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The Community College of Baltimore County Owings Mills Campus

Introduction to Psychology
Psychology 101- C! "#0$1
%all $01&
Instructor' Constance M( )lade* M+* !CC
Office' Owings Mills* ,&$$
Phone' &&- .-0-#.0&
/mail' cslade0cc1cmd(edu
Office 2ours' I will 1e a3aila1le 1efore and after class to answer any 4uestions* or discuss
any concerns(
Course 5escription'
Introduction to Psychology is a survey of the science of psychology. Topics addressed include:
research methods, biological basis of behavior, sensation and perception, states of consciousness,
learning, memory, motivation and emotion, language, lifespan development, intelligence, stress
and health, social behavior, personality, abnormal behavior and its treatment. Applications of
psychology in a culturally diverse world are also discussed.
Prere4uisites' /!67 0#$ or /)O7 0#$ or 78$ or 78/ - and 5!6 0#$ or 78$* and
M+T2 091
e4uired Te:t'
Psychology, Custom Edition for CCC by Ciccarelli ! "hite #$th Edition%, Pearson&Prentice
#Copies can be purchased from the Catonsville Campus oo(store or ordered online at
)My Psych 7a1 e4uired.*#bundled with te+tboo(, or can be purchased separately at the CCC
The material you will learn in Introductory Psychology will serve you well personally,
professionally and academically. ,ou will ac-uire (nowledge on topics that will help you to
better understand yourself and others. ,ou will also learn to problem solve and apply research
based solutions to personal and interpersonal situations. The course offers information that can
be applied to almost all career paths. As an approved .eneral Education course, Introductory
Psychology will serve as one of the three credit /ocial /ciences electives for graduation. 0inally,
Introductory Psychology serves as a re-uired prere-uisite for other upper level psychology
courses. /uccessful completion of the course will allow you to transfer the credit to almost every
college or university in the country.
<pon completion of the course* the student will 1e a1le to'
l. 1efine the fundamental concepts associated with each of the topics listed in the 23a4or
Topics5 section of this Common Course 6utline.
7. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the various research methods used to study
human behavior and mental processes.
8. Apply ma4or Introductory Psychology theoretical perspectives and&or data derived from
psychological research to ma+imi9e self*management, self improvement, and&or resolve
personal, relational, social and&or wor(place situations.
$. Analy9e psychological information found in print, information technology, film, television,
radio, and other resources by evaluating the authenticity, currency, and validity of that
:. E+plain the ethical considerations that govern psychological research with humans and
animals and in conducting psychotherapy.
;. 1emonstrate the s(ills of accessing, evaluating, and communicating current research
pertaining to Introductory Psychology topics by engaging in class discussions, individual or
collaborative presentations, and&or written assignments that are well organi9ed, cohesive and
<. E+plain how psychological data and theories have continually evolved and why that re-uires
the ability to pursue lifelong learning.
=. Analy9e and evaluate the role of diverse cultural, international, and global perspectives in the
formation of differences in behavior, attitudes, and perceptions.
>. Analy9e and evaluate their strengths and wea(nesses as learners.
Ma;or Topics'
Topics addressed in Introduction to Psychology will include'
?. The evolution of modern psychology
7. @esearch methods and ethical issues in psychology
8. The sub*fields of psychology
$. iological bases of behavior and mental process
:. /ensation and Perception
;. /tates of Consciousness
<. asic principles of learning
=. 3emory
>. Cognition, language and intelligence
?A. 'uman development
??. 3otivation and emotion
?7. Personality theories and assessment
?8. /tress: its causes, effects and control
?$. Psychological disorders: their nature and causes
?:. Prevention and treatment of mental disorders
?;. /ocial psychology
?<. The nature of cultural and gender diversity in the human e+perience
Course e4uirements'
%our course e:ams* Chapter e+ams will be ;A multiple choice items. /yllabus -ui9 will be ten
The e+ams will cover material from class discussions, power point presentations, and te+t.
8ar= 7earning )tyles Paper
This learning styles assignment is included as a part of our course re-uirement not only to
enhance your learning opportunities in Psychology, but to enable you to utili9e the results in
other areas of your lives. Please use the results to create learning strategies that will provide you
academic college success.
,ou will need to:
?. .o to http:&&var(*
7. Clic( on the 2Duestionnaire5 lin( found on the right side of the web page.
8. 0ill out the EA@F Duestionnaire and clic( 26F5 at the bottom of the page(
$. Copy the G@esults5 page with your scores and include it with your paper.
:. Clic( on the lin(#s% that are offered for your particular learning style#s%. This will provide
access to the help sheets for study and test ta(ing strategies germane to your learning style.
;. "rite a paper highlighting your specific results and learning style and goals for application of
the suggestions for studying and test ta(ing while ta(ing this course. The suggestions offered by
EA@F are often not as good as the ones found in Ciccarelli which is why I re-uire a paper based
on 6T' sources.
<. @ead the 2'ow to /tudy5 Introduction pages I*? to I*?< of the Ciccarelli te+t regarding studying,
reading and writing.
=. "rite a paper detailing your specific plans for applying both the EA@F and the Ciccarelli
suggestions for studying and test ta(ing. /even points will be deducted from your paperHs score if
you only write about one of the sources.
>. ,our paper must be a minimum of two pages in length #double*spaced ?7 point font.% 0ive
points will be deducted if your paper is shorter than two full pages.
>ritten +ssignment'
/elect a topic that you find relevant to your life from any of the sub4ects we will be covering this
semester. Ising the CCC JibrariesH database, 2.gov5, 2edu,5 or 2org5 websites #minimum of
three%, write a paper presenting current research on your topic. $*: pages are re-uired for this
assignment. 1iscuss your topic with me and get approval. The title page must have your name,
student I1, course section, instructorHs name and the title of your paper.
The grading rubic for your paper will be based on content, presentation, mechanics, and
Please use the following guidelines for all written assignments: #papers, pro4ects, homewor(,
?. "or( must be typed in ?7 point Times Kew @oman font, double*spaced, and with one*inch
7. "or( that includes multiple pages must be stapled. "or( must be placed in a folder or plastic
8. "or( must be proofread and free of spelling and grammatical errors. /tudents are strongly
encouraged to ta(e their wor( to the writing center before submitting it.
$. "henever you present information that is not your own idea or that has been ta(en directly
from a reference, you must provide a citation for your source and list your references in a
bibliography. 0ailure to provide proper resources and citations is considered plagiarism and will
result in significant loss of points or failing the assignment. An accepted citation format must be
used, such as the American Psychological Association. Consult, 2APA /tyle
Jite for College PapersH as a guide to APA format. The bibliography is not considered one of
your re-uired pages.
Duestions regarding citations should be addressed to the instructor.
The instructor reserves the right to not accept or penali9e written wor( that does not meet these
%ree online writing 7a1#6"J% accessible at Allow at
least one wee( before the deadline of your assignments for the writing lab to analy9e and return
your material. ,ou can also use the in*person writing labs provided through the /tudent /uccess
Centers on your perspective campus. ,ou may also contact the Catonsville "riting Center
directly at $$8*=$A*$:$8.
+dditional )tudent )upport )er3ices'
)er3ices for )tudents with 5isa1ilities' CCC is committed to providing e-ual access to
educational opportunities for all students by providing support services and reasonable
accommodations for students with disabilities. A student with a disability may contact the
appropriate campus office for an appointment to discuss any recommended accommodations.
,ou must have proper documentation stating your specific disability.
+cademic +d3isors' Academic advisors are available to engage students in meaningful
partnerships to assist then in achieving their educational and career goals. Advisors collaborate
with students to help them e+plore programs of study, set appropriate goals, and successfully
prepare them for graduation, transfer and employment.
Tutoring' CCC offers free academic tutoring to all students in the /tudent /uccess Centers on
each campus. Tutoring in many sub4ects is also offered online. Contact the /tudent /uccess
Centers on each campus or the 1ean of 1evelopmental Education and /pecial Academic
Programs at #$$8% =$A*?7$< for more information.
Clinical Counseling Center: Clinical Counseling provides confidential assistance with personal,
career, and academic concerns. Jicensed mental health professionals are available to help
students identify, understand, and overcome problems that may interfere with learning and
academic performance. /ervices include individual counseling, s(ills building wor(shops, crisis
intervention and referral to college and community resources.
MyPsych7a1'?Pu1lished 1y Pearson@-This multifaceted product is pac(aged free when you purchase
your te+t new from the CCC boo(store or if you buy the stand alone e*boo( format of the te+t. The e*
format e+pires after one year. It offers many different options to ma(e our course more interesting and
help you succeed. It is a re-uired aspect of our course.
MyPsychla1 offers the following: Pretests for each chapter, eboo( access, media assignments,
multimedia, post test for each chapter, and study guides. The 2library tab5 includes numerous
tools and resources, including electronic files of the te+tHs study guides, study s(ills and
plagiarism tutorials, and APA documentation guide.
,ou can learn more about mypsychlab and ta(e a guided tour at:
http:&& mypsychlab.html.
efore you begin to register for 3yPsychlab you will need:
*,ou can gain access by using our course number on lac(board
Instructor and )tudent /:pectations'
*To attend each class on time and prepared to learn.
*To participate in class.
*To be aware of, understand, and follow the methods, guidelines, and schedules outlined in this
*To behave in a respectful and mature manner.
* To turn in assignments at the beginning of each class.
*To turn off your cell phones while in class.
* Ise 3yPsychJab pretests, post tests, media activities and Ciccarelli chapter e+ams as support
for academic success
* Kot to te+t while in class.
Aou may ha3e the following e:pectations of me'
- To provide academic support and teach utili9ing a variety of teaching methods.
* To come to each class on time, prepared, and enthusiastic.
* To be genuinely concerned about your ability to succeed in this class.
* To consistently abide by the methods, guidelines, and schedules outlined in this syllabus.
* To behave in a dignified, respectful, and professional manner.
)Please donHt hesitate to spea( with me before or after class if you have a -uestion or need
clarification on a particular chapter or assignment.
Contact information for course-related concerns'
I would hope that if an issue arises with the course, you would bring it to my attention so we can
wor( it through. 'owever, if after discussing your concerns with me you still feel the issue is
unresolved or if you feel it is impossible to directly discuss your concern with me, you may then
ta(e your concern to 1r. Charles 3iron, The Psychology 1iscipline Coordinator. 'e can be
reached by phone at $$8*=$A*:87A or by email at:
Please refer to the following lin(:
0or college wide syllabus policies please refer to: 3y CCC syllabus lin(:
Code of Conduct related to Academic Integrity and Classroom ehavior or the Audit&
"ithdrawal policy, please go to the /yllabus Tab on the 3yCCC page.5
+udit Policy' A student may register for any class as an auditor. Course wor( and e+aminations
are not re-uired and no credit is awarded. The student is e:pected to attend classes regularly
and pay the re4uired fees and tuition( )tudents who do not meet attendance re4uirements
of the instructor will recei3e a final grade of B>(C A student may elect to change his or her
registration from credit to audit for any course during the first ten #?A% wee(s of a regular
semester or within the first two*thirds of winter, summer or late start classes. After the time limit,
a student is permitted to change from credit to audit only under e+traordinary circumstance with
written approval of the appropriate academic dean responsible for the course: Please refer to the
following lin(: Audit policy: https:&&
+ttendance and Preparation
@egular class attendance is essential, as class content will routinely go beyond the te+tboo(
reading assignments. Additionally, regular attendance is necessary to facilitate group discussion
and activities, which are ma4or course components. /tudents are e+pected to attend all classes,
e+cept in cases of emergency or with prior authori9ation from the instructor. 1ocumentation or
verification of the legitimacy of an absence may be re-uested.
/tudents are e+pected to come to class prepared by completing assigned reading. The assigned
chapter#s% for each class period should be read 1efore that class so students are prepared for class
discussion and activities.
It is the studentHs responsibility to get any wor( he or she has missed, whether the absence is
e+cused or une+cused. If an assignment is due the day a student will be absent, he or she must
submit the assignment by the end of the class meeting time on the assignment due date to avoid
penalty. E+ceptions may be granted if the absence is e+cused and the student has proper
Ma=e up /:ams
A ma(e up will be allowed only if one of the following reasons apply during the time the e+am
was given:
1ocumented emergency, such as illness, death in your immediate family, unavoidable wor(
responsibilities, re-uired court appearance. In addition, religious holidays re-uiring restriction of
daily activity, or participation in official college functions. 3a(e*ups must be ta(en within one
wee( of your return to class.
+ssignments and 6rading )cale
/:am 1 ?Chapters 1* $* -* and &@DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD((.0 points
/:am $?Chapters #* .* E* and 9@DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.0 points
/:am -?Chapters "* 10* 11* and 1$@DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD( .0 points
/:am &?Chapters 1-* 1&* and 1#@DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD(( .0 points
7earning styles paper ?http'FFwww(3ar=-learn(comFenglishFpage(aspG
pH4uestionnaire@(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((#0 points
Total possi1le points not including e:tra creditDDDDDDDDDDD(-.0 points
JIf an assignment is turned in late two points for each late day will 1e deducted(
Course 6rade Point )ystem' Point )ystem for the /:ams'
AC 87$*8;A#>AN*?AAN% AC :$*;A
C 7==*878#=AN*=>N% C $=*:8
C C 7:7*7=< #<AN*<>N% C C $7*$<
1 C 7?;*7:? #;A*;>N% 1 C 8;*$?
0C 7?: or below #;AN% 0 C 8: or elow
/:tra Credit- Aou may earn # points e:tra credit per e:am period 1y completing a two
page paper summariIing the =ey points in the assigned chapters(
Course )chedule
5ayF5ate Class Topics and +ssignments
5ue 5ates
and /:ams
/un.&Aug. 8?st >elcomeK )ylla1us and course o3er3iew
5iscuss success strategies-/11inghaus Cur3e of
%orgetting and Test Ta=ing Tips
Chapter 1: The /cience of Psychology
2(>.*Prepare for /yllabus Dui9,
ead Chapter $

/un.&/ept. <th Chapter $ The iological Perception
'.". P Ta(e Ear( -uestionnaire and @ead 2'ow to
/tudyH section in te+t.
Eiew 3yPsychJab /imulation Activity* 2/tages of
ead Chapters - and &
/un.&/ept. ?$th Chapter - /ensation and Perception
Chapter & Consciousness: /leep, 1reams, 'ypnosis
and 1rugs
/hare and 1iscuss EA@F -uestionnaire results*bring
copy of results to classQ
)tudy for /:am 1
/un.&/ept. 7?st ead Chapter #
/M+M 1
/un.&/ept. 7=th Chapter # P Jearning
Ta(e /tudy /(ills /urvey
/un.&6ct.:th Chapter . 3emory
Chapter E * Cognition
/un.&6ct. ?7th Chapter 9 1evelopment Across the Jife /pan
)tudy for /:am $
8ar= Paper
/un.&6ct. ?>th ead Chapters " N 10
/M+M $
/un.&6ct. 7;th Chapter " 3otivation and Emotion
Chapter 10 /e+uality and .ender
ead chapters 11 N 1$
/un.&Kov. 7nd Chapter 11 /tress and 'ealth
Chapter 1$ P /ocial Psychology
)tudy for /:am -
/un.&Kov. >th ead Chapters 1- N 1&
/M+M -
/un.&Kov. ?;th Chapter 1- Theories of Personality
/un.&Kov. 78rd Chapter 1& Psychological 1isorders
ead Chapter 1#
/un.&Kov. 8Ath
!o Class

/un.&1ec. <th Chapter 1# Psychological Therapies
)tudy for %inal /:amKKK
/un.&1ec. ?$th

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