pu&lication B for their summative iece of work students are to write their own narrative oem incororating the use of onomatooeia. "hese will &e tyed
and rinted using the classroom latos and then ut together to create a class oetry &ook.
During and at the end of this unit of work a num&er of reflective ,uestions will &e considered. "hese include#
+ 4ere the students interested in the toic and therefore engaged in class discussion and tasksF
+ 4ere the student outcomes metF
+ 4ere the tasks aroriate for the year levelF
+ <ow did the students resond to the toicF
+ 4hat worked wellF
+ 4hat did not work wellF
7 feel that reflecting on this unit of work throughout its duration is just as imortant as at its conclusion. 7f something is not working or needs revision it can &e
imlemented straight away rather than waiting until the end of the unit. "herefore! assessment of the unit will take lace during and at the end of the toic.
During and at the end of the unit self reflection will &e used in the form of the following ,uestions#
+ Did the students resond well to the toic and learning activities
+ 4ere the students outcomes metF
+ 4hat worked wellF
+ <ow did the students resond to the toicF
+ 4hat could 7 imrove ne:t lesson1what could 7 imrove ne:t time 7 do this unitF
+ Did 7 manage time wellF
+ 4ere my &ehaviour management strategies effectiveF
+ Did 7 give each child e,ual oortunity for learning and successF
Lesso# Foc"s a#$ Ac!ivi!y Reso"rces !o /e "se$
General apa)ilities
ross*$urri$ulum !riorities
&"rric"l"m I#!e'ra!io#
Lesso# <: I#!ro$"c!io#
7ntroduce the term oetry to the class. Discuss# What is poetry+ ,o all poems rhyme+
What are the different types of poetry+ "ell students that we are going to &e looking at
narrative oetry! ask students if they think they might know what narrative oetry is
&efore giving an e:lanation.
(ead to the students ;Snow 4hite and the Seven Dwarfs0 &y (oald Dahl. Discuss#
What makes this a narrative poem+ Create a mind ma of resonses on the white
&oards. "alk a&out the story line structure! the verses! the rhythm! and the rhyme.
Show students a shae oem of ;Snow 4hite09 do not tell them that it is called a shae
oem. (ead the oem to the students. Divide students into grous of 5 or 2 and ask
them to discuss whether they think this is a narrative oem or not and why.
>sk each grou to share their thoughts. "hen discuss as a class why this oem is not a
narrative oem.
Snow 4hite and the Seven
Dwarfs + (oald Dahl
Snow 4hite + shae oem
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities
Lesso# 2
(eca on revious lesson. "ell students that today we are going to &e looking at rhyme
in narrative oems. Discuss# What is rhyme+ (ead ;Snow 4hite and the Seven
Dwarfs0 again. >s a class go through the oem identifying the rhyming words. Discuss#
,o word endings have to look the same to rhyme .ie/ their spelling1+ What are some
e(amples of word endings that are spelt differently )ut make the same sound+ ,o they
still rhyme+ Why+
(ead ;$ittle (ed (iding <ood and the 4olf0 to the class. Divide students into grous of '
or ). -ive each grou a iece of aer with a aragrah from the oem. "he rhyming
words have &een deleted from the oem9 they are listed at the &ottom of the age. "he
students need to fill in the &lanks with the correct rhyming words.
(egrou on the floor and discuss answers as a class.
Snow 4hite and the Seven
Dwarfs B (oald Dahl
$ittle (ed (iding <ood and
the 4olf B (oald Dahl
Sheet with oem e:cert
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities
Lesso# 3
(eca on revious lesson. *:lain to the students that you are going to divide them into ;3odern Cinderella0 B
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
grous of ' or ). 7n these grous they will &e given two oems &ased on the fairy tale
;Cinderella0! &utchers aer! and markers. "he oems they will &e given are ;3odern
Cinderella0 &y Desiree Cradford! which is not a narrative oem! and ;Cinderella0 &y (oald
Dahl! which is a narrative oem. >fter they have read the oems they need to work out
which one is the narrative oem. @sing their &utchers aer and markers they need to
list reasons for and against each oem.
(egrou on the floor and discuss their choices as a class. (ead through &oth oems
together and identify which one correctly fits the descrition of a narrative oem!
clarifying any misunderstandings.
Desiree Cradford
Cinderella B (oald Dahl
Cutchers aer
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities

(eca on what the students have learnt so far a&out oetry and narrative oems.
*:lain that sometimes writers use language devices in their writing. Discuss# What is a
language devi$e+ Why are they used+ -ive secific e:amles and write these on the
white &oard =leave out onomatooeia for now?. "ell students that they are going to &e
learning a&out onomatooeia.
Play the Aou"u&e video ;6nomatooeia0 &y 3indy Cauer to the students. >sk students to
turn to the erson sitting ne:t to them and discuss what they think onomatooeia is. "he
students then share their ideas with the class. *:lain to students the definition of
onomatooeia and discuss why it is used. >s a class &rain storm the onomatooeia
words used in the video! then ask the students if they can think of any others. 4rite the
words on the white &oard.
(ead ;"he "hree $ittle Pigs0 narrative oem &y (oald Dahl. >s a class identify the
onomatooeia words used. *:lain to the students that onomatooeia can &e used in
other tyes of writing not just oems. *:lain to the students that in grous of ' or ) they
are going to write a scrit for a lay &ased in the form of a narrative oem! it is to &e
&ased on a familiar fairy tale. 8airy tales will &e availa&le from the class li&rary for
guidance. 7n their scrit they need to include onomatooeia in the narrator0s dialogue.
"he roles of narrators and characters are to &e divided amongst the students in the
grou. 6nce they have finished their scrit they have the remainder of the lesson to
rehearse in rearation for ne:t lessons erformance.
;6nomatooeia0 Aou "u&e
"he "hree $ittle Pigs B
(oald Dahl
Class li&rary
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ Personal and
Social Caa&ilities
Lesso# 2
Students are given time to finish of their skis from the last lesson. 6nce rehearsal time
has finished each grou shares their skit with the class. *ach grou is resonsi&le for
giving eer feed&ack for another grou. "he eer assessment will include two things
Peer feed&ack sheets General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
that the erforming grou did well and one thing that they could imrove on for ne:t time. + Personal and
Social Caa&ilities
Lesso# ?: &o#cl"$i#' Ac!ivi!ies
Students will &e introduced to their final assessment task for the oetry unit. Students
are to write a short narrative oem including the use of onomatooeia. "he students
have free choice on the toic of their oem. 6nce the students have written their oem
they will use the class la tos to word rocess and rint their oem. "he oems will
then &e collected and ut into a class oetry &ook.
General apa)ilities"
+ $iteracy
+ Critical and
Creative "hinking
+ 7nformation and
Li!era!"re S!ra#$: 0oe!ry Year level: 2/3/
U#i! Topic: Fairy Tales Lesso# <
Lesso# Aim:
Students will know how to#
7dentify! reroduce and e:eriment with rhythmic! sound and word atterns in oems! chants! rhymes and songs =>C*$"15.%?
$isten to and contri&ute to conversations and discussions to share information and ideas and negotiate in colla&orative situations =>C*$A1272?
Lesso# 6"!come:
"hat the students will#
@nderstand that there are different tyes of oetry
Hnow the features of a narrative oem
Hnow how to identify a narrative oem
@nderstand rhythm
Re%ere#ces a#$ Reso"rces:
4rite 4ays chatF B
Snow 4hite and the Seven Dwarfs B (oald Dahl
Snow 4hite =shae oem?
S!"$e#! Assessme#!:
Contri&ution to class discussion
(esonse from grou activity
Sel% Assessme#!:
4ere the students engaged in the lessonF
Did the students achieve the desired outcomesF
4hat worked wellF
4hat did not work wellF <ow could this &e imroved for ne:t timeF
Timeli#e Teachi#' 0roce$"re 0repara!io# or Reso"rces !o /e "se$
<3 mi#s
22 mi#s
23 mi#s
7ntroduce the term oetry to the class. Discuss# Discuss# What is poetry+ ,o all poems rhyme+ What
are the different types of poetry+ "ell students that we are going to &e looking at narrative oetry. >sk
the students Jdoes anyone know what a narrative oem isFK! if need &e use the ro&e Jwhat does the
name ;narrative0 oem tell youFK *:lain to students that the word ;narrative0 is often used to descri&e
the way a story is told. "herefore! a narrative oem is different to a oem which! for e:amle! descri&es
the setting of a lace or a moment. > narrative oem tells a story and therefore has a &eginning! middle!
and an ending.
%. GUI5E5 5IS&67ERY =working in the EPD with e:amles1information1e:licit teaching?
"ell students that you are going to read them the narrative oem ;Snow 4hite and the Seven Dwarfs0 &y
(oald Dahl. >sk the students to think a&out how a narrative oem is different to other tyes of oetry
whilst listening. >fter reading the oem! discuss what makes a narrative oem different from other tyes
of oetry! ask the students to share their thoughts. Create a mind ma of student resonses on the white
&oard. (emind the students that a narrative oem has a story line structure! a &eginning! middle =in
which there is normally some form of conflict or ro&lem?! and an ending =with a resolution?. >sk the
students Jwhat was the ro&lem and how was it resolved in the oem we just readFK Discuss student
resonses and clarify any misunderstandings. Show the students the rinted form of the oem ask them
Jhow does this look different to a normal narrativeFK discuss the lines and the verses. (ead the oem to
the students once more. >sk them Jhow does this sound different to a narrativeFK! discuss the rhythm of
the oem. 8inally! discuss the use of the narrator voice in a narrative oem.
'. E90L6RATI6N =grou L individual?
<old u a shae oem of ;Snow 4hite0! &ut do not tell the students that it is a shae oem. (ead the
oem to the students. "hen divide the students into grous of ' or )! give each grou a handout of the
&oth the shae oem and the narrative oem used at the &eginning of the lesson! and ask them to
discuss whether they think it is narrative oem or not and why.
(egrou as a class and let each grou share their theories. *:lain to the students that the second
oem is actually a shae oem and highlight the features that revent it from &eing la&elled a narrative
Snow 4hite and the Seven Dwarfs B (oald
4hite &oard
Snow 4hite =shae oem?
<andouts of Snow 4hite and the Seven
Dwarfs &y (oald Dahl and the Snow 4hite
shae oem
2 mi#s ). &6N&LUSI6N =reflect1anticiate?
>s a class reflect on the lesson. >sk the students Jwhat was the most imortant thing you learnt this
lessonFK and allow each child to share with the class.

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