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On a single page spread, generally an indication that the film

wasnt a big release or had a big buzz about it before the

release date. Like most film reviews the text is accompanied
by a large image from the film. Straight away from the image
you can gather some entail of the location of the film. In the
image there are two boys who of a half cast ethnicity, this
indicates they could be somewhere from the middle east
however, this cannot be back up until the reader moves
further down the page and read the word Afghanistan. In
the image the boy is holding a kite which relates to the film
title the kite runner. However, this doesnt really give an
insight to what the film is about. Mise- en scene gives us a
understanding of the economic status, their clothes are tatty
and worn, this suggest they perhaps live below the poverty
line in Afghanistan. There is no indication that either of the
boys is the main character or story line, so perhaps the story
is based on the two boys lives/events.
Language: compared to the other review, which was
from the same magazine, the language is much more
simplistic, perhaps written for a different audience. At
the beginning of the article the tone seems very
negative at the fact one scene involves a child being
raped, he describes it as a pivotal as the film revolves
around his scene, in todorovs theory he suggest that
something happens to disrupt the equilibrium, this
scene is clearly what disrupts this and the movie is
based around this event. This comment is then
followed by a comment which suggest the scene may
have been to graphic. After this the tone seems to
change to a more positive vibe. The article is very
descriptive which is common in film reviews, this
language technique is used to pain an image in the
readers mind. The writer doesnt use words like you
or I which makes it in-direct to the audience and
perhaps they do not feel involved. The language
describes the film in a rich and emotional effect.
On the left hand side of the page (on the picture) theres a
look closer section this gives facts about the film and
actors in the film. This gives the audience an insight of how
the film was created and what techniques they used. Like
actually flying balloons instead of kites so they could film
the scene even if it wasnt windy.
Similar to the look closer section, this part also includes
facts about the film, however, this sections tells us more
about who produce, direct and acted in the film. Also has a
little description of the plot, this will probably be printed on
the back of the DVD case with a little more detail. This
feature quickly explains the plot so they have an idea of
what the film is like before reading the actual review.
Located at the bottom right there is a little verdict
section. The section basically sums up the film review,
which seems to a positive summery; as he uses words
like engaging which suggest the film will be
interesting. This sections is probably the most
persuasive and maybe a deal breaker to whether the
audience will go see the film. The section is followed
by what looks to be like a star rating this indicates to
the audience what the reviewer rates the film.

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