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College of Southern Idaho Physical Education Department

Student Teacher Performance Form

Teacher Candidate ____McLeod, Jacob __Subject/ Grade __Basketball __Date__12//1!_
Score: 1 = Unsatisfactory 2 = Some Deficiencies Noted 3 = Meets Expectations
1" Dress / #$$earance 1 2 !
2" %ositi&e 'n&iron(ent / 'nthusias( 1 2 !
!" Sa)et* %recautions 1 2 !
+" Teacher,Student -nteraction
.o/ did *ou interact /ith the students0 Did
*ou encoura1e/challen1e an*one0
1 2 !
" Lesson 2bjecti&e '&ident in Lesson
1 2 !
1. #ntici$ator* Set/2$enin1
Teachin1 a drill in basketball
can be &er* re$etiti&e" .o/
do *ou captre the student
1 2 !
2" Deli&er*,De(onstration/'5$lanation
Good deli&er* o) the in)or(ation, ho/ can
*ou e5$lain the take a/a* (ore clearl*0
Make sure *ou include all o) us in the
be1innin1" 6e /atched *ou )or a /hile4
1 2 !
!" Content, #cti&ities 7 %ro1ression
Make sure *ou describe the 6.3 behind
*our $ro1ression" - reall* liked *our
$ro1ression in )or( and )oot/ork )or
shootin1 $osture"
1 2 !
+" Teachin1 Methods 7 Strate1ies
Gi&en that /e /ere bein1 still and )ocused
)or a lon1 ti(e, /hat can *ou do to retain
)ocus )or students0
1 2 !
" Student %artici$ation 8Ti(e,on,Task9 1 2 !
:" Skill Correction 7 ;eedback
.o/ /ill *ou correct and (ake $ositi&e
)eedback a $art o) *our lesson0 3ou did a
1ood job talkin1 /ith students /ho /ere
1 2 !
<" #ssess(ent Strate1ies
.o/ can *ou assess0 .o/ do *ou kno/ a
1 2 !
student is learnin1 /hat *ou are teachin10
=" Check )or >nderstandin1/-n?uir*
.o/ do *ou kno/ i) students are reall*
1ettin1 *our lesson0 .o/ can *ou reca$
/ith a$$lication )or each student0
1 2 !
@" Closure
Make sure to co&er each to$ic as *ou did
and ask )or an* ?uestions/concerns4
1 2 !
1" '?ui$(ent Distribution / Collection 1 2 !
2" Deli&er* o) Directions 7 Grou$in1 1 2 !
!" #ttendin1 to Student Beha&ior 1 2 !
Please use the back of ths !a"e to a#s$er the follo$#"% &ase' o# the
abo(e e(aluato#) !lease !ro('e a 'etale' e*!la#ato# of +our
thou"hts/feel#"s about +our !erfor,a#ce to'a+- .o +ou a"ree/'sa"ree
$th the fee'back "(e# /0 !ts12 G(e a# e*a,!le of ho$ +ou $oul' cha#"e
+our lesso# to ,eet the su""esto#s I ha(e ,a'e /3 !ts1- 4o$ ca# +ou
ca!tal5e o# +our stre#"ths a#' ,ake ths a ,ore '+#a,c lesso# /3 !ts12
6th k#o$le'"e of +our $eak#esses $hat $ll +ou 'o to 'ra$ u!o# those
arou#' +ou for su!!ort /3 !ts12 4o$ has ths lesso# a7ecte' +ou as a#
#structor /3 !ts12
Tota! Score: /"#
O$era!! %esson &ssessment:
>nsatis)actor* So(e De)iciencies Aoted B Meets '5$ectations '5ceeds '5$ectations '5e($lar*
1" *es, - a1ree"
2" - /ould brin1 out a student and sho/ the( ho/ to do it instead o) ha&in1 e&er*one /atch
(e do it the /hole ti(e" Tell the( ho/ i($ortant the shot is and (ake sure the* kno/
/hat the* /ant to do"
!" The stren1th o) this lesson /as 1ettin1 the students better at shootin1 and ha&in1 an
understandin1 o) /hat it takes to (ake he ball 1o in" - could ask the( (ore o)ten i) the*
ha&e ?uestions or co((ents on /hat -C( sa*in1"
+" Dno/ that - kno/ that (* /eakness is ha&in1 the( /atch (e to (uch is ha&in1 so(eone
else do it and let e e5$lain it" - /ill ask the class (ore i) the* ha&e an* ?uestions and (ake
sure that e&er*one is 1ettin1 the conce$t"
" -t /as a 1ood lesson )or (e to teach because - kno/ a lot about basketball and so it /as
eas* )or (e" -t /as a 1ood lesson because -t /as a 1ood con)idence booster )or (e
because - kno/ e&er*thin1 so(eone had a ?uestion about and - could honestl* hel$
so(eone /ho needed hel$"

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