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A key feature I have spotted, not just in this film review

but in pretty much every review, they tend to have a

Colom or section which stores interesting details and facts
about the; film, producers and sometimes characters. Also
contain a short synopsis of the film. This makes the reader
know a little about the film and the plot before they start
reading the actual review.
Another key feature is the main image. This tells the
viewer a lot about the film before even reading the
review. In this particular image mise-en-scene tells us
the time period the film is from, the fact that hes
smoking a cigarette inside suggest that film the was
filmed around the 1995s before the ban on smoking
in public areas was introduce, this is supported by the
costume choice, which suggest they are around this
time period as her jacket wouldnt be in current
fashion. The man looks very smart which suggest
they are at a sophisticated social event, which is
supported by the alcoholic drinks and snacks.
Seems to a typical convention of the magazine, states
what the page is about. new films is obviously a film
which has recently been released.

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