Differentiated Instruction

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Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated Instruction

September 24, 2013

B! "enus #oore
$rofessor! Dr%
&% #% $ortu'a(, $)D, #AED

B*! "enus #oore
Differentiated Instruction
I )a+e c)osen t)e instructiona( modu(e p(an t)at I created in t)e pre+ious course
AET/520% T)is ,i(( a((o, me to incorporate ,)at I )a+e (earned from t)e pre+ious on(ine c(ass
and, a((o, me to app( ,)at I am (earnin' in AET/525%
T)e instructiona( p(an I tit(e I ,i(( be referrin' to is ca((ed -Time is runnin' out%- T)e
(earnin' en+ironment is a traditiona( c(assroom settin' in .e, *or/ State and 'eo'rap)ica((
(ocated on T)ird A+enue in t)e Bron0 ,)ic) is a +er mu(ti1 cu(tura(( mi0ed communit%
2o,e+er, t)ere is a (ar'e presence of most( 2ispanics ,it)in t)e communit3 consistin' of
$uerto 4ican, Dominican and, #e0ican etc%%%
T)e ma5orit of t)e (earners t)at are identified as t)e tar'et audience spea/ En'(is) as a
second (an'ua'e and ,i(( be assessed for ABE 6Adu(t Basic Education7 c(asses3 $re 8ED
preparation c(asses or testin'% In addition, some (earners ,)o a(read )a+e t)eir 8ED ,i(( a(so
be assessed for 5ob readiness and p(acement%
Durin' t)e initia( c(ass orientation (earners ,i(( be en'a'ed b me t)e faci(itator and a
Spanis) spea/in' interpreter in a c(assroom 'roup settin' of 35140 audience members% T)e
audience members are adu(ts consistin' of men and ,oman a'es 19154 so t)e are a(( +aried
(earners% As t)e c(ass faci(itator m 'oa( is to e0p(ain :e(fare 4eform for .e, *or/ State
and /or ;edera( mandates for recei+in' TA.; 6Temporar Assistance for .eed ;ami(ies7%
I ,ou(d t)en a(ternate bet,een usin' +isua( aids suc) as3 ,)ite ,as) board3 ,as) board
#ar/ers and $o,er $oint presentation s(ides t)rou')out t)e duration of t)e course e0p(ainin'
c)an'es in ;edera( and State po(icies to a(( t)e students ,it)in a 213 )our time frame%

Differentiated Instruction
In addition, (earners ,i(( a(so be assessed for t)eir s/i(( (e+e( abi(ities ,it) t)e use of a
,or/s)eet t)at ,i(( as/ four basic <uestions as fo((o,s! 1% =an ou read, spea/ and ,rite
Spanis)> *es or .o% 2% If ou ans,ered no p(ease stop no, and raise our )and to notif t)e
instructor% 3% Do ou )a+e a 8ED, 2i') sc)oo( dip(oma or =o((e'e de'ree> 4% If ou
ans,ered es to <uestion ?3 p(ease circ(e one of t)e fo((o,in'! 8ED 2i') sc)oo( dip(oma
=o((e'e de'ree.
&earners ,)o (ist t)e )a+e a 8ED, 2S dip(oma or =o((e'e de'ree ,ou(d be a((o,ed to
(ea+e at t)e end of t)e c(ass ,it) a date and time to return% T)e ,or/s)eet ,i(( act as a
screenin' assessment too( t)at ,i(( a((o, me to app( t)e appropriate differentiated Instructiona(
strate'ies t)at ,ou(d accommodate t)e different (e+e(s of (earnin' abi(ities ,it) t)e c(assroom%
I ,ou(d t)en be ab(e to assess eac) (earner@s (iterac (e+e( before pro+idin' t)em ,it) boo/(ets%
A=reatin' (earnin' ,it) acti+ities 'eared to different (earnin' st(es3 readiness and (e+e(s of
interest%- 6A((an, 20127
I ,ou(d t)en brea/ up tar'et audience members into 2 'roups3 'roup one ,ou(d consist of
(earners ,)o can read, ,rite and spea/ En'(is) as t)eir primar (an'ua'e% 8roup t,o ,ou(d
consist of (earners ,)o read, ,rite and spea/ Spanis) as t)eir primar (an'ua'e% At ,)ic) time
eac) 'roup of (earners ,ou(d be pro+ided ,it) a (ife s/i((s assessment boo/(et t)at ,ou(d meet
t)eir preferred (an'ua'e c)oice in En'(is) and/or Spanis)% &earners ,ou(d t)en be pro+ided
,it) a (ife s/i((s assessment TABE 6Adu(t Basic Education TEST7 boo/(et test to comp(ete
-$ro+idin' mu(tip(e assi'nments ,it)in eac) unit tai(ored for students of different (e+e( of
ac)ie+ement%- 6A((an, 20127%
Differentiated Instruction
&earners cou(d be assessed for $re 8ED or ABE c(asses to prepare t)em for obtainin'
t)eir 8ED% I ,ou(d t)en conduct a re+ie, of t)e test content ,it) a Spanis) interpreter t)is
,ou(d a((o, (earners to be en'a'ed ,it) a direct instruction st(e met)od% T)is ,ou(d inf(uence
or ensure audience members (e+e(s of understandin' and participation for 'ettin' t)e tas/
comp(eted% -$eop(e tend to pa more attention to t)in's t)at are c)an'in' t)en to t)in's t)at are
unc)an'in'% 2o,e+er, t)e use of +ariet simp( for t)e sa/e of +ariet is not a 'ood idea,
because (earnin' often re<uires continuin' concentration for furt)er understandin' and
retention%B 6:(od/o,s/i, 4%, C 8insber', 20107%
;ina((, eac) (earner ,ou(d a(so be 'i+en an independent sur+e to comp(ete in t)eir
c)osen (an'ua'e to pro+ide feedbac/ about t)eir o+era(( e0perience durin' t)e c(ass% -In re'ard
to +isua( media, it seems t)at t)e c(eaner and simp(er t)e te0t or dia'ram, t)e more effecti+e it is%
$arsimonious( usin' +isua( aids to dra, attention to ne, or critica( information increases t)eir
effecti+eness%- 6:(od/o,s/i, 4%, C 8insber', 20107%
Differentiated Instruction
Allan, S. D., Dr. (2012). Differentiated Instruction, Curriculum, Assessment.
)ttp!//,,,%differentiatedinstruction%net. Retrieved on September 2, 201.
!iller, "., !cCardle, #., $ %ernande&, R. (2010). Advances and remainin' c(allen'es in adult
Researc( *earnin' Disabilities, +(2), 101,-. Doi. )ttp!//d0%doi%or'/10%11DD/002221E40E35E341.
/omlinson, C. A., $ Allan, S. D., (2000). *eaders(ip for differentiatin' sc(ools and
Classrooms. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
4amond G% :(od/o,s/i%, #ar'er B% 8insber'% ATeac)in' intensi+e and Acce(erated =ourses%
Instruction T)at #oti+ates &earnin'%B Bein' a #oti+atin' Instructor% 620107%

Differentiated Instruction
Differentiated Instruction
Differentiated Instruction
Differentiated Instruction
Differentiated Instruction

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