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Athletics Carnival
Just a reminder that the annual athletics carnival is coming up in the next two weeks, on the 21
October, where the entire school will be taking organised transport via buses at !"#am sharp over
to the $nternational %ark Athletic stadium & 'his will be a full da( of field activities and races where
there will be a canteen providing lunch but it is advised for students to bring their own) especiall(
bottles of water due to the weather forecast *+lip, +lop, +lap mandator(,& +everal staff including
m(self will be allocated around the seating, field and track areas where the sa( will follow this brief
-!##am. /oll call on the track
-!"#am. Arrange students into 0ouses
1#!##am. 'rack activities commence! 0eat and finals
12!"#pm. 1unch
#1!1#pm. 2ield events commence! 0eat and 2inals
#"!##pm. /oll call then bus back to school
1earning Outcomes!
3( the end of the da( the skill outcome but more specificall(, moving, will be dominantl( shown
throughout the school carnival& 'he entire da( basis itself on using fundamental core moving skills
such as running and throwing, where each stage would be addressed suiting the experience and
current development of the child, for example 4arl( stage 1 track events would involve short
distance onl( and stage " would involve short and long variations creating an appropriate challenge&
'he outcomes will range from demonstrating balance and high knee lift when sprinting, to adapting
throwing action for different t(pes of e5uipment&
Another outcome that the athletic carnival caters for students is the active lifest(le outcome& 'his
being a school event the outcomes spread across the four different stages from developing a
repertoire of ph(sical activities in which the( participate and shows how to maintain and improve
the 5ualit( of an active lifest(le& 'his t(pe of learning outcome is essential for the development of
(oung children as it will influence a consistenc( of ph(sical activit( as the( follow into their
adolescent (ears&
'he final learning outcome that helps make these athletic carnivals more en6o(able evolves around
interaction& 7rouping the entire school into selected houses encourages the older students to take
upon leading roles to inspire the (ounger students& 'here is nothing better than watching an entire
house cheer for their representatives as the( compete against the other houses& +tage three focuses
on demonstrating actions that support rights and feelings of others, eg fair pla(, consideration,
encouragement, peer tutoring while 4arl( +tage 1 acknowledges significant events and works
happil( with peers& 'his environment creates positive connections of friendship and teamwork that
at the end of the da( establishes a memorable experience that all will have en6o(ed&

Nature 8a(
'his is a reminder to all (ear " parents that the 2eatherdale 9ildlife %ark nature event will be held
on 21st of November, 2#1:& %lease ensure all children attending be in the school grounds b(
&"#am&+chool uniform will be mandator( including school hats& 2ood and drinks will be provided
b( the 9ildlife %ark& 8uring the da( the children will be shown the world;s largest collection of
Australian native animals& +hould the student choose to do so the( will be able to hand feed a
wallab(, kangaroo or emu& 'he return bus will be back at the school premises b( "pm&
&"# /oll Call
-&:< 3us departs
1#&1< Arrival at 2eatherdale 9ildlife %ark
1#&"# +hort talk b( ranger on the rules and safet( at the park, whilst children have their recess
1#&:< 'our around park
11&:< $ntroduction to : animals b( the education officer outlining the animal;s diet, habitat,
lifest(le defence mechanisms, predators and a whole lot more&
12&"# 1unch for all students
1&1< 2eeding of animals
1&:< +elf reflection period of what the students en6o(ed most from their da(
2&"# /eturn back to school
1earning Outcomes
$nteraction is one of the ke( outcomes that this excursion will address on the da(& $t is of great
importance that we discuss the rules for this trip which will have the students participating in the
development of the class rules which will guide us as a safe and secure class around the 2eatherdale
9ildlife %ark& 4ither prior to or during the excursion to this destination the( will also have shared
interests in the environment and its surroundings where the( will develop friendships and support
networks with a range of people in their class and work independentl( or with a group to devise a
simple game plan in order to succeed in the activities which will be discussed at the site&
8ecision making choices are also present in this excursion to the 2eatherdale 9ildlife %ark& +afet(
is a primar( concern with outside school activities and it is ver( important for our students to come
up with a safe set of rules when facing a natural environment& On this field trip we as a class will
demonstrate discussing advantages and disadvantages of options with friends when making
decisions as well as discussing safer choices for different environments& At this stage making
decisions as an individual and as a group member is a ke( learning outcome which will prepare m(
students for lifest(le choices the( face further down the road in their life&
+afe 1iving outcome is the main connection between each of these outcomes& At this stage it is
important for students to discuss how safe practices promote personal well.being& 'his can be seen
through describing certain behaviours that can create a safe environment for themselves, their
school and communit(, identif(ing people from whom the( can seek advice and support in
emergenc( situations& 'he last indicator connects all three outcomes b( explaining the need for
rules for safe behaviour in unfamiliar settings& 'his excursion to 2eatherdale will prove to be
insightful and above all en6o(able to all those who attend&

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