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Edge Nights - Confrmation Program Schedule 2014-2015


Oct-17 "Mysterious Love" - Trinity 101 St Rose of Lima (SR)
$ather%s "nl& !eeting 'Parish all( - $or all $athers o) Confrmation Candidates
Oct-24 "Loving our enemies" - ea!ing "it# $u!!ying
Oct-%1 &o '(ge &)*
&ov-07 "Ma(e for more" - Our +(entity an( Se!f-+mage St Se,astian (SS)
&ov-14 "On your Mar-- .et Set- /ray0" - /rayer 101 St Rose of Lima (SR)
&ov-21 &O '(ge - LifeTeen Retreat &)*
&ov-21 On T#e 2ay To $et#!e#em - 3ie!( Tri4 (4ermission form re5uire() &)*
ec-06 "Rea(y or not777 #ere 8e comes" - *(vent /re4aration ivine Mercy (M)
ec-12 "+9m Sorry0" - T#e Sacrament of :onfession Our La(y of Mercy (OLM)
ec-1; "<esus is coming to To"n0" - :#ristmas +ssue Socia! St Se,astian (SS)
ec-2= &O '(ge - :#ristmas $rea- &)*
<an-02 &O '(ge - :#ristmas $rea- &)*
<an-0; "2#at is Love>" - Sacraments of service St Rose of Lima (SR)
<an-1= "3ace Time" - Socia! Me(ia ivine Mercy (M)
<an-2% ".ree( an( materia!ism" - '?4osing our :onsumer :u!ture Our La(y of Mercy (OLM)
<an-%0 "Life is 2on(erfu!" - 8uman (ignity St Se,astian (SS)
3e,-0= "St7 Maria .oretti" -/urity of Min(@ $o(y@ an( S4irit St Rose of Lima (SR)
3e,-1% &O '(ge - 3ami!y ay Long 2ee-en( &)*
3e,-20 '(ge T*L'&T S8O2 *LL S:8OOLS
3e,-27 "Lent" - * Time of :#ange ivine Mercy (M)
Mar-0= "&ot ,y ,rea( *!one" - Sacrament of 'uc#arist Our La(y of Mercy (OLM)
Mar-1% "A t#e Movies" - Marc# $rea- Socia! *LL S:8OOLS (O4tiona!)
Mar-20 &o '(ge - Marc# $rea- &)*
Mar-27 "T#e .reatest Tri!ogy" - T#e /asc#a! Mystery St Se,astian (SS)
*4r-0% &o '(ge - 8o!y 2ee- &)*
*4r-10 "2ait@ (i(n9t + .ra(uate>" - Sacrament of :onBrmation *LL S:8OOLS
*4r-17 "8i((en Messages" - Csing Me(ia to :#ange t#e 2or!( *LL S:8OOLS
A*r-1+ Confrmation - Di,ine !erc& ivine Mercy (M)
*4r-24 "+t9s &OT Dust a,out Ru!es" - Mora!ity 101 *LL S:8OOLS
A*r-25 Confrmation - St Se-astian St7 Se,astian (SS)
May-01 "Ees@ Mot#er" - Mary@ t#e C!timate Mom O4tiona!
!a&-02 Confrmation - "ur .ad& ") !erc& Our La(y of Mercy (OLM)
!a&-0/ Confrmation - St 0ose o) .ima St7 Rose of Lima (SR)
May-01 '(ge /!usF *(oration@ Socia! O4tiona!
May-16 &O '(ge - Gictoria ay Long 2ee-en( &)*
May-22 "Mission /ossi,!e" - 2e are ca!!e( to ,e isci4!es0 O4tiona!
May-2; "Turning t#e Ot#er :#ee-" - 3orgiving Ot#ers O4tiona!
<un-06 " Suit C4" - Our :a!! to Serve .o( O4tiona!
<un-12 "St7 <ose4#" - 3at#er#oo( O4tiona!
<un-1; ".!orifying .o(" - Mo(esty in our Min(@ $o(y an( *ctions O4tiona!
<un-2= "3ami!y 3eu(" - 'n( of Eear Socia! O4tiona!
<u!y 20-24 '(ge :am4@ 2ee- 1 for .ra(es 6@=@7 in Se4t 2014 &)*
<u!y 27-%1 '(ge :am4@ 2ee- 2 for .ra(es 1@ ; in Se4t 2014 O4tiona!
*ug 7-; Steu,envi!!e :onference O4tiona!
Students are encouraged to attend o*tional sessions1 e,ents and other edge nights2
Oct 1;t#
3at#ers On!y Meeting
(Sun(ay) for a!! 3at#ers
ivine Mercy (M) H Our
La(y of Mercy (OLM)
Please note3 #) &our child misses his4her school%s night the& 5ill need to
ma6e it u* on another night 'e2g2 attend an e,ening session 5ith another

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