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Recipe Name: Gourmet

beef burger
Total preparation and cooking time half an hour-one hour
Ingredient List Utensil List
200g of leans beef mince Measuring cups
1 egg Mixing bowl
1 cup grated cheese Knife
red onion Frying pan
1 tablespoon of tomato sauce tablespoon
1 tablespoon of orcestershire sauce !hopping board
"omato #patula
1 handful of roc$et
#lice cheese
%li&e oil
'read rolls
Step Instruction
1 (ice the onion) slice the tomato and place it on a plate with the
roc$et and slice cheese
2 *dd the mincemeat) onion) cup of grated cheese) tablespoon of
tomato sauce and orcestershire sauce and egg yol$+
, Knead the ingredients by hand until all the ingredients are mixed
- Gather the meat in your hands and press down till flat and thing+
"he thinner the faster it will coo$+
. /our oil at the bottom of the frying pan and place it on the sto&e+
"urn the sto&e on low
0 /lace the patties in the frying pan and turn up the heat
1 !oo$ patties until brown all the way through+
2 /lace patties on the bread rolls and add the roc$et) cheese and
*ction /lan
Time Action
3400am Gather utensils and ingredients
3410am (ice the onion) slice the tomato and pace them on a plate alng with the
slice cheese and roc$et /lace the mincemeat in a mixing bowl along with the onion) cheese)
Master Chef
sauce and egg yol$
3412am Knead the ingredients in the mixing bowl with your hands until all
ingredients are mixed together nicely
3421 /our oli&e oil in a pan) place it on the sto&e and set the heat to low+ Gather the meat in your hands and press down until it forms a thing
and flat shape+ "he thinner the faster it will coo$+
3423am /lace both patties in the drying pan and set the heat to medium-high+
34,0am !oo$ the patties until golden brown all through+ /lace the patties on your buns and add the tomatoes) roc$et and
34.0am !lean up area and wash the utensils
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Evaluate your product recipe selection and photograph
!ositives Minus" Improvements
The meat #as
cooked very #ell
It looked very
presenta$le and
The tomato #as
sliced %inely
The onion diced
Too much egg
made the meat
The !attie $roke
in the pan
&idn"t have
enough tomato
%or t#o $urgers
Use cheese in
the $urger
Use the yolk only
Use a sauce on
the $un itsel% to
give it more taste
Master Chef

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