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Wampler 1

New Friends for Jane

Walking down the hall of High School, almost everyone greets me. Everyone likes the
beautiful girl with bluish-green eyes, blond hair, and perfect smile and body. Im fun to be
Only the opposite of me, Chuck Ryan, doesnt. It drives me insane when people hate me,
because Im rarely hated. He walks up the hall, tall and lanky, the only skin showing are his
hands, neck and face. He dresses like its winter in New York when its October in southern
Texas. The few books I hold clatter to the floor as he shoves me into the locker.
What a loser, I yell at him.
Youll regret saying that, retorts Chuck.
Go find some friends, I say loudly.
Travis Barnes has already picked up my books as Chuck makes his way down the hallway. I
turn my back to him, but I hear his books fall, and a bunch of insults thrown at him. Nobody
helps him with his books.
Im walking into school with my friend Maci.
Is it just me or does something feel off today? I ask.
Not really, she replies.
Suddenly everything becomes eerily quiet. Three loud pops ring out, screaming terror into
everyones ears. Three people crash to the floor at the end of the hallway. The smack of their
bodies hitting the tile is sickening. There are screams, and immediate chaos. Chuck Ryans face
appears at the end of the hallway. I lock eyes with him and I panic as I see two handguns in each
of his hands. I turn and sprint in panic but Maci isnt as fast. I hear three more shots, the last one
the closest. As the bullet hits Maci, she screams giving me violent chills that rush up my back.
As she falls slowly, her hand grabs the bottom of my shirt, but her grip quickly goes limp and
she reaches the floor. I keep running. I duck into a room nearby and hide behind a desk next to
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my friend Ashley. Its so quiet that you would be able to hear a pin drop. Outside the room three
more shots fire. Chuck walks into the room, bringing a sense of fear.
He yells, Hows everyone doing today?
Some people scream. I cant remember if Im one of them. I open my eyes, peeking
through my fingers to see one of Chucks guns resting against Ashleys head.
Chuck is telling her all the mean things shes done to him. Ashley basically started the cyber
bullying of Chuck. She begins to softly cry, her body shaking in fear.
Are you scared Ashley? he taunts.
I am terrified at this point, in a cold sweat. I shut my eyes tightly as a horribly loud blast
makes my eardrum bursts, and I think thats what the blood is from but its really Ashleys. I
feel like Im going to faint. Chuck tells everyone the seven people hes shot.
Next up, he yells, Jane Williams come on down!
Im holding my breath, thinking that maybe Chuck will think Im dead. Chuck walks over
towards me.
Well, well, well, heres our shining star, he says.
My body is shaking so bad, that it gives me away. He kneels next to me and starts talking to
me, gesturing with his gun, which I cant take my eyes off of. I look into his dark blue uncanny
eyes and see that hes totally lost his mind.
Please, I whisper, Please dont do this.
He places the gun on my face right between my eyes, which I close, tears rolling from my
lashes all the way down my face.
You wouldnt be my friend when that was all that I wanted, the soul thing I needed, he says
in a shaking voice.
I want to tell him Im sorry, that I would take it all back if I could, but I cant find my
He screams, Was I not good enough for you?
His voice cracks in sorrow on the last word. For a split second his entire faade breaks, but
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he quickly pulls himself together again.
Im not good enough for anyone, he whispers to himself.
Chuck fires his gun, and everything goes black. Am I dead? Where am I? A bright light
appears and at first I think its the light, like the one you supposedly see when you die. I am
wrong though, because it appears to be a projector screen and a video begins. Suddenly Im
sitting in a black arm chair. I cant distinguish any walls or floor. Theres another armchair next
to me with a man sitting in it.
The video starts. The first clip is of a baby being held by its mother.The next few clips are of
the baby getting older. When the boy is around six I recognize him as Chuck Ryan. Shouldnt
this video be a flashback of my life? In the next clip Chuck is sitting in the corner, crying, while
his mother screams unseen. His dad is in a drunk rage. A clip comes on of him being beaten by
his father. The next clip is of Chuck is being bullied for wearing winter clothes in the summer. In
response the next clip is of Chuck bullying people smaller than him, his dad dying in a drunk-
driving accident, and his mother becoming a drug addict.
Im sobbing uncontrollably and I want the video to stop. Clips come on of me and some of
my friends bullying Chuck. A clip of him cutting himself, hiding his pain with long-sleeve t-
shirts again and again. Clips come on of other outcasts at school going through the same kinds
of things. Its the most horrendous thing Ive ever seen, but I am slowly being enlightened. As I
watched the video, I realized that Chucks character had a lot to do with the actions of the people
around him. It wasnt his entire fault. I wish I couldve reached out to him.
Who are you? I cry to the man.
I am, he replies.
He looks into my eyes, into the depth of my soul, and the tiniest corners of my heart and
mind. He sees and knows me better than I do myself.
He parts his lips and speaks, You are a sinner my child, but I still have unfeigned
love for you. Charles Ryan is also a sinner and I love him just the same.
Love him as I love you. Repent, and come follow me. Jane
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Williams, I have known you forever and I want you with me forever in my kingdom. Are
you sorry for your sins?
I was raised Catholic Christian, but we rarely ever went to church. I knew in this moment
however, that Jesus Christ was before me, and I would give my heart to him.
I am in awe as I drop to my knees and cry, Jesus, Im sorry. Please forgive me for
every sin. I promise to change.
Walk into the world again and witness to the Lord, he proclaims.
I rise to my feet as he opens his arms and I fall into them. Bright light and warmth fill my body
and it is the best hug Ive ever gotten. I open my eyes though, to see my bedroom surrounding
me. It was a dream, I think. However, it wasnt just any dream, it was a kind of like a vision
into the future if things dont change. For the first time since my grandmother passed away, I
kneel by my bed and pray. I pray for strength to change things once and for all, as I promised. I
walk into school and the first face I see is Chucks. I am terrified, confused, but still sure.
Hi, I squeak.
He faces me and says, What do you want?
I wanted to say Im sorry, for everything, and I want to start over and be friends if you can
forgive me.
I reach my hand out for him to shake.
Is this some kind of joke? He accuses me.
I swear to you its no joke. Please Chuck, I had a sort of
epiphany last night and I realized that I dont have any true friends.
I need you to be my friend, even though I wasnt one to you, I beg.
Chuck starts to reach his hand forward warily.
I dont know why, but I believe you a little, and I guess Im sorry too, he answers.
Travis walks up, shoves Chucks head and says, Come on Jane, why are you
talking to this loser when you should be walking with me to class?
Actually, I think Ill walk with my friend Chuck instead, I retort
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Whatever, Have fun, miss loser-who-just-lost-her-reputation-and-friends, he
Oh I will, I say as I shake Chucks hand.
Chuck asks, Are you sure you want to do this?
Ive never been surer of anything in my entire life, I reply with a smile.

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