07 Hearing

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Draw a high frequency, low amplitude sound wave. What would it sound like?

Now, draw a diagram of the path of sound waves from the air all the way to the
basilar membrane. Label the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear (hint: make the
structures of the outer ear one color, the middle ear a different color, and the inner
ear a third color).

Now, to show that you understand how sound waves travel through the different parts
of the ear, answer the following:
Why does the middle ear have to increase the intensity of sound waves?


1. In humans, what is the job of the pinnae?
a. to detect tone c. to aid in sound localization
b. to prevent damage to the ear d. they are receptors for sound

2. The ear drum is also known as the:
a. pinna c. ossicle
b. tympanic membrane d. cochlea

3. According to _________ _________ the basilar membrane vibrates in synchrony with
sound waves, causing auditory nerve axons to produce action potentials at the
same frequency.
a. Frequency Theory c. Volley Theory
b. Gate Theory d. Place Theory

4. To what lobe of the cortex is auditory information sent?
a. frontal c. temporal
b. parietal d. occipital

5. Within the primary auditory cortex, most cells respond selectively to a particular:
a. loudness c. frequency
b. rhythm d. point in space

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