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C3 Softworks Releases BRAVO!

to the Corporate
Training Market
Minneapolis, MN January 26, 2009 C3 SoftWorks, a leading software
provider in the training and ed!ational "arkets, is pleased to annon!e the
release of BRAVO!
BRAVO! is a powerfl, new software site that will enhan!e an# instr!tional
e$perien!e% &esigned to engage all learners, BRAVO! featres for
!sto"i'a(le training ga"e te"plates that o)er a d#na"i! wa# to present
an# !ontent% The site is availa(le in three for"ats *!lassroo", we(, and
+MS, and is !o"prised of the following ga"es- .i' Show, Billionaire,
Show&own, and Spin O)%
BRAVO! provides an eas#/to/se interfa!e that walks sers throgh the si"ple
steps of !reating a ga"e% One si"pl# t#pes in a !ategor#, inserts 0estions,
and in se!onds, #o1ve got a ga"e% BRAVO! works with an# instr!tional
!ontent, and allows trainers to present in an# langage% With the psh of a
(tton, one !an !reate 0estions, answers, and ser instr!tions in an#
BRAVO! helps trainers !reate an ed!ational e$perien!e that 2sti!ks%3
Whether the#1re introd!ing new !ontent, or reviewing !ontent that the#1ve
4st presented, BRAVO! helps instr!tors engage ever#one in their !lass% 5t6s
eas# to add adio, video, and still i"ages to an# of the ga"es, to provide
!onte$t for the "aterial presented, and ensre Trainees1 rapt attention%
About C3 SoftWorks
7onded in 899:, C3 SoftWorks is !o""itted to prod!ing tools that enhan!e
ever# ed!ational e$perien!e% With over 8; #ears of involve"ent in
ed!ation and training, we (ring a deep nderstanding of the instr!tional
!hallenges ed!ators fa!e% Tr# or ga"es in #or ne$t training session and
see for #orself how serios *and e)e!tive, fn !an (e%
<al Mi!haelson
C3 SoftWorks
888 =orth 8
Street / Site 899
Minneapolis, M= ;;>9?
<hone- @99/A9:/B9;:
D$perien!e BRAVO! Cli!k on the following link and enter the li!ense ke#
(elow for a trial !op# of the BRAVO! site-
!li!k here to download!
License key: BRLD3ECF-688D-!!""D-AD8#$-36663-%B#B

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