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Personal Blogs

Week 2 PDH

The particular aim for this tutorial focused on a broad scale of PDH topics and Lesson Plans where
the learning activities commenced with getting to understand the concept of making choices.
Through the teachings of our tutor one of the activities involved several spread sheets where we had
gotten into groups allocated b where we were sitting and together had onl a few minutes to
brainstorm as man aspects that must be taught from the sllabus on different PDH topics. !s a
student"teacher in training it is important to know what challenges we face in the structured sllabus
and one of the lessons in this tutorial thoroughl addressed how resources are implemented as tools
to improve on teacher pedagogies. !ddressing the connection between sllabus and lesson plans
then lead to the idea of how resources help with teaching classes for e#ample the resource m group
was allocated$ about bulling$ where we %ot down several &uestions' what is it$ what is it about$ does
it fit with the sllabus$ and how can ou use it in the classroom( Taking awa what ) have learnt
from this lesson indicates that contemporar resources can be used a a great tool for teachers in
e#ploring particular topics from the sllabus and how the connect with societ around the students.
Week * PDH
This week was one of the best PDH weeks as the aim of this lesson based itself on the importance
of outdoor learning. The tutorial e#plored this aim through a series of outube clips and videos
identifing how active pla induces stronger learning e#periences and how the environment that
surrounds the classroom can influence a great deal on the learning e#periences of the students and
teacher. These internet videos showed a different perspective of teaching other than the standard
tpical classroom where learning through transformative e#periences e#press optimal pedagogies.
!nother e#ample of how the aim was addressed was through the outdoor activit on meditation.
+uietl positioning the class on a warm$ grass hill where we took our shoes and socks off to help
connect with the calm$ surroundings. ! moment of silence with our feet and hands apart
demonstrated a spiritual connection between ourselves and our natural surroundings. The
importance of outdoor learning reminds us that we spend ,- hours a da focused on everthing else
around us and that having an allocated time to ourselves can be ver .en and health.
Week / P0
This weeks aim reflected on the idea and reinforcement of 1ame 2ense !pproach through practical
understandings with invasive games. !fter going through different readings addressing the
theoretical concept of 1ame 2ense !pproach$ a practical session utilising this concept is important
especiall for primar P0 educators to trul understand how it effects learning. Due to poor weather
the class %umped right into a &uick warm up and stretching e#ercises which were lead b three
students$ while the tutor set up the ne#t few activities. !n effective teaching strateg providing
students the opportunit for a temporar front of the class role. 3odified games were the ne#t
activities that were followed which was a necessar course of action due to the relation towards
assessment one$ which involved wearing braids of two colours$ red and blue. 4rom an individual
game of donke tag evolving to the final team based activit of 0nd"5one the nature of en%oment
remained positive throughout the lesson. 6ne thing that ) walked awa from this lesson was the
ad%ustment in teaching methods used when the natural surroundings changed$ initiall starting in a
closed"in hall then moving to an outdoor rugb field. ! teacher must be war to their surrounding
ensuring that the have the students complete attention especiall when transferring important
information to the students.
Week - P0
!fter an amusing lesson on se#ual education$ this weeks lesson aimed towards the area of striking
and field games in the addition of appling micro teaching. 7er similar to week three this week
showed activities that can be modified that could give us students stronger ideas on how to
approach or reinforce our understandings of the set tasks in lesson plans which coincidentl will
help us in the future as student"teachers. The standard structure of commencing P0 lesson involved
a warm up game which had us pairing up and attempting to touch the other partners knee without
being touched. Here the tutor reinforced these instructions impling that the have to be clear and
concise when e#plaining them to ounger students especiall when paired up students must then
break off and pair up with someone else. !s the tutorial continued and the class plaed modified
versions of diamond cricket it was clear that the tutor kept ever student involved in each activit
shedding light on how certain games lead to lack of participation in students as a primar teacher
teaching a P0 class but b modifing the game all plaers must can be kept active' this being the
lesson learnt at the end of the tutorial.
6verall PDH 8eflection
3 initial understanding of PDH pedagog has been developed accordingl through the man
weeks of tutorial theor. 4rom man ears of being the student in the class this section in the unit
has given me the perspective of a teacher and their responsibilities of what the must provide to
those who know little about the world around them. 9sing the sllabus as a guide to structure lesson
plans but to do so in a method that will inspire and encourage the students to learn is the approach
that ) have taken it upon mself to do when teaching PDHP0. Through new age technological
resources the learning activities in this unit were able to capture the theor and concepts of
pedagog in PDHP0. The amount of resources that are available in assisting what must be taught
from the sllabus is astounding and all readil available which can be achieved through the access
of the latest technolog i.e. smart"boards. !fter all this theor it has made me self reflect on the
importance of putting on not onl a professional appearance as a teacher but an inspiring role model
to those that will look up to ou because it is eas to simpl %ust tell children to be honest$ kind and
fair to others when ou ma perform actions that %u#tapose this.
6verall P0 8eflection
7er similar again to the PDH e#perience m first thoughts on P0 tutorials were narrow minded$
focused on :plaing sport: rather than seeing it from a teachers perspective. 0ach week entailed
innovative was of teaching different strands and skills from the sllabus but also provided a new
set of tools that a soon to be novice teacher ma use when performing in class. 3icro teaching was
an effective wa for providing an opportunit to develop and hone these teaching techni&ues but
also get a certain feel to what it will be like when the student becomes teacher. The 1ame 2ense
approach has to be the best e#perience that ) ave had all semester in relation to teaching PDHP0
along side this new perspective from the teaching role as each week that went b would represent
different game sense approaches to different learning activities where each was %ust as en%oable as
the ne#t. The ke that ) have come to understand and will be a tool that ) will use for more than one
sub%ect in primar school$ is the concept of self reflection. ) have alwas felt positive to PDHP0 and
the idea of teaching such a class will be motivation in itself for inspiring the ne#t generations that
follow$ to en%o the learning e#periences in education.

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