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Daphne Michelle Green

Email Address: daphnegreen07@yahoo.com

To obtain a teaching position in grades Pre-kindergarten through Sixth grade where I can
utilize my educational experiences to create a risk free, nurturing, stimulating and
motivational learning environment to help all children rise to their maximum potential
!urnet "lementary, #allas Independent School #istrict, #allas, Texas
$ugust %&'( to present
o #evelop and implement engaging lesson plans that ful*ll the
re+uirements of district,s curriculum program
o Prepare lessons that re-ect accommodations and
di.erentiation for student learning styles
o $ssist students in analyzing and improving study methods and
o /reate classroom environment conducive to learning and
appropriate for the physical, social, and emotional development
of students
!est "lementary, $lief Independent School #istrict, 0ouston, Texas
$ugust %&'% to present
o #evelop and implement engaging lesson plans that ful*ll the
re+uirements of district,s curriculum program
o Prepare lessons that re-ect accommodations and
di.erentiation for student learning styles
o $ssist students in analyzing and improving study methods and
o /reate classroom environment conducive to learning and
appropriate for the physical, social, and emotional development
of students
"ong !erm #$bstit$te !eaching
!est "lementary, $lief Independent School #istrict, 0ouston, Texas
1arch %&'% to 2une %&'%
o Plan and use appropriate instructional strategies for individual
needs of students
o Present sub3ect matter according to guidelines
#t$dent !eaching
4akeshore "lementary School, 0umble School #istrict, 0umble, Texas
$ugust %&'' to 5ovember %&''
o /reate lessons for kindergarten students to allow them to grasp
beginning concepts of math, reading, writing, science, and
social skills
Third 6rade
o /reate transitioning lessons for third grade students in math
with addition and subtraction
o $llow students to investigate science through explorations and
o Produce e.ective lessons in Social Studies and writing where
students incorporate the world into their daily lives
%ntern %%
S7$S8 /harter School, 5acogdoches, Texas
2anuary %&'' to 1ay %&''
7ifth 6rade Social Studies
o 0elp assigned student research an historical *gure of their
choice 9ith this research, they were to create a speech to
perform in the 4ive 9ax 1useum designed to showcase their
7ifth 6rade Science
o /reate an e.ective science lesson on electricity and conductors
Third 6rade 1ath
o 1ental math where students can visually see the ob3ect of three
dimensional *gures and discuss, the edges, vertices, faces with
the correct terminology
)indergarten 1ath
o Perform educational duties that were in place by the sta.
o /reate mental math lessons where students could make
representations of ten based on the missing numbers
%ntern %
#unbar Primary School, 4ufkin School #istrict, 4ufkin, Texas
$ugust %&'& to 5ovember %&'&
Second 6rade
o /onstruct small reading group lessons with four students to
practice reading skills, decoding, and strategies
#$bstit$te !eaching
5acogdoches School #istrict, 5acogdoches, Texas
5ovember %&&: to 2anuary %&''
Pre)indergarten to Twelfth 6rade
o Perform educational duties that were in place by the sta.
member of the district
o ".ectively execute classroom management skills, educational
skills, and implement e.ective lessons
Texas $;1 /ommerce /ommerce, Texas
1asters "arly /hildhood "ducation
#egree< In Progress
Stephen 7 $ustin State 8niversity 5acogdoches, Texas
!achelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies
"arly /hildhood through Sixth 6rade
#egree =btained< #ecember %&''
$lief Taylor 0igh School
0ouston Texas
$ugust %&&( to 1ay %&&>
"arly /hildhood through Sixth 6rade "ducators /erti*cation
#ecember %&''
(ro)essional Development:
ST$$?, ?esponse to Intervention, $?#, Team 1eetings, Professional 4earning /ommunities,
?egion '& Trainings, 1athematics, ?eading, 4ove and 4ogic
$vailable upon re+uest

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