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Background & Requirement: A client based in USA which is in the business of

making plastic household items requires market information about Polystyrene as

they use it as a raw material to produce items ranging from toys, caps, closures,
containers, automotive interior parts etc. They would like to know strategies to
reduce the price of polystyrene that they are currently paying to their incumbent
. !ommodity "e#nition.
$. %anufacturing Process.
&. 'rades Available.
(. )ist of top * suppliers with market share +,- globally.
.. Supply by /egion or country +)ast . years in table and graphical format-
0. "emand by /egion or country +)ast . years in table and graphical format-
1. 2istorical price by %onth +)ast . years in table and graphical format-
3. Supply 4orecast in USA. +Until $*. in table and graphical format-
5. "emand 4orecast in USA. +Until $*. in table and graphical format-
*."emand "rivers +6hat in7uences the demand8 %ention "ownstream
.Price "rivers. +6hat in7uences the price8-
$.Price 4orecast in USA for any one grade. +Until $*. in table and graphical
&.Porter #ve force analysis
(.%agic quadrant analysis
..S69T analysis
0.Pro#le of top * companies with S69T Analysis.
'eographical Scope: 'lobal;USA
Timeline: week
Statement of Work
/eport 4ormat: 6ord "ocument. The /eport needs to be well aligned with uniform font si<e,
pleasant colors, tables and charts. The report should be written in formal language with no
spelling;grammar errors. Source of data need to be mentioned at the bottom of each page
or below the respective table or chart. 9r it can also be mentioned as an anne=ure at the
last slide. +!harts and tables can be done in >=cel and then pasted in word doc-

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