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Complete the following sentences with SOME or ANY.
1. I dont have mone! with me.
". #lease give me more coffee.
$. Im sorr!% &'t there isnt more coffee.
(. )he &a&! is asleep. #lease dont ma*e noise.
+. ,e need oranges for &rea*fast.
-. Im sorr!% &'t I didnt have time to memori.e the dialog last night.
/. )here arent seats availa&le.
0. 1elen never ma*es mista*es in spelling.
2. I wanted to &'! fresh eggs% &'t there werent in the store.
13. I didnt have stamps% so I went to the post office to &'! .
11. I tried to &orrow mone! from 4arl% &'t he said he didnt have .
1". )here arent st'dents in room 1" at this moment.
1$. )here are famo's m'se'ms in Me5ico Cit!% &'t we didnt have time to visit
1(. Mr. 1all never gives his *ids mone!.
1+. )he doctor gave m! &rother medicine for his co'gh.
1-. )here are e5tra chairs in the ne5t room.
1/. )here werent good )6 programs last night.
10. Yo' dont need winter clothes in San 7iego.
12. )he! have prett! dresses in that store.
"3. )he teacher ta'ght 's important r'les of grammar last class.
"1. )here arent law!ers in m! famil!.
"". ,e have good neigh&ors.
"$. ,e learned new words in class !esterda!.
"(. 8eorge didnt &'! maga.ines last wee*.
"+. ,e dont need more chairs in this room.
9.A. "33/

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