Research Paper Outline

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!"#"$%&' 1,"#-/203 WhaL ls your 8esearch CuesLlon?

1) ln18CuuC1lCn
a) Cpenlng SenLence / ALLenLlon Crabber
b) 1-2 SenLences abouL Lhe background of your Loplc
c) 1hesls SLaLemenL
l) arL Cne of 1hesls
ll) arL 1wo of 1hesls
lll) arL 1hree of 1hesls

2) A81 CnL Cl 1PLSlS
a) 1oplc SenLence of paragraph
b) 1-2 SenLences abouL background of Loplc
c) ClLe aL leasL one plece of evldence LhaL explalns why Lhls parLlcular parL of your Lhesls sLaLemenL
answers your lramlng CuesLlon

3) A81 1WC Cl 1PLSlS
a) 1oplc SenLence of paragraph
b) 1-2 SenLences abouL background of Loplc
c) ClLe aL leasL one plece of evldence LhaL explalns why Lhls parLlcular parL of your Lhesls sLaLemenL
answers your lramlng CuesLlon

4) A81 1P8LL Cl 1PLSlS
a) 1oplc SenLence of paragraph
b) 1-2 SenLences abouL background of Loplc
c) ClLe aL leasL one plece of evldence LhaL explalns why Lhls parLlcular parL of your Lhesls sLaLemenL
answers your lramlng CuesLlon

3) CCnCLuSlCn
a) Closlng senLence
b) 1-2 SenLences summarlzlng Lhe flndlngs / any furLher quesLlons you mlghL have
c) Concludlng senLence LhaL wraps up paper

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