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These are the questions am remembering , my opinion is to study thoroughly and repeatedly prev qns

and first 3 n last 2 chapters, u will get the pass mark. Studying classifications especially antiviral,
antibiotics and hormones is very good and will make u confident
1. Posterior pituitary Peptide hormone..oxytocin
2. Crohns disease..budesonide
3. Eliminated by liverdigoxin and digitoxin
4. Histoplasmosis..ketoconazole
5. Anthranilic acid.mefenemic acid
6. Asthma prophylaxisnedocromil
7. Antihistamine for nausea n vomiting.cyclizine
8. Gilles de tourette.sulpride
9. Vit d3 for topical use..calcipotriene
10. For metastatic breast cancer..transtumab
11. Alter menstrual cycle in pmsprogesterone
12. Mixture of 11glycopeptides bind 2 dna in cancer tttbleomycin
13. Sulphapyridine+5ASA.sulphasalazine
14. Ttt of BPH.tamsulosin
15. Antacids affect.git
16. Regular intake make ineffective.famotidine
17. Warning in gerd.heartburn
18. Ert/hrt.loss of bone mass
19. 4latnt cold soreUVB
20. ppi with intrctn..omeprazole
21. alcohol risk..Mg
22. CaBK not for migraineverapamil
23. Selenium affectsheart
24. Alpha agonist side effectrebound HTN
25. Estrogen depreviation.tooth loss
26. Biphosphonate for osteoporosis..alendronate
27. 4 migraine in menstruation.NSAIDS
28. Antidepressant usedysthymia
29. Griseofulvin side effect.hypersensitivity
30. Insulin studieschromium and vanadium
31. In depressive ADHDalpha agonist
32. Malaria in children.chloroquine and proguanil
Pain assessment best is by
a) By physiotherapist b)by physician c) by patient itself
Verapamil cause
About q interwals and qt interwals etc

ONLY 6-7 were new questions strictly study old questions , read the questions carefully and
options, exam is very easy every one will pass INSHAALLAH

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