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(Di Francais Books QQ BEA ‘fnancial markets and institutions aetna» Were ‘Res of inthis oot anil markets and insvons (boutsgoogecoidooisi=e Google arc matets and insttins Books er No eBook aan or coneepun con teen coin Rea Bonks Flolat Intezrn Fanaa Alseles» wi Pay that PBh ice even Financial Markets And Insitutions 16 Ranesh ‘neni mats eGo Atul book books gaostecain’0 co dattemgtmay = | | ner mms >) a an San“ a “na wa ‘sivers ana ine user. ney encourage Savings. 1ney are crassiiea imo the following categories: 1. Regulatory 2. Intermediaries 3. Non-Intermediaries 4. Others ‘The financial institutions may be categorised as Banking and Non- Banking. They completely involve in money and finance aspects of | the entire nation. Banking institutions are based on service basis. They ‘can create money or finance. They are the creators of wonderful sculptors of a new economy. They create the wealth of anation. They ‘comprise of Commercial banks and Cooperative banks. The Non- ‘banking institutions involve in the indirect finance of the corporate sector. They actively participate inthe capital market. However, the ‘Non-baking financial institutions have a financial muscle and vast resources at their disposal. They will fulfill the needs and objectives ‘of the socio-economie and politica aspects in a mixed economy. The ‘examples ofthe Non-banking institaions are LIC, UTI, IDBI etc. All BB co saswmymayy — wnereiee Pom < > 2 + esl Bin isl orca arts ads ‘or me socio-economic ang poutica aspects a mixe economy. tne examples of the Non-banking institutions are LIC, UTI, IDBI etc. All the insurance companies were nationalised and renamed as LIC in 1956. The Unit Trust of India was started in 1964, The IDBI was established in 1964 as a subsidiary to the RBI. ‘The financial institutions are further classified as Intermediaries and Non-Intermediaries. The intermediaries involve in the ‘mobilisation of the deposits from the customers to dispose the funds at interest for various purposes They provide deposits, gant, loans to the needy sector, They disburse the loans in the form ofshort, medium and long-term loans, All banking institutions belong to the intermediaries. The Non-Intermediary Insitutions lend the money ‘rom their own resources. All the non-banking Institutions act the Non- ‘banking financial intermediaries, IDBI, IFCI are the best examples, ‘These institutions are established to provide the financial assistance for the specified purposes, sectors and regions, They are established by the Goverment of india by inroducing an actin the Parliament. ‘The structure of the intermediaries is presented below: BF 60 als NE Qa > © #9: D boots googecaiyooksk- Wino BAHOCSpintee-ferkcorrBfoorcsraitrancintic OE Google financial markets and institutions Books 0 [BE 2 sateen > | | weet vem <>) 8 Intermediaries ‘Bteoe ss rang Non-Banking fey RBI Provident Funds - Fran teary Commercial Banks Smal Savings Orgnisation t ‘Misc Cooperative Banks ue a Urban Co-op. Banks aic oI Post Office Saving Banks un = ual Funds Tovesinents Trt - Housing Dev. Finance veseat Companies Manufictaring Companies Fina Companies enure Capital ssn book Leasing Companies Ni S|s | a)i) tonto" Mada Books QQ) [5 co) | aweysray> wien =p) foe Google inainovrtiacca ee aaae once eee ann tree cre perenerratint ei at I arate NoeBeckavzatle Cengaysiancam ROLE OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Aton con easel tis tp srt hen ae fe as Fes Boots sib ni wh ae Be emery Be ing Fiotat cry furs whan hy el onthe nk ai, thy intean Ie Ge pew as Hoxie bate Fl i a ee ek i its cl kt npn Thy Finda tray fs spin hn hn i ts Wo sd sees ee rt ad anc sd aad ae east ab xe se Fac ints an del dso andy ts HD Role of Depository Institutions gn pts up atlpe c w Revers hgh asd ph fit Thy ppl el bs iY) verter fc i ss 18 Taye pt ou tt a vend sey claret deel ss es. 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