300 Q&a

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1- ACE mechanism is:

a- converting Ag 11 to vasoconstrictor Ag1

b- converting Ag 1 to vasoconstrictor Ag11
c- converting Ag 1 to vasodilator Ag11
d- converting Ag 11 to vasoconstrictor Ag1
2- Differences between captopril and other ACE inhibitors:

a- Differ in potency, (captopril is more potent than other ACE inhibitors
b- !ode of action"
c- #ame effect if given in the appropriate dose"
d- Differ in shape"
$- %he di&retic which is &sed with Captopril is:
a- '&rosemide"
b- Ethacrynic acid"
c- Aldactone"
d- thia(ide
)- *hat are the effects of Captopril+
a- inhibits the conversion of Ag1 to Ag11
b- effective hypotensive when others are contraindicated (,-bloc-ers . di&retics
c- /as a val&able role in heart fail&re"
0- ACE inhibitors are &sed in the treatment of:

a- /ypertension"
b- !igraine"
c- Asthama"
d- All of the above"
1- 2-bloc-er is &sed for:
Essential hypertension"
3- *hich of the following is not cardio specific 2-bloc-er+
a- Atenolol"
b- Aceb&tolol"
c- #atolol"
d- 4abetalol"

5- 6ne of these is not li-e the others:
a- %imolol non selective 2-bloc-er"
b- Aceb&talol selective 2-bloc-er"
c- labetolol non selective 2-bloc-er"
d- ,eto7olol non selective 2-bloc-er"
8- *hat is the pharmacological . 9 or therape&tic classification of the following dr&gs:
a- Aceb&tolol: selective 2-bloc-er hypertensive"
b- 4abetalol: nonselective 2-bloc-er hypertensive"
1:- All of the following are 2
antagonists e7cept:
a- #alb&tamol"
b- !etoprolol"
c- ;adolol"
d- Atenolol"
;",": #alb&tamol is 2
11- 2
agonist ca&se:
a- <ncrease in o7ygen cons&mption"
b- <ncreasing ectotopic effect"
c- <ncreasing intotopic effect"
d- All of the above"
12- =&inidine s&lphate is:
a- Anti arrhythmic agent"
b- Anti malarial agent"
c- Anti hypertensive agent"
d- A . C"
1$- procainamide is li-e:
a- =&inidine (anti arrhythmic s&pra ventric&lar
b- ;ifedipine"
c- 4isinopril"
d- Cila(april
1)- *hich one is not Ca channel bloc-er+
a- verapamil"
b- Deltia(em"
c- Amlodipine"
d- Cinnar(ine"

10- %hiabenda(ole is one of the %hia(ide di&retics:
a- 'alse b- %r&e
11- %hia(ide di&retics ca&se all the following e7cept:
a- /ypo-alamia"
b- /yponatrimia"
c- /ypercalcemia"
d- /yper&ricamia"
e- /yperglycemia"
f- /ypernatremia"
13- >otassi&m s&pplement therapy m&st not be given with:
a- %riamterene, (di&retic increase e7cretion of sodi&m chloride b&t lessens potassi&m"
b- Aspirin"
c- >aracetamol"
d- >iro7icam"
15- ;itropr&sside ;a is:
a- >otent vasodilator"
b- >otent di&retic"
c- >otent vasoconstrictor"
d- Anti arrhythmic agent"
18- All these dr&gs are anti-cholinergic e7cept:
a- ipratropi&m"
b- Atropine s&lphate"
c- ,en(atropine methylate"
d- Dob&tamin"
2:- All of these are anticholinergics e7cept:
a- Atropine s&lphate"
b- /ydroatropine"
c- <pratropi&m bromide"
d- ,&trepi&m bromide"
e- !ebeverine"
?@AB CDEFG HIG anticholinergic
21- Epinephrime has Alpha and ,eta agonist activity so ca&se:
a- <ncreasing in heart rate and increasing in blood press&re"
b- /ypotension"
c- Decrease heart rate"

22- Dob&tamine is given <"S" beca&se:
a- <t is not stable in gastric acid of stomach"
b- <t is eliminated very =&ic-ly"
c- <t is needed in large doses if ta-en orally"
d- <t ca&ses na&sea . vomiting orally"
2$- Dob&tamine is &sed as:
a- parasympathomimmetic"
b- <n cardiac s&rgery"
c- /ypotensive agent"
d- All of the above"
2)- /ydra(ine is &sed as antihypertensive thro&gh:
a- Sasodialaton"
b- Di&retic"
c- Decreasing cardiac o&tp&t"
d- All of the above"
20- *hich of these has no vasodilator effect+
a- !ethyl dopa"
b- /ydrala(ine"
c- Enalapril"
d- >ra(ocin"
21- *hich one has vasodilator effect+
a- nicotinic acid"
b- ;alid7ic acid"
c- Sitamin A"
d- Tro-inase" (anti-coag&alant, anti, thrombotic,fibrinolytic"
23- *hich one of the following has vasodilator effect+
a- ;icotinc a
b- Cholestyramin"
c- Tri-inase"
d- Sitamin A"
25- Uinnat contains:
a- Cef&ro7ime"
b- Cefaclor"

28- nintrof&rantion is indicated for:
a- viral infection"
b- V<% infection"
c- Trinary tract infection (T%<"
d- TW<"
$:- <peca is emetic agent which ind&ces emesis thro&gh:
a- #tim&lation of the stomach"
b- #tim&lation of the C%U"
c- A . ,"
d- <nhibition of the stomach thro&gh C;#"
$1- %heophylline is:
a- ,roncodilator"
b- 2
c- Ca&ses bradicardia"
d- All of the above"
$2- %heophylline does in children:
a- <ncreased metabolism . dose m&st be increased"
b- Decresed metabolism . dose m&st be increased"
c- Decresed metabolism . dose m&st be decreased"
$$- %he modern method to treat asthma is to &se:
a- 4ong acting bronchodilator X corticosteroid"
b- 4ong acting bronchodilator only"
c- Corticosteroid for long period of time"
d- #hort acting bronchodilator X steroids"
$)- %reatment of anaphylactic reaction is indicated in the following e7cept:
a- /ydrocortisone"
b- Cimetidine"
c- /&man alb&min"
d- Epinephrine"
$0- <ntrod&ction of emesis is not indicated in the following e7cept:
a- Ca&stic s&bstance ingestion"
b- C;#"
c- #ei(&res"
d- >aracetamol poisoning"
$1- All of these are anions e7cept:
a- >hosphate"

b- Acetate"
c- #odi&m"
d- Chloride"
$3- %ria(ole is:
a- Antif&ngal"
b- %he trade name of clotrima(ole"
c- %he trade name of amphotrecin ,"
d- ;yatatin"
$5- *hich mino7idil, all these parameters sho&ld be monitored e7cept:
a- Trine flow rate"
b- ,lood press&re"
c- >&lse rate"
d- ,ody weight"
$8- Vive two indications for allop&rinol:
a- >rophyla7is from go&t"
b- %reatment of high &ric acid . calci&m o7alate renal stones"
):- famotidine is /
antagonist &sed for:
a- %reatment of gastric . d&odenal &lcers"
)1- %ype 1 diabetes advises to &se:
a- <ns&lin"
b- Vlibenclamide"
c- A . ,"
d- ;one of the above"
)2- %ype 2 diabetes advises to &se:
a- #&lphonyl&rea"
b- Diet control"
c- <ns&lin"
d- All of the above"
)$- Sasopressine is &sed for the treatment of:
a- Diabetes insipid&s (&sed in bleeding oesophageal varices
b- Diabetes mellit&s type <"
c- Diabetes mellit&s type <<"
d- /ypertension"

))- Enalapril is the prodr&g of:
)0- *hich one is prodr&g:
a- >ivampicillin"
b- Erythromycin"
c- Ampicillin"
)1- 0:: ml normal saline :"8Y contains )"0 gm" ;acl"
)3- misoprostol Zcytotec [ prostaglandin\ inhibits gastric acid by bloc-ing hydrogen-potassi&m
adenosine triphosphate en(yme system ZA%>\ of gastric cell:
a- %r&e
b- 'alse"
)5- Cytotec is Zmisoprostol\:
a- Tsed for gastric . d&odenal &lcer"
b- Contraindicated in pregnancy"
c- Tsed for the &pper respiratory tract infection"
d- A . ,"
)8- #imvastatin is &sed for hypolipidemic action"
0:- acetohe7amide (one of silphonyl &rea is hypoglycemic"
01- 6ne of the following sho&ld be avoided in pregnancy:
a- Sitamin A"
b- Calci&m"
c- >aracetamol"
d- !isoprostal"
02- *hich one of the following is contraindicated in pregnancy+
a- Ciproflo7acin"
b- Ethamb&tol"
c- Chlorpheniramine"
d- #&cralfate"
0$- *hich one of the following is not contraindicated in pregnancy+
a- !ethyldopa"
b- Enalapril"
c- 4isinopril"
d- Captopril"
0)- All these medications are &sed in the treatment of %"," e7cept:
a- <;/"
b- Wifampicin"
c- Cycloserin"
d- Cyclosporine"
00- <;/ means:
a- isonia(ide"
b- <sonicotinic acid hydra(ide"
c- A . ,"
01- %he d&ration of treatment of %"," by C%C is:
a- 6ne wee-"
b- %wo wee-"
c- 6ne month"
d- #i7 month . over"
03- calcipotriol ( daivone7 is indicated for:
a- >soriasis"
b- /ypertension"
c- Calci&m s&pplement"
d- Acne"
05- Amantadine is &sed for all of the following e7cept:
a- Antiviral"
b- 'or infl&en(a A"
c- Anti-par-insonism"
d- 'or infl&en(a ,"
08- All these dr&gs are antiviral e7cept:
a- amantadine"
b- Uidov&dine"
c- Acyclovir"
d- Al&erin" (anti spasmodic, spasmonal

1:- All are viral infection e7cept:
a- /epatitis ,"
b- <nfl&en(a"
c- /erpes (oster"
d- Wi-etssia"
11- At the cardiac arrest (shoc-, the dr&g of choice is:
a- Epinephrine Zsame adrenaline [ a hormone prod&ced by the adrenal med&lla on mammals\"
b- >ropranolol"
c- /ydrocortisone"
d- #aline sol&tion"
12- Cardiac arrest co&ld be managed by the following e7cept:
a- Ephedrine"
b- 4idocine"
c- ;ormal saline"
d- >ropranolol"
1$- Dr&gs to pass ,","," sho&ld be:
a- Tnioni(ed hydrophilic"
b- <oni(ed hydrophilic"
c- Tnioni(ed lipophilic"
d- <oni(ed lipophilic"
1)- chloramphenicol affects liver inhibitory en(yme, so:
a- Decrease metabolism . increases response"
b- Decrease metabolism . decreases response"
c- <ncrease metabolism . increases response"
d- <ncrease metabolism . decreases response"
10- *hich one is an 6%C dr&g+
a- #imple analgesic"
b- *arfarin"
c- Ciproflo7acin"
11- *hat is the most dr&g can ca&se damage if it is given 6%C+
a- *arfarin"
b- Captopril"
c- Chlorothia(ide"
d- Wifampicin"


13- All are 6%C dr&gs e7cept:
a- ,iscodil
b- Aspirin"
c- Antacids"
d- %egretol"
15- All are non 6%C dr&gs e7cept:
a- ,isacodyl"
b- !etformin"
c- >henytoin"
d- Carbama(epine"
18- All of these can be dispensed witho&t prescription e7cept:
a- Aspirin"
b- !aalo7"
c- ,isacodyl"
d- %egretol"
3:- !orphine . morpin are similar in:
a- Addiction"
b- !iosis"
c- Analgesic"
d- All of the above"
31- o7ytocin is one of the posterior pit&itary hormones"
32- %he concentration of the dr&g on e7piration date is:
a- 'rom 8:-11:Y"
b- ;ot less than 8:Y"
c- ;ot less than 1::Y"
d- ;one of the above"
3$- #&rfactant not &sed orally:
a- ;a la&ryl s&lphate"
b- %ween"
c- #pan
3)- >henylephrine is &sed for:
a- Decongestant"
b- 'or r&nny nose"
c- #ympathomimmetics"
d- Sasoconstrictor and pressor (raise blood press&re"
e- All of the above"

30- 67ytocin prod&ces all the following e7cept:
a- !ammalian glands stim&lation"
b- Tterine stim&lation"
c- 4abor ind&ction"
d- >rogesterone release"
31- ,inding to plasma protein:
a- <ncreases half life"
b- Decreases half life"
33- ;ew . best therapy for peptic &lcer is:
a- 'o&r medicines incl&ding antibiotic"
b- Tse more than /
c- Antacid X /
35- in case of osteoarthritis . peptic &lcer of elderly patients &se:
a- >aracetamol"
b- #trong ;#A<Ds"
c- Aspirin"
38- #&pra7 is:
a- Cefi7ime"
b- <tracona(ole"
5:- *hich one is sporano7+
a- <tracona(ole, (antif&ngal"
b- !icona(ole"
c- Econa(ole"
d- Clotrima(ole"
51- All these can be &sed in leprosy e7cept:
a- Dapsone" Z%he dr&g of choice in leprosy\"
b- Wifampicin"
c- Clofa(imine"
d- <";"/"
52- ,etahistine dihydrochloride:
a- Antihistaminic"
b- !eniere,s disease"
c- Analgesic"
d- A . ,"

5$- !a7im&m &se of paracetemol is:
a- ) gm in 2) ho&rs"
b- 3"0 gm in 5 ho&rs"
c- 3"0 gm in ) ho&rs"
d- 3"0 gm in )5 ho&rs"
5)- !etoclopramide is a dopamine antagonista:
a- Acts centrally by bloc-ing chemoreceptor trigger (one"
b- Acts peripherally"
c- /as an anti-emetic effect"
d- All of the above"
50- Cyproteron (Androc&r is &sed for:
Antiandrogen : decrease se7&al ability"
51- <mm&nocompetent means+
Control resistant to infections"
53- <mm&nocompromised means+
4ow resistant to infections"
55- Soltaren Em&lgel is:
a- Dicolfenac Diethlamine"
b- Diclofenac sodi&m"
c- Diclofenac potassi&m"
58- >ne&mocystis Carini >ne&monia Z>C>\ is:
a- >arasite"
b- Sir&s"
c- ,acteria"
d- !ycobacteri&m"
8:- *hich one the following is not antibiotic+
a- Erythromycin"
b- Cefpro(il"
c- Ceprodo7in"
d- 'inasteride"

81- *hich one of the following is &sed in ,enign prostatic hyperplasia Z,>/>\+
a- 'inasteride, (proscar"
b- 'l&ma(enil"
c- Cefpro(il"
d- !evac&rim"
82- <ndication(s of Allop&rinol is (are:
a- >rophyla7is of go&t"
b- %reatment of &ric acid and co-o7alate renal stones"
c- A . ,"
8$- 6trivin is:
a- ^ylometa(olinel"
b- >hynylepherine"
8)- *hich one of the following is not m&colytic+
a- ,romhe7ine"
b- Carbocisteine"
c- Ambro7ol"
d- V&aifenesin"
e- De7tromethorphan"
80- *hich one is Antiplatelet+
a- %iclopidine hydrochloride"
b- Aldesle&-in"
c- Desfl&rane"
d- Atova=&one"
81- %iclopidine is &sed as:
a- Antiplatelet"
b- Antibiotic"
c- Anticholinergic"
d- Anti-coag&lant"
83- All these dr&gs are fibrinoltic e7cept"
a- Tro-inase"
b- Anistreplase"
c- #trepto-inase"
d- Dipyridamole"

85- All these are anti-platelets e7cept:
a- Aspirin"
b- Dipyridamol"
c- >resentin"
d- %iclopidine"
e- #trepto-inase"
88- All these are anti-coag&lant e7cept:
a- *arfarin"
b- Ancord"
c- /eparin"
d- Dipyridamole (antiplatelet"
1::- Anti-coag&lant effect of warfarin is decreased by:
a- Aspirin"
b- Wifampicin"
c- Sitamin _"
d- Serapamil
1:1- Aspirin is recommended with one of the following"
a- Anti-coag&lant"
b- Chic-en po7"
c- <nfl&en(a symptoms"
d- Dysmenorrhea"
1:2- *hich one is not oral anti-coag&lant+
a- *arfarin"
b- ;ico&molone"
c- >henidione"
d- Eno7aprine, (deep vein thrombosis
1:$- Eno7prine is ta-en s&bc&taneo&s

1:)- >henobarbitone ind&ces liver microsomal en(ymes, when ta-en with warfarin anti-coag&lant
leads to:
a- <ncreasing the activity of liver en(ymes"
#o decreases the activity of warfarin"
b- <ncreasing the activity of liver en(ymes"
#o increases the activity of warfarin"
c- Decreasing the activity of liver en(ymes"
#o increases the activity of warfarin"
d- Decreasing the activity of liver en(ymes"
#o decreases the activity of warfarin"

1:0- Dr&g which increases the action of warfarin is:
a- Carbima(ole"
b- 6ral contraceptive"
c- >henobarbitone"
d- ;one of the above"
1:1- Dr&g which decreases Zantidote\ the action of warfarin is:
a- Carbima(ole"
b- 6ral contraceptive"
c- >henobarbitone"
d- Sitamin _"
1:3- *hich one of the following is an en(yme ind&cer+
a- Wifampicin"
b- Cimetidine"
c- Chloramphenicol"
d- Sitamin C"
1:5- *hich one red&ces the metabolism of other dr&gs in the liver+
a- Wifampicin"
b- Sitamin C"
c- Cimetidine"
d- !etrinida(ole"
1:8- *hich one ind&ces the metabolism of other dr&gs in the liver+
a- Wifampicin"
b- Sitamin C"
c- Cimetdine"
d- !etronida(ole"
11:- Vive the antidote of each of the following dr&gs"
/eparin ->rotomin Uinc"
>aracetamol -Acytylcystiene"
*arfarin -Sitamin _"
<ron -Desferro7amine (chelating agent"
Cyanide -;a thios&lphate"
Copper . 4ead ->encillamine"
/eavy metals -Dimercaprol" (organic compo&nd
<ns&lin . oral hypoglycemic -De7trose"
Digo7ine ->rotamine s&lphate"
6pioid -;olo7one"
!orphine -;alo7one"

111- %o prevent more to7icity of digo7in we &se antidote which is:
a- Digbind"
b- Digoto7in"
c- Charcoal"
d- #aline"
112- %he antidote of heparin available in fish is:
>rotamin s&lphate"
11$- /epatoto7icity is ind&ced d&e to these dr&gs e7cept:
a- Wifampicin"
b- _etocona(ole"
c- `&inolones"
d- Dipyridamole"
11)- Vive an e7ample of a dr&g ind&cing hepatoto7icity:
a- >aracetamol"
b- _etocona(ole"
c- Wifampicin"
d- `&inolones"
110- %he ca&se of death in morphine to7icity is:
a- Wespiratory fail&re"
b- /eart bloc-"
c- A-S bloc-"
111- %o prevent more absorption of the to7ic dr&g we &se:
a- Charcoal"
b- *ater"
c- #alt sol&tion"
d- #aline"
113- %he common side effect of s&lphonyl&rea is:
a- /ypoglycemia"
b- V<% &pset"
c- %hyroto7icosis"
d- All of the above"

115- %he side effects of ins&lin are:
a- 4ocal reaction"(&rticaria
b- /ypoglycemia"
c- 'at dystrophy at the side of inaection"
d- All of the above"
118- 6ne of the following is the main side effect of ins&lin:
a- /ypoglycemia"
b- 'l&id retention"
c- /yperglycemia"
d- All of the above"
12:- >se&domembrano&s colitis is a side effect of:
a- Clindamycin"
b- Sancomycin"
c- Weserpine"
d- <;/"
121- All these are side effects of chloramphenicol e7cept:
a- <rreversible a plastic anemia"
b- 6ptic ne&ritis"
c- >eripheral ne&ritis"
d- <ron deficiency anemia"
122- All of these are corticosteroids e7cept:
a- !ethyl prednisolone"
b- >rednisolone"
c- %riamcinolone"
d- ,eclomethasone"
e- De7amethasone"
f- 6ndansteron Z0/%$ receptor antagonist, anti emetic\"
12$- All of these are anti-neoplastics e7cept:
a- Aldesle&-in"
b- %eniposide"
c- >entostatin"
d- Amlodipine"
12)- All of these are antimetabolites (cytoto7ic e7cept:
a- !ethotre7ate"
b- Cytarabin"
c- A(athioprine"
d- !ercaptop&rine"
e- 'l&oro&racil"
f- Cyclophosphamide"
120- 4evodopa is &sed with Carbidopa for the treatment of >ar-insonism"

121- All of these are tr&e for 4evodopa e7cept:
a- >rec&rsor of dopamine"
b- #tim&lates dopamine"
c- Effective in >ar-insonism"
d- Does not pass ,",","
123- #pecific #erotonin re&pta-e inhibitors are &sed as:
a- Antihistaminic"
b- Antidepressant"
c- Antihypertensive"
d- Anti-emetic"
125- 'l&o7atine (>ro(ac is:
a- ##W< antidepressant"
b- #elective #erotonin We&pta-e <nhibitor"
c- A . ,"
128- 6ndansetron /C< is &sed for:
a- Emecis"
b- Anagina pectoris"
c- >rophela7is of migraine"
d- /ypertension"
1$:- *hich one is not 0 /%
a- %ropisetron"
b- 6ndansetron"
c- Vranisetron"
d- Domaperidone, (peripheral dopamine receptor antagonist

1$1- %he dr&g of choice for febrile conv&lsion in children is:
Dia(epam 20: microgram 9 _g"
1$2- *hich one is correct+
a- Dia(epam is not &sed for long time"
b- Dia(epam is ta-en <"!" only"
c- Dia(epam is derived from morphine"
d- Dia(epam can ca&se m&scle spasm"
1$$- Dr&g of choice in stat&s Epileptic&s is:
1$)- %he following are the indications of Dia(epam, e7cept:
a- Antipsychotic"
b- Epilepsy"
c- /ypnotic"
d- /eadache"
1$0- All the following &sed in treatment of an7iety e7cept:
a- >ropranolol"
b- Dia(epam"
c- !ebrobamate"
d- /omotropine"
1$1- All of these are anti-par-insonism e7cept:
a- Amantadine"
b- ,romocriptine"
c- #elegitine /C4"
d- 4ys&ride"
e- >ergolide"
f- 4evodopa"
g- >rimidone"
1$3- All these dr&gs can be &sed for >ar-insonism e7cept:
a- #elgitine /C4"
b- Carbidopa"
c- >ergolide"
d- ;edocramil sodi&m"

1$5- 6ne of the following is not &sed for epilepsy:
a- Clori(epam"
b- >henytoin"
c- >rimidone"
d- <mipramine"
1$8- All the following &sed in epilepsy e7cept:
a- #odi&m valproate"
b- Carbama(epine"
c- >henytoin"
d- ;edocromil sodi&m (tilade inhaler"
1):- 6ne of the following not &sed in epilepsy:
a- Clona(epam"
b- >henytoin"
c- >rimidone"
d- <mipramine (tricyclic antidepressant"
1)1- All of the following are controlled dr&gs e7cept:
a- Wivotril"
b- #tesolid"
c- Carbama(epine"
d- ,arbit&rates"
e- Dia(epam"
f- >rimidon"
g- Epan&tin"
h- <mipenem"
i- V . /"
1)2- Controlled dr&gs present in pharmacy are:
<n tightly closed shelves"
1)$- Vive the name of:
Sitamin ,
-%hiamine /C<"
Sitamin ,
Sitamin ,
Sitamin ,
->anthothenic acid"
Sitamin ,
->yrido7ine /C<"
Sitamin ,
-'olic acid"
Sitamin ,

1))- Uidov&dine is &sed for:
a- /<S"
b- A<D#"
c- >"T"
d- A . ,"
1)0- %here is one dr&g &sed for /<S"
a- Ualcitabin"
b- _inasterdin"
c- Cefapro7il"
d- Eno7acin"
1)1- 6mpra(ole:
a- Acts as proton p&mp inhibitor"
b- ,loc-s the hydrogen-potassi&m A%> en(yme system"
c- A . ,"
1)3- !"!"W" vaccine is:
a- !easles-!&mps-W&bella S"
b- !easles-!&mps-Wabies S"
c- !eningococcal polysaccharide-!easles-W&bella S"
1)5- /epatitis vaccine does is:
a- %hree times 9 year"
b- %wice 9 year"
c- 6nce 9 year"
1)8- !a7im&m dose of captopril is 10: mg 9 day"
10:- #ched&le of imm&ni(ation of /,S is:
a- #ingle does"
b- %wo dose"
c- %hree dose"
d- 'ive days"
101- !a7im&m recommended dose of <b&profen is:
a- 5::"
b- 11::"
c- 2)::"
d- $:::"

102- Child of 1: _g" paracetamol dose for him is:
a- 1::-10: mg" 9 )-1 ho&rs"
b- 120-20: mg" 9 )-1 ho&rs"
c- 20:-0:: mg" 9 )-1 ho&rs"
10$- !a7im&m dose of >aracetamol is ) mg" 9 day"
10)- !a7im&m dose of Diclofenac sodi&m is:
a- 0: mg"
b- 30 mg"
c- 1:: mg"
d- ;one of the above"
100- Sitamin A daily dose for the correction of deficiency
<s $:,::: b 0:,::: <T"
Sitamin A daily dose for therapy
<s 1::,::: b 2::,::: <T"
101- <ns&lin which can be given <"S" is:
a- Weg&lar type"
b- $: 9 3: type"
c- ;>/ type"
d- ;one of the above"
103- 6ne of the following ins&lin is given once daily:
a- >rotamine (inc ins&lin"
b- Amorpho&s ins&lin"
c- ;e&tral ins&lin"
d- Weg&lar ins&lin"
105- #o&rce of h&man ins&lin is E-coli by:
a- ,iosynthetically by recombinant D;A technology &sing E-coli"
b- #emi synthetically by en(ymatic modification of protein material"
c- A . , are correct"
108- *hen yo& store dr&g at low temperat&re yo& m&st consider the following:
a- #torage of d&sting powder below :
ca&ses the acc&m&lation of gran&les"
b- #torage of cream . ointment below 0
C ca&ses crac-ing"
c- #torage of ins&lin below :
C ca&ses aggregation of ins&lin"
d- All of above"

11:- <ns&lin is preserved at:
2 b 5
111- Dr&g is &sed for 4eishmania:
a- ;a stiboglyconate"
b- ;a cromoglyconate"
c- !ebenda(ole"
112- All these dr&gs are antibacterial e7cept:
a- Cefpra(one"
b- 4omiflo7acin"
c- Ualcitabine"
11$- All these are nat&ral estrogens e7cept:
a- Estradiol"
b- Estrone"
c- Estriol"
d- !estronol (androgen"
11)- Estrogen:
a- Wed&ces the incidence of coronary diseases in postmenopa&sal women"
b- Can be ta-en for life time"
c- Are ineffective when ta-en orally"
110- Co-trimetho7a(ole contains:
%rimethoprim X s&lphmetho7a(ole"
1 : 0
111- *hich is not from =&inolone gro&p+
a- ;alidi7ic acid"
b- Eo7acin"
c- ;orflo7acin"
d- Ciproflo7acin"
e- Ciproflo7acin" Zfl&ro=&inolones\
f- 6flo7acin"
g- #parflo7acin" 4emoflo7acin"
h- Aminosidine"
i- `&inine" Zantimalarial\
a- / . <"

113- `&inolones are contraindicated in children beca&se:
a- Affect aoints"
b- Affect liver"
c- Do not affect children"
115- #&matriptan is &sed for:
a- %reatment of migraine and headache"
b- Angina pectoris"
c- Control of epilepsy"
d- /ypertension
118- All of the following for prophyla7is if asthma e7cept:
a- _etotifen"
b- ;edocromil sodi&m"
c- #odi&m cromoglycate"
d- #alb&tamol" (for treatment only
13:- All of the following are ;#A/ (nonsedating antihistamin e7cept:
a- 4oratidine"
b- Cetri(ine"
c- Astemi(ole"
d- A(otodin"
131- *hich one of these symptoms does not occ&r with morphine+
a- Wespiratory depression"
b- Constipation"
c- Somiting"
d- Diarrhea"
132- *hich one of these dr&gs is not &sed for ac&te pain+
a- ;apro7en"
b- Clochicine"
c- <b&profen"
d- Codeine"
e- >rednisolone"
13$- *hich one of these dr&gs is dr&gs of choice for !y7odema (hypothyroidism+
a- %hyro7in sodi&m"
b- Carbima(ole"
c- <odine"
d- >ropyl thio&racil"

13)- ,en(yl pero7ide is a local treatment for acne v&lgaris"
130- %he dr&g of choice for treatment of amoebae is:
a- !etronida(ole"
b- Chloramphenicol"
c- Ventamycin"
d- %etracycline"
131- %he steady state concentration of the dr&g in the plasma depends on:
a- Direct proportion to the rate of elimination"
b- <ndirect proportion to the rate of elimination"
c- Direct proportion to the rate of administration"
d- <ndirect proportion to the rate of administration"
133- *hat is the mechanism of action of vitamin _+
Sitamin _ has an essential role in the synthesis of coag&lation factors by hepatic cells, and
increases formation of clotting factors"
135- Elimination of digo7in is mainly by:
a- _idney"
b- 4iver"
c- A . b"
d- ;one of the above"
138- Dr&g physical dependence is as same as dr&g ab&se"
a- %r&e"
b- 'alse"
15:- *hat is difference between the following antif&ngals+
%erbinafine [ 4ocal . systemic"
!icona(ole [ 4ocal . systemic"
Amphotercin [ >arentral only"
Vriseof&lvin [ 6ral"
151- %erbinafine is &sed topically for:
a- '&ngal infection"
b- Ec(ema"
c- Candida sp"
d- ;one of the above"

152- Amiloride as a treatment ca&ses:
a- /yper-alaemia"
b- /ypo-alaemia"
c- C;# dist&rbance"
15$- !od&retic is a combination between:
Amiloride X hydrochlorothia(ide"
15)- Vive the indication of the following dr&gs:
Vimfibra(ole [ for hyperlipidaemia"
Cisapride [ for gastro-oesphegyal refl&7"
'l&7etin [ ##W< as sedative serotonin re&pta-e
<nhibitor [
Carbima(ole [ hyperthyroidism"
<mipramine [ tricyclic antidepressant"
<pratropi&m bromide [ anti m&scarinic as bronchodilator"
150- Cefaclor is:
a- 1
generation cepharosporins"
b- 2
generation cepharosporins"
c- $
generation cepharosporins"
151- %eicoplanin antibiotic has similar effect on gram positive bacteria as:
a- Sancomycin"
b- camicain"
c- Ventamycin"
d- _anamycine"
153- *hich one is not tetracycline+
a- !inocycline"
b- Demeclocycline"
c- Do7icycline"
d- Clindamycin"
155- %etracycline with Ca . !g:
>oorly absorbed compo&nd from V<%"
158- Tse of tetracycline in its e7piry date ma-e syndrome called:
'anconi syndrome"

18:- %etracycline when ta-en with minerals s&ch as calci&m, iron and al&mini&m forms a chelate
which is:
a- <nactive . poorly absorbed"
b- Active . poorly absorbed
c- <nactive . not absorbed
d- Active . absorbed"
181- *hich is not tr&e with tetracycline+
a- ,road spectr&m bacteriostatic"
b- Tsed for acne"
c- <nhibits protein snthesis"
d- ,road spectr&m bactericidal"
182- !esala(ine is &sed for the treatment and maintenance of remission of &lcerative colitis"
18$- !ention fo&r lipid sol&ble vitamins"
Sitamin A, D, E and _"
18)- <mipenam (carbapenam
<t is the first thiemamycin 2- lactam antibiotic"
180- All of these are antibiotics e7cept:
a- Cefopodo7in"
b- Cefapro(il"
c- 4oeflo7ocin"
d- Ualoltabin"
181- !etoclopramide is a dopamine antagonist acts centrally by bloc-ing chemo-receptor %rigger
(one . peripherally acts on V<% to be &sed as anti-emetic"
183- *hat is the definition of ,ioavailability of the dr&g+
<s the =&antity of the active constit&ent of the dr&g absorbed by the blood thro&gh the intestine
or any other ro&te in a certain period of time+
6W: <s the concentration of the dr&g in the blood in a ascertain period of time"
185- ,ioavailability of the dr&g is:
a- Wate of absorption"
b- E7tent of absorption"
c- Wate . e7tent"

188- ,iotransformation is:
a- !ore lipids sol&ble"
b- 4ess lipids sol&ble"
2::- 6mepra(ole is:
4osec (proton p&mp inhibitor
2:1- !ention two diseases ca&se Edema:
a- Wenal fail&re"
b- Congestive heart fail&re"
2:2- E7ample of dr&g-dr&g interaction:
a- *arfarin - Aspirin"
b- *arfarin - >henobarbital
c- *arfarin - Sitamin _
d- *arfarin - >henobarbital
e- /eparin - <ns&lin
g- <;/ - <ns&lin
h- Digo7in - #pironolactone
i- ACE< - >otassi&m sparing _"
2:$- All of these are the components of calamine lotion ,">" e7cept:
a- Un6"
b- Calamine"
c- #odi&m citrate"
d- ,entonite"
e- #odi&m s&lphate"
2:)- All of these are third generation cephalosporins e7cept:
a- Cefi7ime"
b- Cefopodo7ime"
c- Ceftra7one"
d- Cefota7ime"
e- ;one of the above"
2:0- *hich one is not ben(odia(epine+
a- %ema(epam"
b- ;itro(epam"
c- 4opra(olam"
d- Clo(apine"

2:1- 6ral rehydrate sol&tion is one of the following:
a- ;aCl X _ citrate X ;a citrate X gl&cose"
b- ;a citrate X _Cl X ;aCl"
c- ;a citrate X _Cl X ;aCl"
d- ;aCl X _Cl X ;a/C6
X citric acid"
2:3- 'or hyperlipidemia we &se:
2:5- Vemfibro(ile:
a- <ncreases /D4 . decrease triglysrides"
b- <ncreases /D4 . triglysrides
c- <ncreases /D4 . 4D4"
d- <ncreases 4D4 . triglysrides"
2:8- Dr&gs need monitor for their ser&m lavel:
21:- 'or fl&7acillin, all these statements are wrong e7cept:
a- <t is better absorbed than Clo7acillin"
b- <t is ta-en by oral ro&te only"
c- <t is activated by penicillinase en(yme"
d- <t is base stable"
211- *hat are the instr&ction for the patient ta-e !etam&cil or any other b&l- foaming la7ative as
,ran, methyl cell&lose and psyll&m+
%he ade=&ate fl&id inta-e sho&ld be maintained to avoid intestinal obstr&ction"
212- !ention dr&gs from /!V-CoA-red&ctase inhibitor"
#imvastatin, >rovastatin and 'l&vastatin"
21$- /!V-CoA-red&ctase inhibitor is:
$ hydro7y, $ !ethyl Vl&toryl CoA red&ctase inhibitor"

21)- Caciferol is:
a- 1"20 dihydro7y calciferol"
b- 1"2 dihydro7y calciferol
c- 2"$ dihydro7y calciferol"
d- ;one of the above"
210- >harmacodynamic means:
a- >hysiological and biochemical effect of the DWTV on the ,6Dd"
b- >hysiological and biochemical effect of the ,6Dd on the DWTV"
c- ;one of the above"
211- >harmaco-ynetic means:
a- >hysiological and biochemical effect of the DWTV on the ,6Dd"
b- >hysiological and biochemical effect of the ,6Dd on the DWTV"
c- ;one of the above"
213- #ympathomimetic dr&gs:
a- <ncrease blood press&re"
b- <ncrease coronary flow"
c- <ncrease heart rate"
d- All of the above"
215- ,actrim (co-trima(ole is:
a- %rimethoprim X s&lphametho7asole"
b- %rimethaprim X s&lphonyl&rea"
218- %he most common chemical str&ct&re of iron in dr&g is:
'errograd (ferro&s s&lphate"
22:- 'errograde is:
a- 'erro&s s&lphate"
b- 'erro&s citrate"
c- 'erro&s gl&conate"
d- 'erro&s f&marate"
221- <mpenem (carbepenem is:
'irst thienamycin 2-lactam antibiotic"

222- <somac- 2: mg tablets ta-en twice daily at time interval between:
a- 5 am b pm"
b- 11 am b 11 pm"
c- 5 am b 11 pm"
d- 11 am b 5 pm"
22$- Saltre7 is:
22)- _efle7 is:

a- 1
generation cephalosporin"
b- 2
generation cephalosporin
c- $
generation cephalosporin
d- )
generation cephalosporin"
220- Clonididne &sed in:
a- /ypertension"
b- /ypotension"
c- ;one of the above"
221- !icromede7 is:
Comp&ter system"
223- <n a bottle we have ;aCl 0:: ml, and to obtain we sho&ld add what vol&me of /
6 to get
percent dil&tion $ (/
6 : 1 (;aCl+
a- 10:: ml"
b- 20:: ml"
c- $::: ml"
225- /ow m&ch lidocaine for sol&tion of 191::: to obtain $: cc:
a- :":$"
b- :"$"
c- $:"
d- ;one of the above"
228- Vrain e=&al:
1)"5 mg [ :":10 gm

2$:- *hen dr&g is &sed for T"%"<" it sho&ld be:
a- V-ve"
b- VXve"
c- ,6%/"
d- ;one of the above"
2$1- 6ne of the following is not ;#A<D:
a- ^efo"
b- Soltic"
c- >arafon"
d- ;one of the above"
2$2- 6ne of the following has faster systemic action:
a- <"S"
b- <"!"
c- #"C"
2$$- <ntrathecal means:
<nteraoint (spinal cord"
2$)- >atient having constipation not to ta-e:
2$0- ;at&ral em&lsifying agent:
V&m acacia"
2$1- 6live oil X *ater X As= gives:
a- Em&lsion"
b- #ol&tion"
c- #&ppositories"
2$3- <soptin is present in mar-et in concentration:
2): . 5: mg"
2$5- <soptin is &sed in treatment of:
#&praventric&lar arrythmia"
2$8- All of these are preca&tions of becotide e7cept:
Tsed only at the attac- of asthma"

2):- Alcohol present in pharmacy as antiseptic is in concentration:
2)1- _lacid is &sed every:
12 ho&rs"
2)2- <ntralipids are:
69* em&lsion"
2)$- Uantac contains:
2))- *hich is present in balms or liniments . not &sed inb&rns+
!ethyl #alicylate"
2)0- %he dr&g of choice for head lice"
a- >yrithrins"
b- <mida(ole"
c- DD%"
d- >rimido"
2)1- 6ne of the following preparations &sed as otic drops for dewa7ing:
a- 0Y glycerin bicarbonate"
b- 0Y alcoholic bicarbonate"
c- Vlycerin magnesia"
d- Vlycerin phenol"
2)3- Dis&lfiram is &sed for:
a- %reatment of chronic alcohol dependence"
b- >rotection of lover cells from alcoholism"
c- >revention of conversion of acetaldehyde to acetic acid"
d- All of the above"
2)5- %he dr&g metabolism in the body occ&rs in:
a- V<% . plasma"
b- V&t wall d&ring absorption"
c- V&t wall d&ring absorption . < plasma stream"
d- 4iver, -idney and bowed m&cosa"

2)8- >rotein bo&nds to dr&g forming a compo&nd which is:
a- <nactive while the free part is active"
b- /ighly active while the free part is inactive"
c- 4ess active while the free part is active"
d- Active while the free part is more active"
20:- %he dr&g transfers thro&gh cell membrane by:

a- A=&eo&s diff&sion"
b- 6smotic press&re"
c- 4ipid dissolves"
d- ;one of the above"
e- A . , is correct"
efHghG ij GkCBHlG
201- Clonidine is &sed as:
a- Antihypertensive"
b- A dr&g which prevents the rec&rrence of migraine"
c- A . ,"
d- ;one of the above"
202- ;ew non-selective antihistamines act thro&gh:
a- /
b- /
c- !&scarinic receptors"
d- 2
20$- Vive an e7ample of no sedating anti-histamines:
4oratidine b Cetri(ine b %erfenadine"
20)- Astemi(ole is a long acting non-sedating anti-histamine"
200- Atropine is &sed as pre-anaesthetic to:
a- Decrease saliva"
b- !a-ess-eletal mscle rela7ation as the effect of parasypathomimmetics"
c- /elp the sleeping effect of anaesthesia"
d- %reat the side effect of anaesthesia"
201- !etoclopramide gives anti-emetic effect thro&gh:
a- >eripheral action"
b- Dopaminergic receptor"
c- !&scarinic receptors"
d- All of the above"

203- All the following are macrolides e7cept:
a- Clarithromycin"
b- Wo7ithromycin"
c- Erythromycin"
d- Apiramycin"
e- A(ithromycin"
f- #isomycin"
g- Clindamycin"
h- ' . V"
205- %ilade inhaler generic name is:
a- A(elastine /Cl"
b- ,&desonide"
c- #odi&m cromoglycate"
d- ;edocromil sodi&m"
208- %he main &se of metronida(ole is:
a- Anti amoebiasis"
b- Anthelmentic"
c- Antibiotic"
d- Antimalarial"
21:- All these are antibacterial e7cept:
a- 4omeflo7acin"
b- Cefpro(il"
c- Cefpodo7ime"
d- Ualcitabine"
211- %he dr&g of choice in my7odema (hypothyroidism:
a- %hyro7in sodi&m"
b- Carbima(ole"
c- %adenn"
d- >ropyl &racil"
212- ,en(yl pero7ide is alcohol treatment for:
a- Acne v&lgaris"
b- Whe&matic pain"
c- Angina pectoris"
d- Dysmenorrheal"

21$- %eicoplanin antibiotic affect on VXve bacteria similar to:
a- Sancomycin"
b- ;eomycin"
c- Ventamycin"
d- _anamycin"
21)- All these are broad spectr&m cephalosporin e7cept:
a- Cefe7ime"
b- Cef&ro7ime"
c- Cefota7ime"
d- Cefopodo7ime"
210- Aminoglycosides are:
a- %obramycin"
b- _anamycin"
c- ;eomycin"
d- ;etilmicin"
e- #treptomycin"
f- Ami-acin"
g- Aminosidine s&lfate"
h- #isomycin"
211- *hich aminoglycoside antibiotic can be ta-en orally+
a- ;eomycin s&lphate"
b- Ventamycin
c- !i-acin"
d- %obramycin"
213- *hich one is not aminoglycoside:
a- ;etillmicin"
b- %obramycin"
c- _anamycin"
d- 4ymecyclin"
215- Vive two side effects of aminoglycosides:
;ephroto7icity b ototo7icity"
218- Vive an e7ample of dr&g ind&cing nephroto7i7ity:
Aminoglycosides as Ventamycin"

23:- ,aclofen is &sed for:
a- Antispasticity with spinal site of attac-"
b- %&berc&losis"
c- !eningitis"
d- ;one of the above"
231- E7pectorants are:
Solatile oils"
232- >ra(i=&entel &sed for ,illhariasis:
a- Ca&sed loss of intercell&lar calci&m of the worm"
b- /as trade name ,iltricide"
c- A . ,"
23$- Acitretin is &sed for:
a- 6ral treatment of severe forms of psoriasis and disorders of -eratini(ation"
b- 4eprosy"
c- %&berclosis"
d- ;one of the above"
23)- *hich of the following has no vasodilating effect+
a- !ethyldopa"
b- /ydrala(in"
c- >ra(osin"
d- Enalapril"
230- >atient with V1 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, the dr&g may ca&se haemolysis:
a- #&lphonamide"
b- >aracetamol"
c- >encillin"
d- _etocona(ole"

231- V-1>D deficiency patients m&st not ta-e:
a- Cotrma(ole (s&lphonamide"
b- >encillin"
c- >aracetamol"
d- De7amethasone"
233- >entobarbital (often &sed as pre medication in children differs from phenobarbital in:
a- 4ong d&ration"
b- 'aster in action"
235- Vl&cocoticoids (any steroid hormone promotes gl&coneogenesis, i"e" the formation of gl&cose
and glycogen from protein &sed in:
a- ,ronchial asthma"
b- Addison disease"
c- A . ,"
d- ;one of the above"
238- Tse of calcitonin:
a- %o lower plasma Ca concentration in some patients with hyper calcaemia (e7cessive calci&m
in the blood"
b- Welieving some ne&rological complications e"g" deafness"
c- %reatment of >aget disease (hypercalcemia associated with pain"
d- All of the above
25:- Veneric and trade names of s&lphonyl&rea:
Chlorpropamide [ diabenase"
Vlibenclamide [ Daonil . E&gl&con"
Vlica(ide [ Diamicron
Vlipi(ide [ !inidiab
%olb&tamide [ Wastinone"
Acetohe7amide [ Dimilor"
Vlimipiride [ Amaryl"
251- Veneric and trade name of antispasmodic dr&gs:
/yoscine ; b&tyl bromide [ ,&scopan . #copinal"
>ropantheline bromide [ >robanthine"
67yphenoni&m [ Anternyl"
!ebeverine /Cl [ D&spatalin"
Alverine [ #pamonal"

252- Veneric and trade name of ;#A<Ds:
Acetyl salicylic acid [ Aspirin"
<b&profen [ ,r&fen"
Diclofenac sodi&m [ Soltaren"
'enb&fen [ Cinopal"
Difl&nisal [ Dolobid"
<ndomethacin [ <ndocid, indogesic and Wothacin"
_etoprofen [ >rofenid"
;apro7en [ ;aprosyn"
25$- Veneric and trade names of anti malarial dr&gs"
Cloro=&ine [ !alare7 . resochin"
>rima=&ine [ >rima=&ine"
>yremethamine X #&lfado7ine [ >ansidar"
25)- 4ist of the trade name of the following:
>indolol [ Sis-en"
,aclofen [ 4ioresal"
6mepra(ole [ 4osec"
Acitretin [ ;eotigasone"
<sotretinoin [ Woacc&tane"
6rlistat [ ^enical"
/e7oprenaline [ <pradol"
_hellin [ 4ynamine"
#ildenafil [ Siagra"
>ivampicillin [ pondocillin"
,&fe7amac [ Dro7aryl"
Codergocrin [ hydergine"
Acarbose [ Vl&cobay"
250- Tse of gentian violet (crystal violet :
a- Antiseptic"
b- #-in disinfectant"
c- All of the above"
251- %he concentration of crystal violet paint is:
2"0Y according to ,">" 185:"
1Y according to T"#">" 1850"

253- Vive si7 generic names of co&gh sedatives:
255- *hat is the concentration of merc&rochrome sol&tion+
258- *hat is the difference between retard and entetic coated tablets+
Wetard tablets:
Are coated with a thin layer of different -ind of coating agent which ma-e the active
constit&ent s&stained release"
Enteric coated tablets:
Are dissolved in the intestine and not affected by the stomach a&ices e"g"
anthelmentic" >asses the stomach . releases in the intestine"
28:- #&stained release tablets depend on:
>/ of stomach"
281- Controlled released dr&g delivery depends on:
a- Weady programmed . no infl&ence of the body fl&id"
b- En(ymatic reactions"
c- ,ody fl&id interaction"
d- #tomach >h"
mnj GkCBHlG
282- A child of weight 1: -g" Accidentally swallowed 1: tablets of aspirin and his father came to
yo&, what can yo& advice him+
a- Vo to a hospital"
b- Vive him a medicine"
c- <gnore the case"
d- ;one of the above"

28$- A patient of 1: -g is given a paracetamol one teaspoonf&l every )-1 ho&rs, yo& sho&ld call the
doctor to tell him:
a- %here is no need to call the doctor"
b- %he dose m&st not e7ceed 15: mg daily"
c- %he dose is not s&fficient"
d- %he dose is very high"
28)- %reatment with an anti arrhythmic dr&g depends on the following e7cept:
a- >atient se7"
b- %ype of medication"
c- >eriod of medication"
d- Doctors advise"
280- *hen newly married donot want children, how to arrange:
a- Arrange contraception"
b- #end the wife to the family doctor"
c- #end the wife to her mother"
281- >harmacy of central hospital is:
a- Central pharmacy only"
b- Contains store"
c- All of the above"
283- >atient ta-e phenytoin and his hair be less growth" do& advice him:
a- Vo to doctor"
b- #top the dr&g"
c- Vive him another dr&g"
d- %his is normal side effect"
285- Woacc&tan is prescribed to patient who is women 22 years old, yo& as-+
a- <f she is pregnant"
b- Cons&lt doctor"
c- Vive her the dr&g directly with no =&estions"
d- ;one of theabove"
288- *hat is the meaning of poor patient compliance+
%he patient did not ta-e the medication properly (no proper dose, no proper time may be
beca&se the dose regimen is not easy or the dose is high or the side effects
are clear"

>atient dose not ta-e medication as the physicianos advice"

$::- <f yo& have prescription containing <nderal . the patient is whee(ing, what is yo&r
Call the doctor"
$:1- >atient has hepatic disease . type << diabetics ta-e:
Wosiglita(one or piaglita(one (Avandia, Vl&stin
$:2- #;' is an abbreviation for:
a- #a&di national form&lary"
b- #afe and nice form&lary"
c- #easonal national form&lary"
$:$- A patient has a prescription of Enalapril X _C4, what do yo& as- him+
a- *hich prod&ct of _C4 do yo& need+
b- Do yo& ta-e any other antihypertensive+
c- Do yo& need syr&p or tablet+
d- ;one of the above"
$:)- *hat is the meaning of the following+
>6! [ >rescription 6nly !edicine"
,<D [ %wice Daily"
ECV [ Electro Cardio Vram"
V"1">"D" [ Vl&cose-1->hosphate dehydogenase"
,>C [ ,ritish >harmacopial Code7"
$:0- *hat is difference between `<D . `1/+
`<D [ ) times a day"
`1/ [ every after 1 ho&rs"

Considerable variation occ&rs in the &se of capitali(ation, italici(ation and p&nct&ation in
%he following list shows the abbreviations that are not often enco&ntered by pharnacists:
A, aa", or aa [ of each comp" [ compo&nd, compo&nded
a"c" [ before meals dil [ dil&te
ad [ to, &p to D"C",dc, or disc" [ discontin&e
a"d" [ right ear disp" [ dispense
ad lib" At pleas&re freely div" [ divide, to be divided
a"m" [ morning dl or d4 [ deciliter
amp" [ ampo&le d"t"d" [ give of s&ch doses
ante [ before D* [ distilled water
a=" [ water D0* [ de7troseY in water
a"s" [ left ear eli7 [ eli7ir
asa [ aspirin e"m"p" [ as directed
a"&" [ each ear, both ears et [ and
b"i"d" [ twice daily e7 a=" [ in water
,> [ ,ritish pharmacopeia fl or fld [ fl&id
,#A [ body s&rface area fl o( [ fl&id o&nce
c"or c [ with ft [ ma-e
cap or caps [ caps&le g or V! [gram
cp [ chest pain gal [ gallon
D"A"*" described as written V< [ gastrointestinal
Cc or cc" c&bic centimeter gr or gr [ grain
Vtt or gtt [ drop, drops ;on rep" [ do not repeat
/ [ hypodermic ;>6 [ nothing by mo&th
h or hr" [ ho&r ;"#", ;# [ normal saline
h"s" [ at bed time p ;# [ half-strength normal saline
<! [intram&sc&lar 6 [ pint
<na" [ inaection o"d" [ right eye every day
<S [ interveno&s o"<" or o"s" [ left eye
<S> [ interveno&s p&sh 6%C [ over the co&nter
<S>, [ interveno&s piggybac- o"&" [ each eye, both eye
_ [>6%A##<T! o(" [ o&nce
< or 4 [ litre p"c" [ after meals
4b [ po&nd >DW [ >hysicians, Des- Weference
q [ Vree- m& p"o" [ by mo&th
! [ mi7 >pt [ precipitated
or m
[ s=&are meter >r [ for rect&m
!cg, mcg or qg [ microgram >rn or p"r"n" [ as needed
mE= [ millie=&ivalent >t" [ pint

mg [ milligram >&lv" [ powder
ml or !l [ milliliter >v [ vagenal &se
ql or q4 [ microlitre =" [ every
; . S [ na&sea . vomiting ="d" [every day
;"'" [ ;ational form&lary ="h" [ every ho&r
;oct" [ night, in the night =") hr" [ every ) ho&rs


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