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American International University-Bangladesh

Introduction to Database

Lab Exercise

1. List the emps whose Daily Sal is more than Rs.100
2. List the emps Who Annual sal ranging from 22000 and 4500 and who gets the comm.
3. List the Enames those are starting with S.
4. List the emps those are having four chars and third character must be r.
5. List the Five character names starting with S and ending with H.
6. Display all the employees who earning salary not in the range of 2500 and 5000 in department
10 & 20.
7. List all the Clerks of Deptno 20.
8. Find the employees order by their starting date.
9. List the emps who does not belong to Deptno 20 and 10 and whos salary is greater than 3000.
10. List the emps who are either CLERK or ANALYST in the Desc order.
11. List all the emps except PRESIDENT & MGR in asc order of Salaries.
12. List the emps who joined before 1981.
13. List the Empno, Ename, Sal, Daily sal of all emps in the asc order of Annsal.

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