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Test 27

1. We had a lovely evening at ... .

a, Watsons b, the Watsons c, Mr Watson d, the Mr Watsons
2. Id rather ... a word about it.
a, you not to say b, not saying c, you didnt say d, not to say
3. Poor girl! She has ... inluential riends, so she wont get a good !ob.
a, a ew b, little c, so"e d, ew
#. $hese twins are so ali%e that I cant tell one ... the other.
a, o b, by c, or d, ro"
&. $he sentence 'Mary wont be long( "eans the sa"e as '...( .
a, Shell co"e in a "inute. b, She wont grow any "ore.
c, She wont be very tall. d, She wont have any wishes.
). *ou ... shout. I" not dea, I can hear you.
a, neednt b, wouldnt c, "ust d, ought to
+. Its ty,ical ... hi" to be late.
a, to b, by c, with d, o
-. I didnt %now .oberts e/tension and ... did the switchboard o,erator.
a, neihter b, so c, not d, also
0. '*ou ... this il"( "eans I" sure you have seen it.
a, "ust have seen b, would have seen c, had to see d, could see
11. $his is the best hotel ... I %now in 2righton.
a, which b, what c, that d, whose
Test 28
1. 3e ... in 4ondon or two years and then he went to live in 5dinburgh.
a, has lived b, has been living c, lived d, lives
2. What ... o6
a, was he accused b, was he accusing c, did he accuse d, he accused
3. I ... hi"7 hes carrying a big bo/.
a, a" seeing b, had seen c, can see d, was seeing
#. 3e is well %nown ... as a critic and as a writer o science iction.
a, and b, either c, or d, both
&. I" ... "y ourth year at university.
a, at b, on c, in d, during
). Which o these sentences is gra""atically correct6
a, 3e is having tasted his eyes. b, 3e is "a%ing his eyes tested.
c, 3e has testing his eyes. d, 3e has had his eyes tested.
+. 8ust ,ut the boo% on the table, ... 6
a, will you b, dont you c, shall I d, are you
-. .obert as%ed i ... in the car.
a, can he s"o%e b, could he s"o%e c, "ay he s"o%e d, he "ight s"o%e
0. $his "achine needs ... .
a, to ragulate b, ragulating c, be ragulated d, to being regulated
11. 3e ... violent.
a, %nows to be b, has %nown being c, is %nown to be d, was %nown being

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