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- Procedure describing the process of incident reporting, investigation,

follow up and distribution of lessons learnt.

Incident / Accident Reporting and Investigation


The objective of incident reporting, investigation & analysis is to identify the
cause(s) of an incident to allow for preparation of recommendations, to avoid
recurrence of such incident(s) in future.

Incident Reporting

As an incident occurs, Supervisor/Area Engineer will immediately
inform the Area Supervisor, who will communicate the incident to SM
and the Incharge Site HSE. Site Manager will in turn inform the
management of PROJECT.
For a restricted work injury/lost time injury/fatal case or any serious
incident involving damage or loss to property or a near-miss, Incharge
Site HSE shall fax or email to Manager QHSE at head office, Initial
Incident Report on Format, within two hours of the incident; a copy of
the report will also be provided to CUSTOMER.
If an injury results from incident or causes damage to the
company/CUSTOMER assets, Incharge Site HSE would classify the
injury and estimate the cost of damage.
If the injury is more than a first aid case, or cost of damage is more than
$ 1000/=. A detailed report, (Incident Report) shall be initiated by the
Incharge Site HSE, within 48 hours of the incident, and sent to Head
Office, for completion by all the concerned functions i.e. Supervisor,
Area Engineer, Area Supervisor, Construction Manager and Site
Incharge Site HSE shall also draft a HSE flyer highlighting the
immediate cause of the incident, and following review by Site Manager,
display it on the site copied to Manager QHSE, within 48 hours of the
Manager QHSE shall brief the Management about the lost time
injury/fatal cases and serious incidents / near misses.
Incharge Site HSE will issue a Weekly HSE Report (HSE/FRM-12) to
Head Office, with one copy to CUSTOMER.
In the internal Weekly Site HSE Committee Meetings, Incharge Site
HSE shall brief the attendees about the incident(s).
The Incharge Site HSE, covering each and every incident, including all
the first aid cases shall also fill monthly injury record format
One copy of the monthly injury record shall be sent to Manager QHSE
while one copy of each report will be kept in the office of the Incharge
Site HSE.

Incident Investigation

As an incident occurs, the Area Supervisor and Incharge Site HSE shall go
to the location and investigate the cause of the incident.
Incharge Site HSE will involve the Construction Manager and together
take immediate corrective action(s), if required.
As soon as possible the Incharge Site HSE and Construction Manager
with input from the area engineer will compile an incident report. The
incident report should include where appropriate, statements from the
people involved, eye witnesses and technical experts.
Based on the incident report the Incharge Site HSE would indicate
responsibility for the incident and make recommendations on the
corrective actions on the Incident Report.
Construction Manager and Site Manager will review the incident
report and comments on the recommendations of the Incharge Site
HSE. They will then assign corrective actions and send the Incident
Report to Manager QHSE at head office for putting up the same
before the management.
The Incharge Site HSE shall carry out a follow up of the
recommendations/corrective actions from time to time where he
identifies ongoing non-compliance he shall inform the SM and Manager
Area supervisor, engineers, supervisors and lead technician(s) will be
held accountable for the HSE management in their specific area and for
the elimination of causes of accident(s).

Incident Analysis

In order to identify problems in any specific area, the Incharge Site
HSE, shall perform a monthly incident analysis (based on the data
available on the monthly injury record form)
After analysis and identification any problem areas Incharge Site HSE
shall inform Site Manager, through a memo attached with the analysis
report, highlighting potential problems a copy of the same shall be sent
to Manager QHSE at head office.
Sites monthly injury statistics data would be compiled and issued for
comparison by HSE at head office, through project injuries statistics
Manager QHSE based on the information on monthly injury record form
and other incident reports shall perform review of site incidents
After analysis and identification of a problem, Manager QHSE shall give
his recommendations to the management.
Manager QHSE shall also perform a yearly comprehensive analysis.

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